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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Revaluation Revisited

"I was contacted by Pat Dow"  words spoken by Van Tuinen at Town Council Meeting.

What is this, Another Inside heads up job by your Town Officials?

Revaluation Revisited
The Town of Lisbon does need a revaluation, badly. This should have been
done years ago, but taxpayers, trying to save, have been putting it off. 
Try selling a property in town when the prospective buyer goes to the town
office and sees the low value and thinks they can buy the property for that
low price.
The revaluation the Town Council approved last week for $8,000 is for land
My concern is that Town Council was not really given a choice. I feel
that we should have heard a presentation from both bidders. Why is that so
There is a considerable difference in the bids, $8,000 vs. $35,000,
but I would have liked to hear what and how we would have gotten for the
$27,000 difference. I am the first person in favor of saving money, but I
also try to get as much information as possible before I spend my
hard-earned money. 
Again, is that so wrong?

Now is a good time to do a revaluation. I just want to see it done right and
I'm sure Mr. William Van Tuinen is very qualified and honest. 
My concern is, how and why is he doing it for so little money?
Dot Fitzgerald

I Love A Bargain
And Am A Concerned Citizen
Instead of looking for more money for the pool they ought to be considering making 
making the pool smaller.  In other words, CUT, CUT, CUT. 
 Cut the budget.
GIVE the budget to the people to vote on. 
Stand by, more to come on this subject.