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Friday, March 5, 2010

Feedback Friday

By the way. Especially enjoyed last night's article, "Self Serving Over Paid Chief"
You certainly are doing your homework!
Thank's !!

Thanks!  …keep up the great work on your site!  The Town Office stuff is very informative, to say the very least.  Salaries are so not in-line with the rest of Lisbon’s payroll, like the recent hire of a financial/bookkeeper.  Have a wonderful day!!!

Video {Flatuous Five} is hilarious!  Can we get him to come here and perform?  Maybe then the townspeople would get motivated to GET INVOLVED!  Thank you for finding this....was a great chuckle and much needed! your site. Thank you.
Kudos to the Editor of the Lisbon Reporter. Where else can you find history, as not taught in our schools, information on government, humor, local current events, and the opportunity to voice ones opinion, amorously or not. I could go on and on, but you readers know what I mean. 
Some have voiced disapproval and outright outrage for some articles printed. But, this is after all, a free country, and they have that right. Like it or not, agree with what is printed or not.  
Again, Kudos, and keep up the good work.