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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Coming Soon, Kitty Korner Thrift Shop

With today's declining economy and increasing cost of living, many people are trying to find ways to cut back on cost without cutting back on luxury. As many people look for ways to cut spending, they are snatching up clothes, jewelry, furniture, appliances and even toys that other people previously owned. This is the perfect opportunity for you to get ready for the upcoming opening of Kitty Korne...r Thrift Shop located at 84 Main Street / Lisbon Falls, Maine! After Christmas is the time for you to go through your clothes, children's clothes, toys etc... put them aside and when we open, come and visit the store to sell us your good, clean, non-stained clothes, toys in good working condition etc....
Remodeling of the store will be starting soon! Will keep all updated. We are also asking to share this post to help us spread the word... Much Appreciated!

We Thank You!
Ray & Lucie Bisson

Lisbon Town Council Agenda for December 17, 2013

6:30 P.M.

1. WORKSHOP - Council Working Rules


___Councilor Bickford ___ Councilor Brunelle ___ Councilor Garrison ___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier ___ Councilor Pesce ___ Councilor Ward
Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

A. Finance Committee Ordinance Amendment
B. Renewal Special Entertainment Permit - Coombs-Mountfort American Legion Post 158
C. Renewal Special Entertainment Permit - Slovak Catholic Association
D. Victualer's License - Steve Goble d/b/a McDonald's



2013-183 ORDER − A. Minutes of December 3, 2013
B. Minutes of December 10, 2013
C. Special Entertainment & Liquor License - Coombs-Mountfort American Legion Post 158
D. Special Entertainment & Liquor License - Slovak Catholic Association
E. Victualer's License - Steve Goble d/b/a McDonald's

2013-184 ORDER − Backhoe Repair
2013-185 ORDINANCE − Finance Committee Ordinance Amendment (Second Reading)
2013-186 RESOLUTION − Regional Rail to Trail
2013-187 ORDERS − Council Working Rules

A. Finance Director's Report
B. Town Clerk Presentation
C. Employee Code of Conduct
D. Town Manager’s Report

2013-188 ORDER − Finance Committee Resignation (1)
2013-189 ORDER − Finance Committee (1) Term expiring June 30, 2014



2013-190 ORDER − To Adjourn

Points for informational contact in Lisbon

 Town Manager
Stephen Eldridge
353-3000 Ext 102

Fire Department
Chief Sean Galipeau
353-3000 Ext 121

Police Department
Chief David Brooks

Rufe's Weather Outlook

 Stiff winds today and high impact snowstorm over the weekend.

 An arctic front will generate morning flurries over the hills and mountains while kicking up gusty west and northwest winds. Expect gusts to 35 mph system wide between 11AM and 3PM. 

 The current signature for the weekend storm is strongly pointing to a purely snow event: a rarity. There is only a remote possibility of sleet Sunday morning across southern York County, and that should not have a great impact. Snow will begin 10PM Saturday in Kittery reaching the northern fringes of the service area by 1AM Sunday. The heaviest snow will fall around 5AM Sunday. The last inch will fall by 4PM south, 7PM north. The snow will be fluffy, with little adhesion to limbs or power lines.

 Expect 6”-8” far north to 10”-15” far south.
 Northeast winds will be brisk and may gust to 35 mph within 20-30 miles of the coast early Sunday morning. It is questionable as to how resilient the inversion will be. 
There is a low threat of gusts to 40 mph within 10-15 miles of the coast which would cause much blowing and drifting, blizzard conditions with white-outs. That is the only wild card.

The Maine Wire: Why Obamacare Is Off the Rails

Why Obamacare Is Off the Rails
Posted: 13 Dec 2013 06:39 AM PST
By Pem Schaeffer and Stanley Ralph The introduction of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as revealed by the roll-out of, is an epic public embarrassment, living up to predictions of a train wreck. We’re watching government at its most harmful and ineffectual. This is not rocket science — no risky new technology is required; […]

Read more:

Friday, December 13, 2013

The Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Most Important Current News Regarding Charter Schools…They Are Not What They Are Claimed To Be

Courtesy of Charlotte Iserbyt


Euronews reports “Sweden rethinks pioneering school reforms, private equity under fire. When one of the biggest private education firms in Sweden went bankrupt earlier this year, it left 11,000 students in the lurch and made Stockholm rethink its pioneering market reform of the state schools system.

