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Friday, June 17, 2011

Check Out This "Shockingly Fast" '72 Datsun, It's No Gas Either

Time for a chance of pace...
While bankers loot, politicians lie
and the news media looks the other
way,  normal people continue to do
positive, worthwhile things. 
The subject of this video while not the
ultimate solution to anything, is an
encouraging sign - and it's fun. 
America is not just crooks and the thugs
and lawyers they employ. 
It's ingenious, creative, positive people too. 
A red hot electric car

Paradigm smasher

This guy is going to ruin everything for the global warming/carbon tax crowd.

Non-polluting cars that are high performance and fun?

Tell me it ain't so Big Al (Gore).

How are we supposed to wallow in "inconvenient truths" if trouble-makers like this mess things up by smoking the car companies with superior home brew engineering?

Remember, the personal computer was the creation of a bunch of unfunded individuals, not the military-industrial complex.