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Monday, December 30, 2013

Rufe's Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  am Mtn. flurries. Breezy. highs 17-34 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet. Pm mtn. flurries. Lows 10 below-8 N/S. highs 4-23 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 7 below-10 N/S. highs 0-24 N/S.
Thursday; snow, windy. Lows 19 below-7 N/S. highs 4 below-20 N/S.
Friday;  am flurries, very windy. Lows 14 below to 5 N/S. highs 0-13 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 14 below -4 below N/S. highs 7-21 N/S.
Sunday; quiet. Flurries all but south. Lows 6-16 N/S. highs 26-33 N/S.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Does Time Heal All Wounds? BrasscheckTV: Freedom Destroyed‏ ("We are potentially facing cultural genocide")

How Big Oil directly takes freedom away from
America's original people.
Who's next? 
- Brasscheck

Freedom destroyed
“We are potentially facing cultural genocide”
The town of Grand Bayou, Louisiana, has no streets and no cars, just water and boats. And now the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico threatens the very existence of the Atakapa-Ishak Indians who live there. "We're facing the potential for cultural genocide," says one tribe member.

Freedom destroyed
"We are potentially facing cultural genocide"
- See more at:

Who’s next?

The oil companies have been destroying southern Louisiana for decades. Very publicly.

Receiving the brunt of the impact have been the Native Americans for whom the region has been home for centuries.

Few in Louisiana or New Orleans, let alone the rest of the Gulf or country, cared.

Maybe they should have paid closer attention.

“Ask not for whom the bell tolls...”

The most profoundly simple explanation I’ve ever heard about where we’re headed and what we can look forward to came from a North Dakota wheat farmer who in the 1980s as he being forced off his three-generation family farm by agribusiness said:

“I guess we’re the Indians now.”

When Shell Oil destroyed the Nigerian delta, we said nothing .

When Chevron destroyed Ecuador’s rain forest, we said nothing.

When all the majors chewed up Louisiana’s wetlands, we said nothing.

Now we’re all learning the meaning of “justice for all or justice for none” the hard way .

Click here to learn how you can help the families whose homes and livelihoods have been destroyed by BP

Saturday, December 28, 2013


Submitted by: 'Gordie'

Personal Liberty Digest: Baby, It's COLD Outside: The Great Eight

Country Politics

Country Politics

A busload of politicians were driving down a country road, when suddenly the bus ran off the road and crashed into an old farmer''s barn.

The old farmer got off his tractor and went to investigate. Soon he dug a hole and buried the politicians. A few days later, the local sheriff came out, saw the crashed bus and asked the old farmer where all the politicians had gone.

The old farmer told him he had buried them.

The sheriff asked the old farmer, "Lordy, were they ALL dead?"

The old farmer said, "Well, some of them said they weren''t, but you know how them crooked politicians lie."

Thursday, December 26, 2013

NaturalNews: Western Medicine Failing Globally as cancer rates rise‏, plus much more...

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The more countries that embrace western (reductionist) medicine, the worse global health becomes.
And now, the World Health Organization has announced that cancer rates are rising globally, providing yet more proof that western medicine is clueless when it comes to promoting good health and preventing diseases like cancer:

Speaking of cancer, don't miss this important talk on the "cancer hoax of the year"

Vaccine backfire: Whooping cough epidemics spread by children who were vaccinated against whooping cough:

Learn more about the amazing health benefits of Brussels sprouts:

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: Are you ready for more CDC infectious disease fear-mongering? How about bariatric surgery for 2 year olds? Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

Today on
- An introduction to organic farming
- Prescription stimulants are out of control on college campuses
- Top 3 supplements for emotional stability and focus

WHO: Cancer risk rising around the world; Western medicine failing globally
(NaturalNews) The World Health Organization (WHO) has issued dire new predictions about the spread of cancer throughout the world that prove the Western model of medicine to be a complete failure. Within the next 10 years, the public health arm of the...