School shutdowns and deteriorating results have taken the shine off an education model admired and emulated around the world, in Britain in particular."
“I think we have had too much blind faith in that more private schools would guarantee greater educational quality,” said Tomas TobĂ©, head of the parliament’s education committee and spokesman on education for the ruling Moderate party.”

Read more, click here.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

To order the updated abridged 2011 version  of “the deliberate dumbing down of america”, it is available from 3D Research at

Thursday, December 12, 2013

GOPDD: “Grandma got run over by ObamaCare” – TEA PARTY ROCKERS

Rufe's Extended Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet. Light snow north @ night. Highs 5-24 N/S.
Friday;  windy. Flurries north. Lows 2-12 N/S. highs 14-29 N/S.
Saturday; quiet, snow at night. Lows 9 below -8 N/S. highs 6-23 N/S.
Sunday; snow ending, windy. Lows 0-18 N/S. highs 16-30 N/S.
Monday; quiet and dry. Lows 9-25 N/S. highs 10-25 N/S.
Tuesday; light snow. Quiet. Lows 3-13 N/S. highs 23-37 N/S.
Wednesday; breezy and dry. Lows 17-26 N/S. highs 27-36 N/S.

BrasscheckTV: ATF brings "Fast and Furious" to the heartland‏

The ATF got caught red-handed letting weapons
"walk" to Mexican drug criminals. 
But they're not done yet. 
Now they're opening illegal gun and drug
stores in neighborhoods in the hope it will
lead them to criminal kingpins. 
I kid you not. This is real and worse than you can
From our friends at 2nd Amendment TV. 

 A mentally disabled man with a low IQ was used to run gun and drug deals as part of a US Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives sting at a Milwaukee storefront. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports that ATF agents paid 28-year-old Chauncey Wright, who has an IQ in the mid-50s, in cigarettes, merchandise and money. Then, once the operation was shut down, Wright was charged with federal gun and drug counts and faces up to life in prison. Wright's family complains that the ATF took advantage of him. RT's Meghan Lopez talks to John Diedrich, one of the reporters who broke the story, about the ATF sting that has been marred by more problems than just taking advantage of the mentally disabled, including the theft of ATF guns, and a loss of nearly $40,000 in merchandise.

"Fast and Furious" goes to Milwaukee
It just gets worse and worse

- Brasscheck

NaturalNews: NYC to mandate mercury-laced vaccines for all children‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The era of forced toxic injections of our children has begun. NYC has announced a mandate that would force all parents to have their children lined up and injected with toxic mercury in the form of flu shots.
Yep, flu shots still contain mercury. Even the CDC reluctantly admits it. And mercury is a potent neurotoxin.
Parents who try to resist will be branded criminals:

Elsewhere, one father has been sentenced to prison for the death of his daughter... but she died from the MMR vaccine!

On the autism front, probiotics have been found to help eliminate autism-like symptoms in studies on mice:

Don't miss this powerful talk on how IV vitamin C therapy is helping cancer patients recover:

And don't forget about the amazing health benefits of something simple... broccoli!


more news continues below...

