Latest Hard Metal Pricng

Wednesday, August 28, 2013


Dear Lisa;
When I was walking to my car last night after the Route 196 Master Plan meeting,
you were with a group of people. I was not listening to the conversation, at my age,
my hearing is not the best.
The conversation must have been about tax increases because you said, "if, they,
(taxes) go up my rent goes up. If the water bill goes up, my rent goes up."
Lisa, if only it were that easy.
Consider a property owner, working, supporting a family. Before school starts,
buying new clothes, sneakers, for school. have you ever priced kids clothes, footwear?
Food prices have increased considerably, costs more to feed a family.
The oil tank is nearly empty, need to get oil before the heating season.
Maybe your apartment is heated, so not your worry.
I used to have the oil tank filled, now get oil 100 gallons at a time.
You, your spouse, partner gets sick, your medical deductable is high.
Do you pay medical bills, the deductable, or put food on the table?
You have a busy life, work, do not go to council meetings, do not
pay attention to town affairs, thinking those who are running my town
are working hard to keep taxes down.
Than you get your tax bill in the mail. surprise! ! ! !
Why did my taxes go up so much?
My house needs to be painted.
Maybe it needs to be re-roofed, but I cannot afford to do it.
I just replaced my furnace/hot water heater. 
I cannot even afford a $100 - $200 increase in my taxes! ! ! ! ! !
So you see, Lisa, at least I hope you do/can,
everything is not so black and white.
You are furtunate that you and your partner have good jobs,
Can pay a slight increase in your rent when your landlord's
real estate taxes go up.
You are one, but there are hundreds; senior citizens who
supported your election, on fixed incomes trying to stay
in their homes;
those with families, in low paying jobs, struggling to pay the
mortgage, higher utilitity bills, feed and cloth their families,
not so fortunate.
                  THINK ABOUT IT, LISA
Dot Fitzgerald
A Very Concerned Lisbon Citizen


Roger Cote said...

Do you miss me yet

Anonymous said...

In your dreams looser