Vaccine lies: Whooping cough outbreaks being triggered by vaccinated children
(NaturalNews) It is a common myth perpetuated by both the entrenched system of monopolistic medicine and the mainstream media that unvaccinated children are the social scourge responsible for triggering outbreaks of rare diseases like pertussis (whooping...

Cancer hoax of the year gets busted
(NaturalNews) Every year, millions of people are diagnosed with some form of cancer and over 1,500 people die - every day. In the early 1900's, one in 20 people got cancer, and today that figure has grown to 1 in every three! Conventional medicine says...

The negative effects of excess protein
(NaturalNews) Protein is one of the most commonly supplemented macronutrients, because it's relatively cheap, has many health benefits and is commonly propagated as a meal replacement. What most people don't realize though is that too much protein (usually...

Antibiotic era ending - Antimicrobial pecan shell extract can prevent Listeria contamination in organic meats
(NaturalNews) Stats prove that consumers are becoming more concerned about the quality of their meat. In the organic food industry, meat, fish and poultry are the fastest growing sector. Sales for organic meat were up 13% from 2010. On a global scale...

The amazing health benefits of Brussels sprouts
(NaturalNews) The Brussels sprout is a plant widely cultivated in Europe for its edible green vegetables. These vegetables, which resemble diminutive cabbages, are usually steamed or boiled and then added to meat-based dishes, including traditional Christmas...

Missouri school district facing $150,000 cost increase over Obamacare
(NaturalNews) Obamacare's minimal coverage requirements, which are substantially raising the cost of premiums, aren't just hurting the private sector, but they are hitting corporations and the public sector as well. In Missouri, for instance, officials...

The great central nervous system disruptors: MSG, aspartame and cigarettes
(NaturalNews) Little do most people realize that food agents and cigarettes create more than just an imbalance of the central nervous system (CNS), they create anxiety, nervousness, agitation and depression, and it's all what doctors often refer to as...

Trophy hunter Melissa Bachman causes worldwide outrage over lion kill in South Africa
(NaturalNews) Over a month has passed since Minnesota-based trophy hunter Melissa Bachman went to South Africa to hunt wildlife in that country, but the controversy over her "accomplishments" rages on. The images she posted, smiling broadly while squatting...

Pentagon sends dead Marine home to his family with his heart organ gone
(NaturalNews) As bad as it is to lose a loved one who has died in the line of duty in service to their country, it is worse on a family to be denied all of the remains of the fallen. But that is precisely what happened recently, when the family of...

Top five health benefits of bitter leaf
(NaturalNews) Studies conducted at the University of Texas have concluded that incorporating bitter leaf into your routine diet could reduce risk factors for such health conditions as breast cancer and type II diabetes. It is normal for African cuisine...

After destroying health care and economy, Obama now using EPA to destroy industry
(NaturalNews) It's not enough that President Obama has worked overtime to destroy the nation's healthcare system and muck up its financial sector (think the Dodd-Frank "financial reform" law), now he's focused on screwing up the only economic engine driving...

Health Ranger update on lab research, upcoming food science announcements, industry myths and more
(NaturalNews) We're on a reduced publishing schedule through January 1, but I wanted to update you with the latest developments here at Natural News. As you know, we are just two weeks away from our groundbreaking announcements on food science. Our...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Troops Surprise Families for the Holidays

With the recent viral wish lists asking Santa for every object imaginable, it's hard to focus on what's most important. Most of us don't have to wish for family to come home for the holidays, but these kids will never forget their epic gift. We've compiled the most incredible reactions to kids opening the ultimate Christmas surprise -- a military loved one coming home!

