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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All We Ask For Is Honest Straight Answers To Straight Forward Questions



Wouldn’t it be nice if everything done by the town on our behalf was made available to Public?  I have been trying to find out how many vehicles in the Police Department are leased.  Now, one would think this would be an easy request to answer.  In Lisbon it takes two Priests, a Nun, a Rabbi and the Pope to get this information.  Apparently, this information is classified as a matter of National Security.


On July 5, 2013, I submitted my first Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) to the town.  It was worded as follows:  “Respectfully request a complete listing of all vehicles assigned to the Police Department with the following information: Year; Make; Model; Owned or Leased; what the vehicles is used for; mileage and when the vehicle is scheduled to be replaced.”  As you can see, I was very specific about whether the vehicles were owned or leased.  Apparently, neither Chief Brooks nor Finance Director, Jessica Maloy can read because below is the result of this request.

Please note the statement above the line.  It reads “The vehicles listed above were obtained via a lease/purchase.”  Well, which is it!   Can you tell from this document which vehicles are leased? 
Since, they did not comply with the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA), I submitted yet another Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) on July 17, 2013 which read “Respectfully request a “L” be placed to the left of the year on the attach listing of Police Department vehicles to indicate which vehicles are leased.”  I attached the listing they had previously provided to me to make it as easy as possible.  I feel this was idiot proof but once again the town proved me wrong.

On August 27, 2013, I received an email from the Town Clerk which reads and I quote “The Finance Director indicated the list you received of all vehicles, in the current fleet, that were leased as noted by the Chief’s statement "  The vehicles listed above were obtained via lease/purchase” is the only document I can locate.  At this point, I believe FOAA #115 will be marked as done.  Another list as requested with “L’s” does not exist.”  So, what started out as a simple request has now elevated to matters of National Security.  Why else would the town of Lisbon NOT provide this information? 

I cannot understand why Chief Brooks and Finance Director Maloy do not want this information released.  Are they doing something illegal?  What are they trying to keep me from knowing?  Wouldn’t you like to know how they are spending our tax dollars?

There is absolutely no transparency in Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore

2 million Bikers vs 1 million Muslims 9/11

This video was uploaded from an Android phone.


In Honor of those who are No Longer with US on this Day of Remembrance; Gratitude HD ~ Moving Art

 11:02 am Lower Manhattan was ordered to be Evacuated by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani

A Moving Art original short. This inspirational video was well responded at TED conferences and filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg motivates those around him as happiness is revealed. Spoken word and music montage created and composed by Gary Malkin. Narration written and spoken by Brother David Steindl-Rast.

9/11 12th Anniversary Special 2013, The World Trade Center, Historical Archive, Tribute

Tribute to the 9 11 12 attacks

This project is in honor of all those who have passed on February 26th, 1993, and September 11th, 2001.

The World Trade Center: Historical Archive is a series of video montages that will show the history of the World Trade Center site, from the 1968 construction of the original Trade Center to the completion of the new Trade Center in 2015.

This project is strictly non-profit and is for viewing only. This project has no political subtext what-so-ever. It will simply exist as an archive for future generations to view who are interested in learning about the World Trade Center in a historical context.

 More reading here:

Budweiser 9/11 Tribute HD Superbowl Commercial Clydesdales Classic TV Ad Carjam TV HD 2013


Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Lisbon Councilors Hear Plenty of Citizens Saying 'No' To Worumbo Mill Bond, But Were They Listening?

By: Peter Reuter, Special to the Lisbon Reporter

About 135 people attended the second Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill Project Bond held tonight at the Lisbon Community School.  Several residents spoke NOT to put this on the taxpayer's back in the form of a $1 million dollar bond to be put on the ballot in November.   Out of the roughly 25 people that spoke a multiple of times, the consensus was that the majority are not in favor of such a preposterous proposition put forth by this sitting council.

Those in favor numbered just about 5 persons.  

Vice Chairman Lisa Ward chaired the meeting and Chairman Fern LaRochelle recused himself and sat in the front of the room.  Ward tried to stymie a citizen from speaking to no avail.  Rounds of applause were given for information the citizen speaking was presenting.

This meeting was announced, once again, that it would be aired on Public Access Television. But we know from past history that these Public Hearings held at LCS are selectively aired.  Time will tell.

