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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lisbon Residents, Listen Up!!! Didn't You Vote And Say Unanimously That You Wanted To Vote On The Town Budget?

 Here's the wording all ready done by esquire.

"Section 6.04 (d) 1 is hereby deleted and the following new Section 6.04 is adopted.

(d) Adoptions:

                  1. Town Budget.  The final vote on the Town Budget shall be taken by the Council on or before the Budget as passed by the Town Council shall go to a Budget Referendum on or before  Tuesday May 8, 2012.  The vote at the Budget Referendum shall be taken for each Department of the Town as separate items.

            The Town shall provide printed information to be displayed at polling places to assist voters in voting.  This information is limited to the Budget approved by the Council for each Department.

            If the voters do not validate the budget approved by the Council at the Budget Referendum, the Council shall hold another budget meeting at least 10 days after the Referendum to vote on a new budget.

            The budget approved at this budget meeting must then be submitted to the voter for validation at Referendum in accordance with this Section.

            The process must be repeated until a budget is approved by the Council and validated at Referendum.  If the budget is not approved, the budget for the prior year shall become the budget to be implemented on a month-to-month basis until such time as the final budget is approved."
But your Town Clowns aren't having anything to do with it.  So just take out a petition get 25 or what ever it is of qualified signers and turn this into them at the next town council meeting and jam it down their throats!  A Citizen's initiative takes precedence and the Town Council has NO say in it..... Save Yourselves $$$

Anonymous said...
Again, please do some research before you make false statements. Yes the overwhelming majority voted for the Advisory Referendum--close to 4 to 1 for the measure. But you state it was unanimous. Either you need a dictionary or a simple visit to the towns webpage to find the results for elections going back to June 2008. I beg you, please stop and do some fact checking before you post "articles". Thank you,
Lisbon Concerned Citizens said...
We humbly bow down to you as you have brought out a very analytical view of the point we were emphasizing. Majority of the dike has broken, and Majority would have been a better choice of wording. Shalom


Anonymous said...

Again, please do some research before you make false statements. Yes the overwhelming majority voted for the Advisory Referendum--close to 4 to 1 for the measure. But you state it was unanimous. Either you need a dictionary or a simple visit to the towns webpage to find the results for elections going back to June 2008. I beg you, please stop and do some fact checking before you post "articles". Thank you,

Ed said...

We humbly bow down to you as you have brought out a very analytical view of the point we were emphasizing. Majority of the dike has broken, and Majority would have been a better choice of wording. Shalom