Here are the links to the full-length videos of clips used in this compilation: Published By: grabagething Published By: Tom Purdy Published By: BrownFamily05 Published By: helimedicscott Published By: HLN Published By: Kathie Hess Crouse Published By: superange68 Published By: Kelsey Nelson Published By: Welcome Home Blog Published By: Welcome Home Blog Published By: AmericaVideoMontage Published By: Amber Hintz Published By: VideoDuckNineOne Published By: grabagething Published By: Welcome Home Blog

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Christmas in Rockefeller Center 2013 HD 1080p

Lisbon Alumni Brewer Shares Aspirations‏


 Ryan Brewer, Lisbon Class of 2013 Alumni

  Alumni Ryan Brewer from Lisbon High School Class of 2013 was invited by the  MELMAC Education Foundation to meet with Lisbon High Schools students to share his aspirations beyond high school.  Attending the session (pictured l-r): David Mockler, Derrick Martel, Jacob Cloutier, Adam Desjardins, Brewer, Joseph Philbrick, Richard Sargent & Tucker Brannon.  Photos by Monica Millhime.

Lisbon – Ryan Brewer, a Class of 2013 graduate of Lisbon High School, was the first recent of graduates to be invited to participate in a MELMAC Education Program Aspirations project.  Brewer, is currently attending the oldest private military college in the country, Norwich University, in Northfield, Vermont.  Brewer is a Recruit in the Corps of Cadets studying Computer Securities and Information Assurances. Brewer spoke about his experience as a Recruit to a number of current Lisbon High School students on Thursday, December 19 at the LHS Campus, 2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls. “ Lisbon High School is proud to have its graduates participate in the Aspirations program,” shares Principal Ken Healey.  “Part of our newly, revamped strategy with MELMAC is to include students and community members to share their successes with our students.  The MELMAC Education Foundation recently provided us with an grant allowing us to continue nurturing the beyond high school aspirations for college and other levels of higher education.  The partnership with MELMAC  continues to assist with costs of college visits for all of our students, sponsors parent/student nights; financial aid opportunities and so much more.”  Brewer shared his experiences at Lisbon High School helped prepare him for success in college.  Brewer stressed involvement in academics, athletics, other clubs and community service programs both at high school and college are extremely important for students to embrace.  Brewer is expected to be on the Dean’s List for the fall semester.  Brewer is the son of Brent and Sybill Brewer of Lisbon.  Aspiration sessions with former graduates will continue throughout the school year.  FMI on other events and programs visit Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools and the LHS Guidance pages on Facebook.

A Soldiers Silent Night

A Christmas dedication to our men and women in uniform.
A Soldier's Silent Night was originally titled 'Merry Christmas My Friend' and written by Lance Corporal James M. Schmidt in 1987.

Merry Christmas Everyone

From All of  us at The Lisbon Reporter

Monday, December 23, 2013

Lisbon Taxpayers Are Going To Pay Again, So The Question Is How Much More Will You Take Before You Demand Corrective Action?


I enjoyed your article but I have some real concerns about the manner in which the town is handling this situation.   This reminds me of when I sued the town over information.  A competent Town Attorney and a Town Manager with many years of experience should have known that I was entitled and provided the information instead of taking it to court at a cost of over $10,000 tax dollars in legal fees.

Now the town is faced with a similar situation.  The Enforcement Division of the Bureau of Land and Water Quality forwarded to the town a letter dated February 25, 2013 outlining the violations by the Sewer Department back in 2012 and an appropriate fine of $22,307.00.  There were three violations stated in the letter:

a.        On May 25, 2012 it was discovered that a blockage in the Huston Street cross-country sewer was causing untreated wastewater to overflow from a manhole and discharge to adjacent small brooks that flows to the Androscoggin River.
b.      On November 5, 2012 another spill occurred at the Route 196 pump station of approximately 550,000 gallons of untreated waste water that ended in the Sabattus River.
c.       The town is in violation of Special Condition H of the wastewater treatment permit because the town does not have an O&M plan (operation and maintenance) that includes a systematic approach for proper operation and maintenance of the collection system.

There is no question that the town was at fault in each of these situations.  So why did the Town not admit they were negligent, pay the fine and move on?  The town would rather try and get out of paying the fine instead of paying the fine and move on.  Tell me again about who has values and who does not.  Remember, if the town does not reach an agreement with the state this will end up in court and cost the taxpayers a ton of tax dollars in legal fees.