Thank you to all who attended, listened, learned, and participated.  Lisbon A Great Place To Live and Do Business,  together we can fulfill that motto.

Muslims Get To March, Bikers Get Black Balled; WND: D.C. throws up roadblock for patriotic bikers

Permit denied for rally to counter Muslim march

By:  Bob Unruh

Thousands of bikers, maybe even tens or thousands or hundreds of thousands, will be “rallying” in Washington, D.C., Wednesday even though city officials reportedly denied them a permit for a straight-through drive that would have allowed them to travel quickly on roads that would have been blocked to cross-traffic.
Now, the bikers will be stopping at every stop sign or stop light, yielding to pedestrians wherever appropriate, and otherwise observing all traffic regulations.
These are the plans being confirmed today on Facebook and other social media mediums for the bikers who decided to rally at the same time the American Muslim Political Action Committee proposed what originally was billed as a “Million Muslim March,” which was given a permit.
The Muslim organization later changed the name to “Million American March Against Fear,” and where promoters initially said their march was to protest “anti-Islamic bigotry in the years that ensued the al-Qaida terrorist attacks that killed nearly 3,000 people on American soil,” it later was changed.
Now the group says its goal is to “ask all individuals and organizations working for peace to attend this collective action to tell our government leaders we want transparency and policies of peace. In the past 12 years since 9/11 the United States government as failed to protect and promote constitutional liberties and human life, here and abroad. We feel that accountability in government has been ignored and the time has arrived to collectively speak truth to power."
 More to read here.


Monday, September 9, 2013

Anyone That Votes To Purchase the Worumbo Mill Project As Presented Needs To Schedule A Check Up From The Neck Up!


Tuesday night at the Lisbon Community School at 7:00 PM will be a “Public Hearing” on the Worumbo Mill project to float a bond for a million dollars to purchase and demolition the mill.  There is no guaranteed return on investment for this project, only speculation. 

The town council and town manager have mismanaged our Undesignated Fund for several years and when that was gone they started raising our taxes to make up for their excessive spending.  This is a fact and everyone should recognize this because they are trying to get more money to waste.  This is easy to prove just look at the fact sheet the town published.  It totaled $945,000 and they are asking for one million.  So what is going to happen with the $55,000 unaccounted for in the fact sheet?  Where is that $55,000 going; to the Communication Center?

The people realized what was happening to their tax dollars and on November 8, 2011 voted to change the current process and change the Town Charter to allow the people to vote on the Municipal Budget.  Since this date, every town council we have had has done everything in their power to ignore the vote of the people.  Councilor Bickford, who was pushing for this to happen, has turned his back on the people.  Councilor Bickford no longer is pushing for this to happen.  These councilors totally ignore the voters’ wishes.  If the voters were giving the right to vote on the Municipal Budget since 2011, the town would certainly be in a better position financially than it is today.

Now these councilors pass and present, are trying to spend more of our tax dollars without receiving any guaranteed return for investment.  It appears they are either trying to live up to a commitment or trying to bury this community.  This Worumbo Mill project is a bad investment of taxpayer money at this time and should NEVER be put on the ballot.

There are more important issues to be placed on the November ballot.  The number one priority is to get the school off probation.  From what we were told at the joint workshop, the first thing is for the construction of a new gym at a cost of roughly $6.2 million dollars.  However, even though this has a high price tag; it also has a guaranteed return on investment.  By getting off probation, more families will move to this community increasing the school revenue and increasing our tax base.  This is but one project to move our community forward.

Even to consider the Worumbo Mill be placed on the ballot reflects the direction our councilors are moving this community.

  Anyone in favor of such a move needs to have a CHECKUP FROM THE NECK UP.

Larry Fillmore

Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. highs 70-76 N /S, cooler coast.
Tuesday; showers, thunder north. Lows 48-54 N/S. Highs 69-79 N/S.
Significant increase of "hot air" at Public Hearing on Worumbo Mill Demise, 7:00pm at LCS.  Public is Urged to attend to squelch the blast from town officials.
Wednesday; robust pm thunder. Lows 58-66 N/S. Highs 75-90 N/S, cooler coast.
Thursday; showers, chance thunder. Lows 63-68. Highs 73-82 N/S., cooler coast.
Friday;  breezy and dry. Lows 50-58 N/S. highs 60-68 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 43-48. Highs 59-66 N/S.
Sunday; quiet and dry. Lows 40-48 N/S. highs 65-72 N/S, cooler coast.

