Another Conflict of Interest with Councilor Mike Bowie
By: Peter Reuter
The Lisbon Reporter
It is very apparent that YOUR form of Government representation is not working for the best interests of the majority of you, the taxpaying citizens. There has previously been a suggestion regarding the conflict of interest that now Councilor Mike Bowie has, and Previously had as former Chairman of said council governing body.
You have been “hoodwinked , bamboozled, and LIED to by the likes of Gina Mason and her view on things via Rosie colored glasses. Tell me something please, How or What did that amount too? Previous councilor, now State Legislator Dale Crafts has led and lied like a rug laying on the living room floor about his efforts to help this community. When in fact he is more of an embarrassment only second to Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks, and the LIES that he has told both under OATH and NOT. Don’t worry I have been reviewing plenty of evidence to substantiate these claims beyond any shadow of a doubt to a jury of our peers. BUT will not share with a convoluted bunch of heathens like so Represent you on the current Town Council. Many years of research and documentation has been gathered by Mr. Comber a previous resident. He has graciously allowed me access to it. Thus I say to you all in doubt , PROVE ME WRONG.
You have heard from the Councilors about being able to police themselves and so on, and on, and on. All but one of them speaks out of both sides of their mouths. So why don’t you as citizens come out to tomorrow’s nights Town Council Meeting in droves like you have in the past when you have been directly hit in the pocket book, (remember last’s years tax billing errors when you filled the whole damned Town Office Building?) and speak during the Audience participation segment of the Town Council Agenda and ask the Councilors themselves to take action?
Never mind sending this to the Ethics Panel. They have previously met and made a Valid Recommendation about Councilor Mike Bowie’s Conflict of Interest. If they didn’t have so much to hide why are they trying so hard to HIDE EVERYTHING?
Resident Larry Fillmore should be respected and commended for his valiant efforts to help bring this Conflict of Interest to light again. But why do something that has already been done?
You all voted for this Town Council form of government because you thought it would better represent the town. Well, in fact it has been a better representation for those few in the loop of ’corruption & cronyism‘. You all laughed at the fact during the selectmen’s meeting that it was a joke as to who was going to fall asleep first, Ed Madden or Paul Chizmar. And those two were utilized for their signatures for the dastardly dealings of Mike Bowie when he himself was a selectman. The level of corruption trails back to Lane Curtis as Chair of Selectmen and Lisbon's first Chairman of newly formed Town Council for of Government. There are many other player's involved here.
SO Lisbon Residents. The power is in your hands. Will you continue to sit at home and do nothing or will you come out and “show your faces” of disapproval to the way things are being done in Lisbon?
Good Luck, you all will need a lot of it. I truly wish you all the strength you may muster to attend tomorrow night’s council meeting and help make a change in Lisbon.
My GOD, if you could get the current Economic Community Development Director Scott Benson to give such a fantastic presentation as with Moxie weekend, one weekend out of 52, you would be the Economic Capital of Maine. That’s right Moxie weekend is one weekend. What happens during the other 51 weekends or weeks in Lisbon?
See the light yet?
Thanks for reading.
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