All of these situations could have been prevented if the town had a competent Town Engineer and a Chief Administrative Officer (Town Manager) to oversee the Town Engineer.  A basic management tool is the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) or the O&M (operation and maintenance) plan.  If Mr. Leighton was qualified as a manager the first thing he should have down is to prepare an O&M plan.  If the O&M plan was in place the sewer personnel would  known to monitor the alarms and when to clean manholes on a schedule.

The town can continue to negotiate with the state.  It is not going to change the fact that the town was negligent and as a result the town has now suffered two (2) spillages.  The fact is the town has incompetent personnel in managerial positions who will not accept responsibility when they are wrong.  It is so much easier to cover it up and keep unqualified personnel in critical positions. 

This Town Council needs to take direct action to prevent further occurrences of this nature.

Larry Fillmore We Should Pay Our Fine and Move On.

On May 25th 2012 when Lisbon employees were cleaning the Huston Street sewer line they observed a high level of wastewater backed up in a manhole. Upon investigation they determined that a blockage in the Houston Street cross-country sewer was causing untreated wastewater to overflow from a manhole on the cross-country sewer line and discharge to an adjacent small brook that flows to the Androscoggin River. This spill was in violation of Maine’s Water Pollution Control laws, 38 M.R.S.A. ss413(1).

Lisbon also is in violation of Special Condition H of the wastewater treatment permit because they don't have an O&M plan (operation and maintenance) that includes a systematic approach for proper operation and maintenance of the collection system.

On Nov. 5, 2012 another spill occurred  at the  route 196 pump station of approximately 550,000 gallons of untreated waste water. This spill ended up in the Sabattus River.  This may have been prevented if the alarms were working properly.

On Feb 25th 2013 the Enforcement section or the Bureau of land and water quality sent an updated proposed agreement to Lisbon’s Manager Eldridge that  contained a penalty payment of $22,307. 

According to the documentation I have seen there is little doubt that both of these spills occurred and they were in clear violation of our waste water license.

As of last week Lisbon hasn’t paid this fine or as far as I know even spoken with the Enforcement Division of the Bureau of Land and Water Quality. 

Ignoring this problem will only make matters worse. If this isn’t taken care of in a timely fashion we will probably end up in court with the State and we all know how much that will cost Lisbon.  Is it really worth spending Thousands of dollars in court costs to try to save a few dollars.

I think we should fix the problems with the wastewater system, pay our fine and call this a learning experience.

Documentation for this article: Click Here

Anyone in Huston Park with information on this sewage spill is invited to share that information with the public. Our email address is

Joe Hill

NaturalNews: Health Ranger update on lab research, food myths and more‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I've just posted an update on my food science research in the lab, plus some teasers about food industry myths and more:

How did the mainstream media get swindled into publicizing quack science attacking nutrition? All it takes is a few ties to Big Pharma:

Got digestive problems from eating holiday food? Try peppermint. It's surprisingly good (and safe)

Funny: Chocolate appears to be better than fluoride in halting tooth decay. Is this for real?

Yes, tomatoes can really help prevent breast cancer!

Please enjoy this little Christmas cartoon I created a few years ago: Revenge of the Christmas Trees:

More news continues below...

Today on
- "Thieves Oil" wards off colds and flu
- Top 3 supplements for emotional stability and focus
- Sweet potato pie: You'll love this seasonal recipe!

Health Ranger update on lab research, upcoming food science announcements, industry myths and more
(NaturalNews) We're on a reduced publishing schedule through January 1, but I wanted to update you with the latest developments here at Natural News. As you know, we are just two weeks away from our groundbreaking announcements on food science. Our...

How got swindled into pushing Big Pharma's anti-nutrition propaganda
(NaturalNews) A recent hack-job "study" declaring all multivitamins to be completely useless has been exposed as nothing more than drug industry propaganda following the revelation that not only were the vitamins used in the study synthetic, but the study...

