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Saturday, March 1, 2014

TSA Bull Crap Right Here in Manchester, New Hampshire, we report you decide

Isolated idiocy or something more sinister?

Steve Watson
February 28, 2014

A man who was traveling through Manchester, New Hampshire was stopped and harassed by the TSA after he opted out of going through a body scanner. The official reason for further interrogation, according to the screeners, was “We saw Bitcoin in your bag and need to check.”
For anyone living under a rock, Bitcoin is a virtual currency. It does not exist in physical form. Saying you had seen bitcoin in a bag would be like saying you had seen email in a bag – it makes no sense.
Which is why Davi Barker, a Libertarian blogger who was returning from the New Hampshire Liberty Forum, was somewhat befuddled at the situation.
I was about to ask for my attorney, who happens to be my wife, when [the person wearing] the orange shirt said, “What about Bitcoin?” I was flabbergasted. This was above and beyond any scrutiny I had ever received from the TSA, and a little frightening that they were looking for Bitcoin. I said I didn’t understand the question. He continued, “We saw Bitcoin in your bag and need to check.” I was incredulous, and asked, “Do you have a superior officer because I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.” The blue shirt replied by repeating that they were “managers,” but if I didn’t answer his questions he could call law enforcement and have me taken into custody. I asked, “Aren’t you law enforcement?” and he replied, “No we’re with the TSA.”
Barker, who is a co-founder of BitcoinNotBombs, a Bitcoin advocacy group, relates the encounter in the following video:

Read and Follow more here:

Announcement: There will be no more Weather Outlooks

Due to the passing of Rufus Hamm, who graciously provided them for all of us. Our Sympathies and Prayers go out to the family. Rest in Peace 'Rufe'.

NaturalNews: Safe water activists pressure Austin to drop fluoride‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers, 
Safe water activists hit the Austin City Council hard yesterday, calling them out for poisoning the water supply with fluoride.
Even our local resident activist "Ronnie Reeferseed" let 'em have it during the meeting:

If you use your smart phone too much, you can get "tech neck" wrinkles!

Among other health benefits, vitamin C can also help reduce the risk of stroke:

More Obamacare fallout: Now Target is dropping health insurance for its part-time employees:

More news continues below...

Today on
- Natural control of type-2 diabetes
- 6 things that hurt your willpower when dieting
- Why thyme is a powerful natural antiseptic

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The Maine Wire: “Republicans call for investigation of partisan activity of Legislature’s nonpartisan staff” plus 4 more‏

Republicans call for investigation of partisan activity of Legislature’s nonpartisan staff
Posted: 28 Feb 2014 04:24 PM PST
AUGUSTA – A Sangerville Republican has asked the Democratic chairs of the Legislature’s Government Oversight Committee to begin a State House-wide investigation of the partisan activities of nonpartisan staff. “It is necessary for the integrity of our Legislature and the trust between parties and between elected members and staff to investigate the extent to which […]
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For parents of disabled children, MaineCare waitlists are a nightmarish prospect
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When doctors discovered that Jeff and Kirsten Martin’s child would have serious medical complications, they urged her to terminate the pregnancy. When the Martins decided abortion was not an option, they began a lifelong journey of living with, loving, and caring for, their disabled daughter Emily. “My daughter was born in 1997,” said Martin. “We […]
Donald Sussman’s newspaper censors a conservative voice (again)
Posted: 28 Feb 2014 12:24 PM PST
The Portland-based Press Herald newspaper, a publication majority-owned by Democratic Party mega-donor S. Donald Sussman, has refused to publish an unedited opinion editorial from the top Republican representative on the Legislature’s Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee. Press Herald Editor Greg Kesich’s handling of Rep. Deb Sanderson (R-Chelsea)’s opinion editorial is but the latest in […]
Medicaid Expansion In Any Form Bad for Maine
Posted: 28 Feb 2014 12:24 PM PST
(Editor’s Note: The Portland-based Press Herald newspaper refused to publish this opinion editorial, written by Rep. Deb Sanderson (R-Chelsea), the top Republican on the Legislature’s Health and Human Services Committee. It appears here in full. For an explanation click here.)  I don’t blame many people for thinking expanding Medicaid in Maine under ObamaCare sounds like […]

Friday, February 28, 2014

School Capital Improvements‏

Anyone that wants to see the photos that were on display (Plus a few more) at the Capital Improvements Information night, They are available at the link below. This can and should be the future of Lisbon. Please share with everyone you know! Talk to your neighbors. Ask them to talk to their friends. These are well earned and needed projects. Just think of all the benefits that will come from these investments in our community. Graduations, Tournaments (Wrestling, Basketball, Cheering.), Playoffs, Home meets, championships, safe places to exercise, etc.... Once the gym is built, the focus will turn to remodeling the current gym into a Performing Arts Center to be proud of using specific grants. These will have great return on investment. PASS THE WORD!!!! We need the the public informed!

Please contact School Administrators for more information, or to voice your opinion.

Traci Austin

72 Webster Rd.

Lisbon, ME 04250

Vice Chair
Kathi Yergin

2 Highland Ave.

Lisbon Falls, ME 04252

Pete Reed

385 Ridge Road

Lisbon Falls, ME 04252

George Caron

50 Main St.

Lisbon Falls, ME 04252

Marcey Crosskill

37 Ferry Rd.

Lisbon, ME 04250

Dean Willey
Lisbon Falls, ME 04252

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Outstanding bonds answer from School Information Night‏

There was a question asked at the School Capital improvements information night on Tuesday that asked, and I am paraphrasing here, what are the outstanding bonds that the town currently has out, and when they will be paid in full?  Well, since the finance committee, and the town council who were present could not or would not answer, here is the answer.  This is straight from the most recent audit that has been posted on the town’s website under the finance department.  The last one is from November’s election. 

Type of Bond
Date of issue
Original Amount
Date of Maturity
Interest Rate
Town Bond
May 2009
November 2019
Town Bond
May 2005
November 2020
Town Bond
October 2006
November 2021
Town Bond
October 2011
November 2021
Sewer Bond
August 2004
April 2024
Town Bond (LCS)
May 2004
November 2024
Water Dept. Bond
October 2005
November 2024
Sewer Bond
October 2005
October 2025
Water Dept. Bond
October 2006
November 2025
School QSCB Bond
July 2010
July 2030
Town Bond
May 2010
November 2030
Water Dept. Bond
October 2010
November 2030
Water Dept. Bond
November 2013
November 2034

Submitted by: 'False Deluder'

Now this is what The Lisbon Reporter was created for. Where else can you go to have such great community involvement with activities and information in OUR Town?  A BIG Thank You to local citizen False Deluder for researching and bringing forth information for our community!!!

Outstanding bonds answer from School Information Night‏

There was a question asked at the School Capital improvements information night on Tuesday that asked, and I am paraphrasing here, what are the outstanding bonds that the town currently has out, and when they will be paid in full?  Well, since the finance committee, and the town council who were present could not or would not answer, here is the answer.  This is straight from the most recent audit that has been posted on the town’s website under the finance department.  The last one is from November’s election.  

Submitted by: 'False Deluder'

Now this is what The Lisbon Reporter was created for. Where else can you go to have such great community involvement with activities and information in OUR Town?  A BIG Thank You to local citizen False Deluder for researching and bringing for information for our community!!!

GreatFallsTV: Lisbon School Committee Meeting February 24, 2014