Thanks 'Rufe'

Lisbon, A Great Place to do Business For the "Good Ole Boys"!

                 HOW DID WE GET INTO THIS POSITION????

In 2007, Interim Town Manager, David T. Brooks, interviewed candidates for the office of Town Manager.  It was his recommendation to the town council that brought Stephen Eldridge to Lisbon.  It is a documented fact what Mr. Eldridge did to the town of Rumford and yet our town council decided Mr. Eldridge was a perfect fit for this community.  So let’s take a look at what Mr. Eldridge has done for this community:

  •  When Mr. Eldridge took over there was over three (3) million dollars in our Undesignated Fund and now there is barely enough to cover the requirement of our Charter which is just over one (1) million dollars.  The Undesignated Fund is for emergencies and could be called our surplus.

  • Since they can no longer touch the Undesignated Fund our taxes have been raised every year. 

So, what did we get in return? 

      1.    Our Transfer Station is closed on Thursday.

      2.     We have an Engineer who is drawing the pay of a Licensed Professional Engineer and is not qualified.  Every job that costs over $100,000 the town has to hire a real Licensed Professional Engineer to perform the duties because ours is not qualified.  If he is not qualified, why are we paying him over $70,000 tax dollars?

     3. We have a Fire Chief making over $60,000 tax dollars and      does not have the credentials for the job.

     4. We have an Administrative Assistant making over $40,000 tax dollars which is $10,000 more than the other Administrative Assistants and the Department Head has stated she does not perform BUT half of the tasks required by her Job Description.  The Department Head has not rewritten her Job Description to account for what she actually does.  Why should anyone receive more compensation than they are entitled too?

     5. But the most outrageous salary is the Town Managers at over $90,000 with his extras.

As a result of his excess spending, the town of Lisbon is at a cross roads; where we either have to turn more money over to this individual or die just like Rumford.  You do realize that every department in the town has been forced to make cuts EXCEPT the Communications Center and the Police Department. 

The Communications Center has new furniture (which you paid for with tax dollars because they lied about a grant) and new equipment (again paid for by your tax dollars).  The Police Department gets all the very best of everything like the two 2014 Police Interceptors just purchased with our tax dollars because they could not accept 2013 vehicles.  Chief Brooks stated this is a small community and only one or two individuals are on duty but we have nine (9) operational vehicles.  All purchases for the Communications Center were charged against other lines of accounting to cover-up the purchases so no one will ever know how much money goes into these operations.

The Town of Lisbon is receiving quite a return on investment with this Town Manager.  Thank your Chief Brooks for the recommendation.

Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting - September 3rd, 2013


Tuesday night’s meeting of the Town Council was business as usual.  The Town Manager Eldridge hides as much information as he can from the council and the people.  It does not matter that this is a violation of the Council Working Rules or not because he knows that he will be able to talk his way out of it with this council.

In accordance with (IAW) paragraph C (2) Council Working Rules all items shall be provided to the manager’s office by close of business on Thursday.  The Finance Director failed, once again, to provide the documentation in accordance with the Council Working Rules.  The purpose of this requirement is to give the councilors and the Public adequate time to review all necessary information.  However, there is no enforcement of any rules or ordinances unless it is against selected individuals.  There were no documentation presented for 2013-136 Carry Forward Adjustment and 2013-137 Revenue Sharing Adjustment. 

The following items were passed by a vote of 6-0 for the following items:  Androscoggin County Budget Committee Official Ballot (Mike Bowie was elected); Set Rate of Interest for Delinquent Taxes (You can be sure LaRochelle Properties, LLC will never pay the Interest and Penalties on their back taxes); Carry Forward Adjustment (Finance Director found $17,000 in Fire Department for Radio); Revenue Sharing Adjustment (This was $570,000);  Repeal Section 70-731 Timber Harvesting (This was done to follow state rules).