Sponsor: Wow! Save 25% on BioAstin Hawaiian Astaxanthin. Use Promo code: HealthRanger

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Bloomberg’s NYC Board of Health mandates mercury (flu shots) for all children attending daycare and preschool! We’ve got the latest updates! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- 5 benefits of lucuma powder, the Incan sweetener
- 10 good reasons to meditate
- Beware of toxic chemicals in sanitary wipes

Father sentenced to life in prison for 'murder' after daughter dies following MMR vaccine
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Probiotics eliminate autism-like symptoms in mice
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IV vitamin C helps cancer patients
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New York City to force all children to be injected with mercury in the form of flu shots
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Unmaking of Maine and Beyond: The Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar - Public Hearing on Proposed Rules


The Maine Board of Overseers of the Bar – Public Hearing on Proposed Rules

Public Hearing on Proposed Rules
January 31, 2014 – 11:00 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. – MSBA Annual Meeting – Mariott at Sable Oakes
The Board of Overseers of the Bar will hold a public hearing to receive testimony on the proposed rewrite of the Maine Bar Rules.  In 2011, the Board established a committee to undertake a complete review of the administrative and disciplinary rules contained within the Maine Bar Rules. After two years of work, the committee has proposed new rules integrating many of the current Maine Bar Rules and Board Regulations, as well as aspects of the ABA Model Rules for Lawyer Disciplinary Enforcement.  The public hearing will provide attendees with an opportunity to comment on the proposed rules before submission to the Supreme Judicial Court.  Members of the bar are encouraged to submit written comments in advance of the hearing.  Those who will be testifying and/or submitting written materials should contact the Board’s Executive Director, Jacqueline Rogers.  Download proposed rules.
Read more HERE
Related:  Maine State Bar Association – 100 Years of Law & Justice (1891-1991)

TMB: White House Kills Iran Sanctions‏

White House Kills Iran Sanctions
By Adam KredoHouse lawmakers are lashing out at their Senate counterparts over the upper chamber’s failure to pass tighter Iran sanctions before Congress recesses.

White House: Iranian Ballistic Missile Test Not a Deal Killer
By Adam KredoThe White House says that an Iranian ballistic missile test would not invalidate a recently signed nuclear accord meant to temporarily halt some of Iran’s most controversial nuclear work.

Lines Blur Between Eldridge Business and Campaign
By Lachlan MarkayDemocrat Sean Eldridge is making large investments in Hudson Valley businesses, but some say his venture capital firm acts as a de facto political operation designed to boost his congressional campaign.

Feds Spend $224,250 to Change How Kids Order Food
By Elizabeth HarringtonThe National Institutes of Health is spending over $224,000 to study how to introduce healthy child menus in an effort to alter the “ordering behavior” of kids in restaurants.

Supreme Court to Hear Republican Senators in Separation of Powers Case
By Bill McMorrisThe Supreme Court will allow Senate Republicans to participate in oral arguments in the National Labor Relations Board recess appointment case, a maneuver that several legal experts suggested could tilt the scales against the Obama administration.

Awards Season: Exhilarating, Annoying
By Sonny BunchOver at Pajiba, Daniel Carlson unleashed a broadside against “awards season,” the end of the year barrage of prestige pictures and Oscar frontrunners that gets film critics wrapped up in the Academy Awards and convinces us to treat the Oscars as if they have more significance than any other trade awards show.

MSNBC: ‘Dismal Political Year’ for White House

By WFB StaffChuck Todd, Chief White House Correspondent, and Robert Gibbs, President Obama’s former Press Secretary, discussed the President’s recent ratings dip with Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC Wednesday afternoon.

A Former Lisbon Falls Resident Puts the "Hammer Down" On 'Dumb' Democrat Citizen's Rant

"If You Bought It, A Trucker Brought It"

The Wheels of Social Justice have been put in motion Mr. Bolduc and I use Mr. instead of Representative, because surely you do not represent the hard working dedicated Professional Truck Drivers of America, Maine, or Auburn areas.

You may be certified to teach Social Studies but in the eyes of  someone that has almost two million miles looking out thru the windshield of a Truck, {including Extreme Heavy Hauling Off Highway Trucks, and I have driven in all 50 states, (not 57 like some other Democrat public figure thinks), besides Canada and other foreign countries,} you have proven yourself to be worthy of being "certified" in other areas as well.

As far as your comment regarding "brains", perhaps now would be a good time for you to 'get a grip' on reality as life goes merrily rolling on. 
"Sometimes people are just too damned dumb to know that they are stupid."
I offer you the following advice in respect to my fellow Truckers in hopes it might 'grind' into your sole about gearing down your thoughts before you try to jamb them into the transmission of public opinion. And they go like this:

American Indian Proverb – Never criticize a man until you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.

