"Believe It Or Not There Are No Laws Requiring Carbon Monoxide Detectors In Rinks""The Federal Government Has Not Created A Law Requiring Clean Air In Rinks"
But they have required us to comply with 'Adverse' Conditions In Order To Board A Commercial Airline, HELLO???
Yet this has been known about for several years, see this.
Indoor Air Quality and Ice Arenas
All recreational facilities including ice arenas should use good ventilation practices especially when children are present. It is critical that indoor air quality is protected particularly when using fuel-burning equipment such as ice resurfacers indoors. Over the past five years, new EPA standards took effect for emissions from ice resurfacers. New machines that meet the most stringent EPA standards reduce hydrocarbon emissions by about 71 percent, nitrous oxide emissions by about 80 percent, and carbon monoxide emissions by about 57 percent.More information on non-road engine emission standards, which cover this equipment, is available in EPA's Regulatory Announcement: Emission Standards for New Nonroad Engines (PDF) (7 pp., 412 K, about PDF) EPA 420-F-02-037, September 2002. See also www.epa.gov/otaq/regs/nonroad/
Oh heck, we all just need to grab a "diet soda" and Chill Out, whoops, can't do that either.
Read about it here.