The Town Assessor, William Van Tuinen provided an update on the town’s revaluation.  It is scheduled to be completed in 2015.  Mr. Van Tuinen also set the tax rate at $23.00 which is up from $22.26 per thousand.  The town is planning on releasing our tax bills no later than Friday.  This is just in time for the weekend and the Public Hearing September 10, 2013 on the bonds facing the people.  

The Town has a million dollar bond to purchase and demolition the Worumbo Mill; the School would like to raise money to get them off probation and finally the Water Department want to present two bonds (1 for 1.75 million for a water tank and 2 $650,000 for the replacement of 4300 feet of water main on Frost Hill Avenue and Old Lisbon Road).

The Town Manager talked about the upcoming Public Hearing on September 10th.

The Water Department Director provided an overview of the two bonds they want to talk about at the Public Hearing on the 10th.  It was very informative and a more detailed briefing will be given at the Public Hearing. 

Please come to the Public Hearing.

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, September 3, 2013; What To Expect During The Next Stage Of Collapse

By: Brandon Smith 

Presented in it's entirety because we sought and obtained permission. Political Pundits Take Special Note:    Wake up yah dumb shits!

For years now at Alt-Market (and I have carefully outlined the most likely path of collapse to take place within the U.S., and a vital part of that analysis included economic destabilization caused by a loss of the dollar's world reserve status and petro-status.  I have also always made clear that this fiscal crisis event would not occur in the midst of a political vacuum.  The central banks and international financiers that created our ongoing and developing disaster are NOT going to allow the destruction of the American economy, the dollar, or global markets without a cover event designed to hide their culpability.  They need something big.  Something so big that the average citizen is overwhelmed with fear and confusion.  A smoke and mirrors magic trick so raw and soul shattering it leaves the very population of the Earth mesmerized and helpless to understand the root of the nightmare before them.  The elites need a fabricated Apocalypse. 

Enter Syria...

I have been warning about the Syrian trigger point for a very long time.  Syria's mutual defense pact with Iran, its strong ties to Russia, the Russian naval base off its coast, the advanced Russian weaponry in it's arsenal, its proximity to vulnerable oil shipping lanes, all make the nation a perfect catalyst for a global catastrophe.  The civil war in Syria is already spreading into neighboring countries like Iraq, Jordan, and Lebanon, and if one looks at the facts objectively, the entire war is a product of covert action on the part of the U.S. and its allies

The U.S. trained, armed, and funded the insurgency using Al Qaeda operatives.  Saudi Arabia has sent funding and arms as well.  Israel has aided the rebels using air strikes within Syria's borders (even though this means that the Israeli government is essentially helping their supposed mortal enemies).  This war would NOT be taking place today without the express efforts of the West.  Period. 

If one takes more than a brief examination of the Syrian insurgency, they would find an organization of monsters.  Wretched amoral wetwork ghouls whose crimes have been thoroughly documented, including the mass executions of unarmed captured soldiers, the torture and beheading of innocent civilians, the mutilation and cannibalism of dead bodies, and the institution of theological tyranny on a terrified populace.  The U.S. created and unleashed these demons, and now, we the people are being asked by the White House to support them through force of arms. 

But what is the goal here...?

The goal, I believe, is to utterly transform the world's political, economic, and social systems.  The goal is to generate intense fear; fear that can be used as capital to buy, as the globalists call it, a “new world order”.  Syria is the first domino in a long chain of calamities; what the Rand Corporation sometimes refers to as a “linchpin”.  As I write this, the Obama Administration is moving naval and ground forces into position and clamoring in a painfully pathetic fashion to convince the American public that 90% of us are “wrong” and that a strike on Syria is, in fact, necessary.  It appears that the establishment is dead set on starting this chain reaction and accelerating the global collapse.  So, if a strike does occur, what can we expect to happen over the next few years?  Here is a rundown...

1) Many U.S. allies will refrain from immediate participation in an attack on Syria.  Obama will continue unilaterally (or with the continued support of Israel and Saudi Arabia), placing even more focus on the U.S. as the primary cause of the crisis.

