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Friday, January 13, 2012

NaturalNews: New York schoolgirls develop mysterious illness - post-Gardasil sickness? And More...

Dear NaturalNews readers,

Hope your day is going well!
I spent most of the day in the NaturalNews video studio filming interviews with various people. Was also on the Alex Jones Show today, talking about new evidence showing dangers of GMOs, as well as breaking news about Dr. Andrew Wakefield's lawsuit against the British Medical Journal. We'll have that video interview posted in a few days at www.NaturalNews.TV

Lots of hard-hitting news today:
• Twelve schoolgirls in New York have come down with a "mysterious illness." Could it be HPV vaccine related?
• Check this out: A medical journal is now publicly questioning the (quack) science of routine vaccinations:
• Pregnant women taking SSRI drugs now risk their babies having high blood pressure:

• Woah! Fiji bans all non-fluoride toothpastes. Guess health freedom doesn't exist in Fiji, huh? Eat this chemical or else!
• Here's a dietary miracle of sorts for type-2 diabetics: Barley grass improves blood sugar and cholesterol levels:

Today's Feature Stories:

SSRI horrors grow: women who take popular antidepressants risk babies with severe high blood pressure
(NaturalNews) Although Big Pharma and mainstream medicine continue to push antidepressants, especially the type known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Paxil and Prozac, the documented risks and side effects of these drugs remain...

Barley grass improves health in type 2 diabetics and reduces cholesterol
(NaturalNews) Barley grass (Hordeum vulgare) has been a favorite among health enthusiasts for centuries. It is usually consumed as a powder or liquid, but is also used to make barley malt. Barley grass is considered a superfood, because of its incredibly...
Medical journal openly questions science, ethics of HPV vaccinations
(NaturalNews) On January 12, 2011 the Annals of Medicine published a ground-breaking peer-reviewed paper titled, Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine policy and evidence-based medicine: Are they at odds?, 1
At least 12 schoolgirls in New York develop debilitating mystery illness, health department refuses to disclose cause (Gardasil?)
(NaturalNews) Twelve young schoolgirls from Le Roy Junior - Senior High School near Rochester, New York, recently became afflicted with a mysterious condition that caused them to develop tics and other symptoms similar to those associated with Tourette...
2012 The Year of Troubles
(NaturalNews) We have finally arrived at the fateful year of 2012 and we can expect all kinds of troubles. We might as well get used to it; we are now living in a year of prophecy -- that is, if you are attuned to such things. Where I built my Sanctuary...
Fiji government bans all non-fluoridated toothpastes, threatens legal action against anyone who violates new restrictions
(NaturalNews) Health freedom in the South Pacific nation of Fiji has taken an extreme turn for the worst with newly enacted government legislation that has banned the market and sale of any toothpastes that do not contain added fluoride chemicals. The...
Seaweed fibers boost weight loss
(NaturalNews) A team of scientists at the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE) at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark has discovered evidence that seaweed fibers have a high corrective impact on obesity. Dietary fibers increase health statusPrevious...
Marijuana smoking better for lungs than cigarettes
(NaturalNews) Marijuana smoking, at least at moderate levels, does not harm lungs but actually improves airflow rates and lung capacity. That's the finding of a recent study published in the January 11, 2012 issue of the Journal of the American Medical...
10 reasons why even democrats, liberals and progressives are choosing Ron Paul over Obama
(NaturalNews) It's a seemingly absurd idea on the surface: Why would democrats and liberals want to vote for Ron Paul (a Republican) over President Obama? Maybe because they want freedom instead of tyranny, it turns out. Because if you're a total slave...

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