Peppermint provides surprising results for digestive problems, physical performance and even weight loss
(NaturalNews) The Christmas holidays are just around the corner, and peppermint does contribute to the festivities in its own way, as some of you will likely not be able to resist the temptation of indulging in candy canes. It has long been added to various...

Acai berry - Six ways this superfood can change your health
(NaturalNews) If you've never heard of the acai (pronounced ah-sigh-EE) berry, you're missing out on the enormous benefits this superfood offers. So let's get schooled on this reddish-purple fruit harvested from the acai palm tree, which is native to...

Chocolate trumps fluoride in the fight against tooth decay
(NaturalNews) Imagine using chocolate to remineralize tooth enamel while discouraging cavities. Sound too good to be true? A researcher at Tulane University has come close with a non-toxic chocolate extract that outperforms fluoride. Taking into account...

The benefits of Probiotics
(NaturalNews) The word "bacteria" certainly doesn't have a pleasant ring to it. It calls to mind pictures of uncleanliness and disease. And if something called E. coli can cause outbreaks every now and then, we may never get beyond our initial perception...

Check out these healthy, gluten-free alternatives to white flour
(NaturalNews) It's not difficult to find research lamenting the poor nutritional value of enriched white flour. Consuming this omnipresent flour - which has been processed, bleached and stripped of all its nutrients - has been repeatedly linked to constipation...

Using juniper berries for urinary tract infections
(NaturalNews) Using a natural remedy such as juniper berries for a urinary tract infection (UTI), especially if you catch it early enough, is a great alternative to antibiotics. Juniper berries have long been used to treat both kidney and bladder conditions...

Tomatoes can help prevent breast cancer
(NaturalNews) While the debate over whether tomatoes are a fruit, berry or vegetable rages on, their health benefits are well known. Their lycopene content has been linked to a reduction in the risk of certain types of cancers like stomach, oral and prostate...

Moringa oleifera is a potent anti-inflammatory, study finds
(NaturalNews) Moringa oleifera, also called the drumstick tree and the horseradish tree, is a drought-resistant tree that grows in the foothills of the Himalayan mountains in northern India. It is also cultivated throughout Africa and Central and...

Diesel exhaust exposure associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease for babies in the womb
(NaturalNews) Upon conception, a child is born into the mother. From this point on, what the mother consumes, drinks, breathes and thinks become a part of the child inside her. The mother's air, food and water are passed to her precious new one, snuggled...

Myrrh can have a positive effect on the whole body
(NaturalNews) Although well-known from the Bible, the sap used to create myrrh often remains something of a mystery to the majority of the public. The positive health effects of myrrh have been well-known since ancient times, with the ancient Egyptian...

Harrassed! Florida police jail innocent man 56 times for trespassing at his place of employment during work hours
(NaturalNews) Racial profiling is still very much present in the United States, as Earl Sampson can attest. The 28-year-old Miami Gardens resident has been stopped by police 258 times in four years, subjected to unwarranted search more than 100 times...

Public isn't buying lamestream media's contrived attack on multivitamins
(NaturalNews) Once again, the lamestream media habit of completely accepting commentary from mainstream medical "authorities" has resurfaced as part of an anti-supplement campaign. Recently, they've take a fistful of press releases from medical mafia...

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL & A HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!‏ Susan Rice on Benghazi: "I don't have time to think about false controversy"

Heather Ginsberg
Last night on “60 Minutes”, we may finally have found a real hard-hitting interview. Well it may not have been that hard-hitting, but Susan Rice certainly did make a serious effort to dig a deep grave for herself.
In the interview, Lesley Stahl made an effort to press U.S. Ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, on NSA tactics. After many have been wondering about Edward Snowden’s future, Lesley asked Rice about how affective the NSA is and what their plans are for the future.
Lesley asked,(...)
Read it all here:

Fantastic Concept: Million American Jobs Project

Watch the video, then think about it - It would work!!
Made in America!!