2) Obama will attempt to mitigate public outcry by limiting attacks to missile strikes, but these strikes will be highly ineffective compared to previous wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

3) A no fly zone will be established, but the U.S. navy will seek to stay out of range of high grade Russian missile technology in the hands of Syria, and this will make response time to the Syrian Air Force more difficult.  Expect much higher American naval and air force casualties compared to Iraq and Afghanistan. 

4) Iran will immediately launch troops and arms in support of Syria.  Syria will become a bewildering combat soup of various fighting forces battling on ideological terms, rather than over pure politics and borders.  Battles will spread into other countries, covertly and overtly, much like during Vietnam.

5) Israel will probably be the first nation to send official ground troops into Syria (and likely Iran), citing a lack of effectiveness of U.S. airstrikes.  American troops will follow soon after.

6) Iran will shut down the Straight of Hormuz sinking multiple freighters in the narrow shipping lane and aiming ocean skimming missiles at any boats trying to clear the wreckage.  Oil exports through the straight of Hormuz will stop for months, cutting 20% of the world's oil supply overnight.

7) The Egyptian civil war, now underway but ignored by the mainstream, will explode due to increased anger over U.S. presence in Syria.  The Suez Canal will become a dangerous shipping option for oil exporters.  Many will opt to travel around the Horn of Africa, adding two weeks to shipping time and increasing the cost of the oil carried.

8) Saudi Arabia will see an uprising of insurgency that has been brewing under the surface for years.

9) Gasoline prices will skyrocket.  I am predicting a 75%-100% increase in prices within two-three months of any strike on Syria.

10) Travel will become difficult if not impossible with high gasoline costs.  What little of our economy was still thriving on vacation dollars will end.  Home purchases will fall even further than before because of the extreme hike in travel expenses required for families to move. 

11) Russia will threaten to limit or cut off all natural gas exports to the EU if they attempt to join with the U.S. in aggression against Syria.  The EU will comply due to their dependency on Russian energy.

12) Russia will position naval forces in the Mediterranean to place pressure on the U.S.  I feel the possibility of Russia initiating direct confrontation with the U.S. is limited, mainly because countries like Russia and China do not need to engage the U.S. through force of arms in order to strike a painful blow.  

13) China and Russia will finally announce their decision to drop the dollar completely as the world reserve currency.  A process which already began back in 2005, and which global banks have been fully aware of for years.   

14) Because of China's position as the number one exporter and importer in the world, many nations will follow suit in dumping the dollar in bilateral trade.  The dollar's value will implode.  China, Russia, and the war in Syria will be blamed, and global banks including the Federal Reserve will be ignored as the true culprits. 

15) The combination of high energy prices and a devaluing dollar will strike retail prices hard.  Expect a doubling of prices on all goods.  Look for many imported goods to begin disappearing from shelves. 

16) Homelessness will expand exponentially as cuts to welfare programs, including food stamps, are made inevitable.  However, welfare will not disappear, it will merely be “adjusted” to fit different goals.  The homeless themselves will be treated like criminals.  The roaming bands of jobless drifters common during the Great Depression will not exist during a modern crisis.  State and Federal agencies will pursue an “out of sight, out of mind” policy towards the indigent, forcing them into “aid shelters” or other bureaucratic contraptions designed to conditioning the homeless to accept refugee status, making them totally dependent on federal scraps, but also prisoners on federally designated camps.    

17) Terrorist attacks (false flag or otherwise) will spread like wildfire.  Israel is highly susceptible.  The U.S. may see a string of attacks, including cyber attacks on infrastructure.  Syria and it's supporters will be blamed regardless of evidence.  The White House will begin broad institution of authoritarian powers, including continuity of government executive orders, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, etc.

18) Martial Law may not even be officially declared, but the streets of America will feel like martial law none the less. 

19) False paradigms will flood the mainstream as the establishment seeks to divide American citizens.  The conflict will be painted as Muslim against Christian, black against white, poor against rich (but not the super rich elites, of course).  Liberty Movement activists will be labeled “traitors” for “undermining government credibility” during a time of crisis.  The Neo-Conservatives will place all blame on Barack Obama.  Neo-Liberals will blame conservatives as “divisive”.  Liberty Movement activists will point out that both sides are puppets of the same international cabal, and be labeled “traitors” again.  The establishment will try to coax Americans into turning their rage on each other.

