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Monday, April 20, 2009

Past Time We Get Answers To These Questions

At the April 14 informal, around the table, budget meeting with Town Council
and Town Manager Steve Eldridge, with some Advisory Board members present,
the focus was on a no tax increase budget. A no tax increase budget would
eliminate positions in the police department and the Library. The Assessing
and Codes Departments would be eliminated entirely. Wayne Ricker with the
Town Transfer Station offered to take a cut in hours and pay. Town Manager
Eldridge is suggesting cutting the pay for Jerry Samson and Mike Cote,
Assessing and Codes respectively, to 30 hours per week.

At the end of the meeting there was discussion on keeping all positions and
no pay cuts in all departments, all but Assessing and Codes. Just wondering
why? Is it the Assessing and Codes Departments that are being targeted, or
is it Jerry Samson and Mike Cote?

If so, WHY? This is unfair.

At Assessing and Codes budget discussions many from the public were present
and spoke on why those departments and employees should not be eliminated,
should not be taken over by the City of Lewiston.

Why are Town Manager Eldridge and some Council members insistent on elimin-
ating the Assessing and Codes Departments in Lisbon? Why are they determined
to get rid of Mr. Samson and Mr. Cote?

It is past time we, the public, get answers to these questions.

A public budget hearing is scheduled for Tuesday April 28 at 7 p.m.
This meeting will be held at the Lisbon Community School, and NOT at the
Lisbon Town Office!

Dot Fitzgerald
A Taxpayer and Very Concerned Citizen