 I add the following with it, "before you can do that though, you must be willing to take yours off first."

It is my opinion that a letter of apology is just that, a letter, what someone like you needs is a "Damned Good Taste of Reality".  I am certain that there are many Truckers that would be very happy to give you a RIDE!!!   Do it if ever presented with the opportunity, you just might get an education that money or votes can't buy. Then you could take that experience back to Augusta and work it for the "People of Maine".

Todd Comber
aka "Smoke-Stack"

A retired truck driver with a Bachelor of Science degree,  a torn up body as proof, and a mind full of matter.

"If you don't mind, It won't matter!"

Editor's note:  The views and opined letters, comments, etc. do not necessarily represent those of all participants in this website but are offered as OUR right to FREE SPEECH, for as long as WE shall have it.

A Lisbon Falls Resident Responds To "Truckers "Don't Have A Lot Of Brains In Their Heads"

Jason Savage,

                In Regards to:  Maine Democrat State Rep Lets Rip: Truckers
"Don't Have A Lot Of Brains In Their Heads" 
Democrat Rep. Brian Bolduc of Auburn attacks
working Mainers in email rant

Here is the perfect example why our schools and our legislature are in such sad shape.  I may be a truck driver, but I can spell a lot better than this teacher. Anytime Mr. Bolduc wants to match wits, you just send him on over to see this old truck driver.

Leon Bard      Lisbon Falls

Maine Democrat State Rep Lets Rip: Truckers "Don't Have A Lot Of Brains In Their Heads"

Maine Democrat State Rep Lets Rip: Truckers
"Don't Have A Lot Of Brains In Their Heads" 
Democrat Rep. Brian Bolduc of Auburn attacks
working Mainers in email rant

Augusta - The Maine Republican Party is calling attention to what they say is an offensive statement, by State Representative Brian Bolduc, D-Auburn, in an aggressive, angry email that was forwarded to the Maine Republican Party.

"Representative Bolduc demonstrates a level of disrespect in this email that I believe the hard-working people of Maine will find shocking," said Jason Savage, executive director of the Maine Republican Party.

"Not only is Representative Bolduc clearly bullying the recipients of the email, he also takes a deeply offensive shot at hard-working Mainers who drive truck for a living," said Mr. Savage.

"For a politician representing a party that claims to look out for working people, showing this level of contempt for those very working people is revealing," said Mr. Savage.
In the email, Representative Bolduc says, in regard to truck noise on his street, the following (emphasis added):
"We need more police survalence to crack down on this shit. They rumble past our homes before they get to the bridge and to turn onto mill street especialy those god damed lumber trucks. They release those breaks and our floors and windows rumble and the sound scares pets and children in our homes. You would think the drivers would have enough common courtesy not to do this infront of residential homes but then again one look at them and you can see they probably dont have a whole hell of allot of brains in their heads."

In addition, Representative Bolduc issues sharp orders to the

email recipients:

"I want a cruiser stationed on this road (you can use my driveway) every day between 630 am and 8pm (wich is when the traffic is running) for a week and i want to see citations stacking up or ill have every damned resident of this town who lives on a busy road in that city council chamber!"

"Truck drivers are a back-bone of Maine's economy," said Mr. Savage.  

"This communication is particularly offensive, and we are calling on Maine Democratic Party Leadership to join us and denounce Representative Bolduc's offensive words immediately."

See full email below with identifying information of recipients redacted.

Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 9:27 PM
Subject: jakes breaks
!  I'm sending these links to you as background information. The trucks rolling down Riverside drive are totally out of control. I have talked to the Chief and the Mayor about this. We need more police survalence to crack down on this shit. They rumble past our homes before they get to the bridge and to turn onto mill street especialy those god damed lumber trucks. They release those breaks and our floors and windows rumble and the sound scares pets and children in our homes. You would think the drivers would have enough common courtesy not to do this infront of residential homes but then again one look at them and you can see they probably dont have a whole hell of allot of brains in their heads.  I want something done about it pronto I want a cruiser stationed on this road (you can use my driveway) every day between 630 am and 8pm (wich is when the traffic is running) for a week and i want to see citations stacking up or ill have every damned resident of this town who lives on a busy road in that city council chamber! sincerely, 
 Brian Bolduc

The Maine Wire: “Dem Rep: Truckers “Don’t Have A Lot of Brains In Their Heads”” plus 1 more‏

Dem Rep: Truckers “Don’t Have A Lot of Brains In Their Heads”
Posted: 11 Dec 2013 11:03 AM PST
An Auburn Democrat is taking fire after the Maine Republican Party obtained an email rant he sent to various public officials. In the typo-ridden, nearly schizophrenic email, Rep. Brian D. Bolduc (D-Auburn) belligerently ridicules truck drivers whom he believes are irresponsibly using their “jake breaks” too close to his house. Bolduc’s email is scathing towards […]
Maine Obamacare enrollments still dismal
Posted: 11 Dec 2013 10:34 AM PST
The number of Mainers choosing Obamacare plans at the dysfunctional website is still well below expectations, according to a Tuesday report from the Department of Health and Human Services. Just 1,747 Mainers — or 0.13 percent on Maine’s population — have picked an insurance plan, according to the DHHS report for the months of […]

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Is This Another Example Of 'Creative Accounting' By Lisbon's Police Department Leader, Chief David T. Brooks?

              WHAT IS CHIEF BROOKS WAITING ON????????????????

On September 11, 2013, the Town received forfeiture money in the amount of $71,750.78 and on September 18, 2013 received an additional $632.91 (See Bank Statement Below).  On October 1, 2013, Chief Brooks notified the town council of the $71,750.78 but neglected to mention the $632.91.  All monies received by the town have to go through the town council by Charter.

The fact Chief Brooks does not report all the forfeiture monies received by the town is a significant oversight on his part.  It is imperative that the Town Council be made aware of all monies received by the town.   Everyone is aware that forfeiture money has strings attached such as can only be used by the Police Department to enhance their capabilities and cannot be used to substitute for local budgeted funds.

However, on the Police Department’s Capital Improvement Plan, Chief Brooks has listed the following:

    Animal Control Officer Vehicle - $24,000
    Mobil Radios (11) – $33,000
    Voter Radio System - $28,000
    Document Imaging Unit - $14,000

All of these items total $99,000.  Now if you add the $26,522.23 that was carried forward from last year (See Forfeiture Funds) to the $71,750.78 the total would be $98,303.01.   If Chief Brooks orders, some if not all, of this equipment before the budget season there will be no possibility of conflicting with the budget.  However, if he waits any longer, the taxpayers will have to pick up the tab for some, if not all of these items.


Last year, the Fire Chief received a grant for an antenna and radios for both the Fire and Police Department.  I wonder how many radios are necessary for the Police Department? And why do (11) radios cost $33,000?  This comes to roughly $3300. Per unit.
So the real question is why has Chief Brooks not ordered, some if not all, of these items since October 1, 2013 and why doesn’t Chief Brooks report all forfeitures to the Town Council?

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 Majority of Americans Believe Deportation of Illegal Immigrants Not Agressive Enough

Katie Pavlich

 According to a new Rasmussen Report, the majority of Americans do not believe the deportation of illegal immigrants living in the United States is aggressive enough.
[Keep Reading]

Political Humor

By Henry Payne - December 10, 2013

Judicial Watch: Amnesty Update Panel

Published on Dec 10, 2013

Congressman Steve King (IA-04), U.S. House of Representatives; Mark Krikorian, Executive Director of the Center for Immigration Studies; and Rosemary Jenks, Director of Government Relations for NumbersUSA discuss the status of amnesty efforts in Congress, as well as President Obama's controversial decisions to suspend deportation for entire categories of illegal aliens.

The panel was moderated by Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.