20) The Homeland Security apparatus will be turned completely inward, focusing entirely on “domestic enemies”.  The domain of the TSA will be expanded onto highways and city streets.  Local police will be fully federalized.  Northcom will field soldiers within U.S. border to deal with more resistant quarters of the country.  Totalitarianism will become the norm.

What Can We Do Right Now?

The level of collapse, I suspect, will not be total.  The government is not going to disappear, rather, it will become more dominant in its posture.  Certain sections of the country will be maintained while others fall apart.  The IMF will move in to “help” the ailing U.S. economy by tying funding to the SDR (Special Drawing Rights).  America's economy will be absorbed by the IMF.  Constitutional protections will be fully erased in the name of reestablishing “law and order”, with the promise that the loss of our civil liberties is “only temporary”.

If the U.S. strikes Syria, and refuses to disengage, these things WILL happen.  So, the next question is what can we do about it?

1) Given that this crisis is going to be riding a wave of extremely high energy prices, every single Liberty Movement activist (and every American for that matter) should be stockpiling energy reserves.  Motor oil, gasoline (with gas saver), diesel fuel, propane, etc. should be at the top of your list right now.  A generator should be next.  Prices are only going to rise from here on out.  Buy reserves now, before it is too late.

2) Everyone in the Liberty Movement should have at least minimal solar power capability.  A couple of 100 watt panels, an inverter, a charge controller, and two-four deep cycle batteries can be had for under $1000.  You may not be able to run your house on it, but you can at least charge important electronics, run a well pump, run some lights, a security system, etc.   

3) The internet as we know it will no longer exist.  The White House will apply preexisting executive orders on U.S. communications to restrict internet use, or, a convenient cyber attack will take place, opening the door for federal controls.  The web will likely still operate, but only as a shell of its former greatness.  Certain sites and email providers will be designated “safe”, while others will be designated “unsafe”.  This leaves a gaping hole in our society's ability to communicate information quickly and efficiently, and, it removes the alternative media from the picture.  The best solution I can present for this problem is Ham Radio, which is very difficult for the establishment to shut down.  Ham Radio communication chains could take the place of the internet as a lower-tech but useful means of spreading information across the country.  In the next few months, EVERYONE in the Liberty Movement should have a Ham Radio set, or handheld model, and they should know how to use it.  

4) Harden your home during the next few months.  Place security bars on windows, and replace weak doors with steel core doors. An internal lock bar will still frustrate entry by those who might blast hinges.  Add a fire suppression system for good measure.  This might sound like overkill, but if you want to be able to sleep at night during such an event, you must make your home your castle.  No one should be able to enter your house without your permission.

5) Learn a useful trade right now.  If you don't already know how to produce or fix a necessary item or commodity, take the next six months to learn how.  If you don't know how to teach a valuable skill, get to work.  Barter and trade will become the primary method of economy during a dollar collapse. Make sure you are sought after within your local economy.

6) Cache items before winter begins.  Do not assume you will be able to stay on your homestead indefinitely.  There are no guarantees during collapse.  A wildfire could reduce your neighborhood to ashes in hours.  Your home could be overrun.  Make sure you have secondary supplies in a safe location just in case.     

7) Find two friends (or more) right now that are willing to coordinate with you in the event that the worst happens.  This means mutual aid and defense.  This means predetermined arrangements for supplies, communications, meeting spots, and security.  Do it now.  Do not wait until our situation worsens. 

Buy six months worth of food over the course of the next two months.  Bulk food, freeze dried, MRE's, whatever.  Just buy it.  Have a lot of food already?  I don't care.  Buy six more months of supplies now.  You'll thank me later. 

9) Cultivate nutrient rich soil before winter begins.  Buy a truckload of planting soil and manure and create a garden space if you have not already.  Purchase extensive seed storage.  Compile books on growing methods. 

10) Gauge the temperament of your neighborhood.  If all of your neighbors are mindless brain eating zombies, then perhaps it would be better to share a home with a prepared family member in another region now.  If not, then start a neighborhood watch.  Two or three families working together is far stronger than only one, and can change the temperament of an entire block of homes.   

11) Train for tactical movement over the next three months.  Learn how to move, shoot, and communicate as a team.  Learn your strengths and weaknesses today or suffer the consequences tomorrow.     

