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Tuesday, October 4, 2011



I have sent an email to all members of the Town Council requesting the immediate removal of Councilor Bowie for violating the Town Councils own ruling back in 2009 pertaining to Bowie’s conflict of interest.  Bowie has been involved with the Lewiston/Auburn 911 project, the Communications Center Consolidation project and currently sits on the County Budget Committee.  All of these issues have a direct or indirect bearing on Bowie’s wife's employment and financial situation, since she works for the Lisbon Police Department.

A blind person can easily see this is another conflict of interest.  So the real question is “Will this Town Council have the guts, integrity, and the conscience to do the right thing and remove Bowie as a Councilor?”  Remember it has to be all six councilors voting to remove Bowie.  This is a big challenge for this council because at least four and possibly five are Bowie’s puppets.  This vote will show the true colors of our Councilors.  Anyone, who votes NOT to remove Bowie, will certainly not be someone with integrity or a conscience.  This vote should be a public vote so every resident can see the makeup of the council.

There is no question Bowie has violated the conflict of interest rule of our Charter and the advisory recommendations of the Ethics Panel in 2009 which were adopted by the Town Council, again.  Since, this is a violation of the Town Council’s ruling; it is the responsibility of the Council to police one of their own.

The citizens of Lisbon need to pay attention to the vote by the town council.  It will demonstrate who will place the best interest of the town ahead of personal feelings.  It will also point out the councilors who are part of the problem and not the solution.  This is a critical point for Lisbon and anyone who votes NOT to remove Bowie needs to be off this council the next time they come around for reelection. 

Will this council hide behind closed doors and cover this up or will they be honest with the citizens of Lisbon and put this to a vote in public?

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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