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Friday, October 7, 2011

Re-Cap of Town Council Meeting on Tues. 10/04/11


Tuesday’s night Town Council meeting was an extremely sad day for the Lisbon Community.  Faye Brown, Green Thumb Gang, informed the council she was finished as a volunteer taking care of the garden for the community.  Ms. Brown cited the total lack of support from the management of the town.  She presented a very appropriate plant to the town manager.  Ladies and gentlemen, this is a must see so turn into the Town Council meeting viewing now on Channel 7 at 7:00 PM on Friday night.  Faye was first to speak so you do not have to sit through a lot to witness this devastating event.

There was an excellent presentation on Fisheries in Maine by Andrew Goode.

Liza Ward spoke for a senior citizen about the Western Maine Transportation bus.  This was discussed at the last workshop and the council is working on this problem.  As it turns out, there will be a workshop on October 25th to discuss this very issue with the management of the bus line.

Ryan Leighton presented the bids ordered by the council at the last meeting.  The bids were higher and the lowest bidder has asked to curtain the project until next spring.  The council votes to reject the bids and put the project off until next spring.

The council voted to approve the warrant on Charter Changes on the ballet in November.

The council adopted the amendment to the Purchase Order Policy. 

The council approved a motion to open the bid process for the demolition of 3 Village Street and to utilize Undesignated Funds to pay for it.

On October 11, 2011 there will be a Workshop to discuss:

    Fireworks Ordinance
    Marijuana  Dispenser

Councilor Mason, Social Director for the council, announced the first Moxie Day meeting for next year had been held.  Councilor Mason asked for more volunteers for upcoming events.

At this point, the meeting took a drastic turn of events.  It was supposed to be an Executive Session on Personnel Matters.  Councilor Cote asked the council do this in public but Councilor LaRochelle said he was in possession of a letter and it’s contents needed to be reviewed by the council in private.  Chairman Lunt announced the council would go into closed session to discuss if they were going to do whatever in public.  So the majority waited for the council to return so we could be briefed on what was taking place.  When the council returned and went back into session.  One of the councilors made a motion to adjourn, it was seconded and voted to adjourn.  Once again, the public waited for the council to brief us and they did not; wasting more of the public’s time.

I want to express my heart filled appreciation for the more than fifty years of dedication and faithful volunteer service to the Lisbon community by Faye Brown.  It is a crime the community lost a valuable asset because of the mismanagement by the town manager.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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