12) Prepare yourself mentally for conflict and self defense.  Sign up for at least six months of hand to hand defense training.  Learn how to deal with the mental and emotional strain of another person trying to harm you.  Get used to the idea, because where we're headed, someone, at some point, will probably want to do you in.  Always maintain your conscience and your principles, but never allow yourself to become a victim.

The Tension Is Palpable

As I have said many times before, a fight is coming.  There is no way around it.  But this fight must be fought intelligently, and we must never forget who the REAL enemy is. 

If a revolution ensues and Obama loses control, the establishment could simply trigger a Neo-Con or military coup in order to placate the masses and fool Constitutionalists into believing they have been saved.  Useless solutions will be presented to the people, including new leadership composed of more old guard elitists, a disastrous Constitutional Convention, or limited secession (which will never be honored by the establishment anyway).  The purpose of these false solutions will be to fool you into relaxing your vigilance, distracting you from seeking justice against globalist organizations, or, to redirect your energies away from self sufficient communities, counties, and states, ready to dispel aggressive establishment elements. 

Beware of those who grasp too readily for leadership over you.  Real leaders stand as teachers, not oligarchs, and rarely do they take on the role without considerable reservations.  Never trust anyone who does not immediately back their promises with tangible action.  And, never forget that we fight not just for the removal of one particular tyrant, but for Constitutional liberty itself.  One must follow the other, or there has been no victory.

Though it is depressingly difficult to see in times like these, there is indeed good in this world.  There are ideals, and aspirations, and visions, and loves worth standing up for, worth fighting for, and worth dying for.  There is still a future worth striving for at the end of the long night.  There are dreams here, in the hearts of men, worth realizing.  We do not necessarily battle for what humanity is, but for what we have the potential to become.  The tides of society may shift and storm, the chaos may become unbearable, and the world may tear apart until it is unrecognizable.   The agents of dominion believe they are the only constant, but there is another.  In time, the dim pale of tyranny will always break in the light of freedom's resolute.  Get ready, honorable Liberty Movement, our work has just begun.

You can contact Brandon Smith

 How much more STUPID DO YOU have to be to believe the Washington Beltway Bull~Crap?

This Best Explains The Lisbon Town Council Tonight,,, Ho Hum Job!!!


Personal Liberty: What Do We Stand For?

What Do We Stand For?

September 3, 2013 by
At the very edge of oblivion, some men reflect; others snivel and cry. I have spent many years now studying the societal strengths and failings of modern American culture, and I have to say that most citizens within our once grand Republic will do far less reflecting and much more crying when the bell tolls. This is not to say that I believe the fight is lost. Far from it. In fact, I would consider myself an optimist amongst many of my peers in the liberty movement as to our chances of defending Constitutional freedom today. There is a very strong core within our country that still embraces the ideals of individualism and independence. The problem is that those who are awake face each day surrounded by lunatics and the giggling blind. It’s difficult to find solace within the asylum of the “mainstream,” so we begin to assume we are alone.

Enduring Individualism

True Independence

Decentralization Of Power

Spiritual Freedom

 Constitutional Liberty Before Political Party
Read the rest of the story with the above sub-paragraphs.
Click :

NaturalNews: Bombshell: Syria's "chemical weapons" turn out to be fluoride‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
This is a huge bombshell breaking story: You've heard about the so-called "chemical weapons" in Syria that are now being invoked to try to justify another war?
It turns out they are sodium fluoride, the exact same chemical dripped into the U.S. water supply as "water fluoridation."
It's also the same chemical added to baby water sold at Walgreens and Wal-Mart.
 According to U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, any government "regime" that uses chemical weapons against its own people should be bombed / invaded / overthrown by a coalition of other United Nations members. By his own definition, then, the United States of America should now be invaded by the UN because the government uses a deadly chemical weapon -- sodium fluoride -- on its own people.
Here's the proof of this incredible bombshell story, including screen shots, photos, citations and quotes:

OMG - an actual female zombie was caught on video attacking a McDonald's drive-thru and demanding Chicken McNuggets! Check out this bizarre video:

Check out these home remedies for a sore throat:

Courts are now quietly confirming that MMR vaccines cause autism:

