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Monday, October 11, 2010



Once again, Todd Comber is the voice of reason. His article on using the Ethics Committee hit the proverbial nail on the head.
Town council established an Ethics Committee as required by the Town of Lisbon Town Charter. It should be utilized.       More on that at another time.

There are altogether too few ‘voices of reason’ in government, be it local, State or Federal.

Wonder why? We all need to look to ourselves. When we read in the newspapers, or hear on the radio or television of things that are wrong, do we get involved? Do we write letters or call our elected officials? Or do we sit back and say to ourselves “What can I do? I’m just one person. Who will listen?” If 1, 10, 100 or 1,000 do it, than you are not “just one”. You are one of many. And that is how things get changed. That is how YOU can make a difference.

This does work. How?

On the local level, go to meetings, town council and school committee. Can’t hear the ones speaking? Call Town Manager Eldridge. I have asked members of the council and Eldridge countless times to speak up so they can be heard, both at the meeting and on TV. Short memories or don’t want you to hear what is being said?

If not able, watch meetings on television. All meetings are televised, or are supposed to be. If a meeting is not on TV, call Town Manager Eldridge and ask why it isn’t.

On the Federal level, names with addresses, phone numbers, both local and Washington, and e-mail addresses are published in local newspapers.

Question your elected and appointed officials. Again and again if necessary.

GET INVOLVED! I cannot say it often enough.

Todd Comber is a voice of one, but think about the many he has reached through The Lisbon Reporter.

Agree with him or not, your thoughts and opinions will always be published.

Thank You Todd for all your hard work. For persevering through good and not so good. Despite criticism and sometimes-downright hostility.

Keep up the good work Todd. I am one of many that appreciate you and all you have done, and are doing.

Dot Fitzgerald
A Lisbon Concerned Citizen.