By taking a fraction of our spending and buying US-made goods, we'll create a economic tidal wave. Watch the video and share it. Boom, you're helping make jobs.

And One More Thing, a place to find products that are Made in America:

Let US All Do Our Part For A Prosperous 2014!

Rufe's Extended Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet. Fr. rain. See discussion. highs 30-38 N/S.
Tuesday;  breezy and dry. Lows 7-27 N/S. highs 11-31 N/S.
Wednesday; quiet and dry. Lows 7 below-12 N/S. highs 10-26 N/S.
Thursday; quiet. Mtn. flurries. Lows 8-18 N/S. highs 26-35 N/S.
Friday;  quiet. Mtn. flurries. Lows 16-24 N/S. highs 25-35 N/S.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 10-20 N/S. highs 23-35 N/S.
Sunday; breezy. Mtn. flurries. Lows 15-26 N/S. highs 27-39 N/S

Unmasking of Maine and Beyond: Is Amending The Constitution The Solution To A Federal Government Which Violates The Constitution?‏

“What needs changing? Isn’t enforcement what we need?”
Read more HERE.
We agree that the United States Constitution is in jeopardy, but the substance of that sacred document is not the problem. The problem is the elected officials that refuse to honor, defend, and uphold the principles and laws set forth by it.”
 Does this sound Just Like Lisbon's Town Government, change the Charter to suit 'their' needs and forget about the taxpayers, the hypocritical oath of office, or Checks and Balances?

The Rocking Chair ~ An Alternative to 'BigBox' buying and a 'Plastic Christmas' Enjoy!

The video shows the construction of a rocking chair using superhero powers... but no power tools. Later I will launch an "education version".



 by clyde
via The Blaze by Oliver Darcy Brenda Schmitz, a wife and mother of four boys, died of ovarian cancer at 46-years-old in September 2011 — but what she left behind is undoubtedly generating tears around the world today. One month before passing, Brenda wrote a letter to her husband David and had it sent to […]

A STAR 102.5 Christmas Wish for David Schmitz and family from the late Brenda Schmitz. KSTZ/Des Moines, Iowa.

For an audio-only version and to read more about the wish, visit:

DID THEY THINK WE WOULD NOT FIND OUT-----------> Toni Townes-Whitney

Toni Townes-Whitley
Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is executive at company that built Obamacare website.
First Lady Michelle Obama’s Princeton classmate is a top executive at the company that earned the no-bid contract to build the failed Obamacare website.
 Toni Townes-Whitley

Princeton class of ’85, is senior vice president at CGI Federal, which earned the no-bid contract to build the $678 million Obamacare enrollment website at CGI Federal is the U.S. arm of a Canadian company.
Townes-Whitley and her Princeton classmate Michelle Obama are both members of the Association of Black Princeton Alumni.

Toni Townes,’85, is a onetime policy analyst with the General Accounting Office and previously served in the Peace Corps in Gabon , West Africa . Her decision to return to work, as an African-American woman, after six years of raising kids was applauded by a Princeton alumni publication in 1998.
George Schindler, the president for U.S. and Canada of the Canadian-based CGI Group, CGI Federal’s parent company, became an Obama 2012 campaign donor after his company gained the Obamacare website contract.

On the government end, construction of the disastrous website was overseen by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), a division of longtime failed website-builder Kathleen Sebelius’ Department of Health and Human Services.

CGI Federal did not immediately return a request for comment.
Let’s see if we can connect the dots here ...
1.) No American companies considered;
2.) A Canadian company hired;
3.) No Bid contract for $93 million;
4.) Top executive at website-building firm went to school with Michelle Obama;
5.) Previous experience building gun registry for Canadian government;
6.) Fired by Canadian Government for overruns that cost Canada $100 million;
4.) Overruns for Obamacare enrollment website now costing U.S. $678 million, and still going up.

Does this bother anybody else besides me? And this is just one of their corrupt enterprises. The Obamas are worse than "Bernie" Madoff and far more dangerous to the country. These thieves and traitors should be in jail for the rest of their lives.