Alert: GMO oranges now under development; say goodbye to non-GMO orange juice:

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Drug company Eli Lilly stands accused of bribing doctors in China:

Tuesday on The RSB Show 3-5PM EDT: Mike Adams is back to break a major story on chemical weapons. Did John Kerry inadvertently call for the bombing of America? Also, we’ll preview the upcoming American Naturopathic Medical Association Las Vegas conference with Kathy Gruver, PhD, and talk health conspiracies with Nick Brannigan.  Call 1-866-939-2355 and let your voice be heard! Listen in at

Eli Lilly accused of spending millions of dollars to bribe doctors in China
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Breaking: Courts discreetly confirm MMR vaccine causes autism
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Sunday, September 1, 2013

Expectations For September 10th, 2013 Public Hearing On the Worumbo Mill Million Dollar Bond

                                        WHAT TO EXPECT SEPTEMBER 10th

September 10th is the date for the next Public Hearing on floating a bond to purchase the Worumbo Mill property and the demolition of the mill.  This bond does NOT cover making the property presentable for sale.   Now, what can you expect at this Public Hearing.

It is more than likely the town will put on a dog and pony show.  What this means is the town will have a presentation of their vision of what the town will look like in 30 years.  This vision starts with the Route 196 Master Plan.  If it is the same presentation I saw at the joint meeting, it is an excellent proposal.  However, it should not be our number one priority.

Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge is going to try and use a scare tactic by telling you that it is imperative that the town purchase the Worumbo Mill property in order to protect how the property will be used in the future.  This is about as far from the truth as you can get because the town has Zoning Ordinances along with Land Use ordinances to protect this from happening. 

Chairman LaRochelle should be able to speak on this point from first-hand experience.  Chairman LaRochelle is currently working on constructing a commercial building at 2 Canal Street.  The Planning Board spent one hour and fifteen minutes quizzing Chairman LaRochelle on this project and he is not done yet. 

Between the presentation and the scare tactics, it will be important for you to wear your boots.

At the joint meeting where the Town Council, Planning Board and the School Department and Facilities Committee outlined their priorities for the future.  At this workshop, it became very clear that the taxpayers are going to have to make an investment in this community or let it die.  It also came out that the school is on probation, NOT for academics but for facilities.  The majority cause of the probation is the gym.  

The cost to replace the gym is approximately $6.2 million dollars.  Planning Board Chairman Don Fellows told about a conversation he had with someone thinking about moving to Lisbon until he found out the school was on probation.  Who wants to move to a town where the school is on probation?
I love this community and after two years of having my taxes raised, I blame the management of our town for this.  I personally believe there has been no reason to raise our taxes these last two years except to protect the Communications Center and the Police Department.  The majority of our tax dollars goes into the Police Department.

I am not in favor of raising our taxes any more but if we do not invest in our community it will be lost.  I cannot see how anyone can be in favor of purchasing the mill which has no guarantee of a return on investment over doing everything we can to get our school off probation.  If the school comes off probation it will draw more families to our community.  This will increase the tax base and will eventually lower our taxes. 

It is a silly notion of having the town get involved in the real estate business OVER getting our school off probation.  You do realize that if the town floats a million dollar bond for the Worumbo Mill it will be impossible to get the school off probation for many many years and you can forget the track for a long long time. 

The Town Council has the authority to forget about putting the questions on the November ballot to float a million dollar bond for the Worumbo Mill purchase and demolition.   Let’s forget about purchasing the Worumbo Mill and concentrate on getting our school off probation. 

Getting our school off probation is a true investment in our future.

Larry Fillmore

In My Seat - A Pilot's Story from Sept 10th - 11th

September 10, 2001, First Officer Steve Scheibner packed his suitcase and waited for the phone call finalizing his assignment to fly American Airlines Flight 11, from Boston to Los Angeles. The call never came. In My Seat recounts the events leading up to Flight 11 and the subsequent death of Tom McGuinness in the seat that should have been filled by Steve Scheibner.

Follow Steve on Twitter @stevescheibner.

To hear the rest of Steve's story read "In My Seat" the book. Now available at

For booking information or to contact Steve directly go to:

To talk to the director of the film about future work or for booking information email him at: