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Friday, January 13, 2012

Are You Watching The News? See Anything Similar? Iran A War Based On Hunches, Perhaps? (IAEA, Iran, Iraq, Israel, pretext, UN, war)

War is a Racket!


In its most critical report yet on the country, the International
Atomic Energy Agency says Iran might be working on developing nuclear weapons.

The International Atomic Energy Agency doesn't really have any
intelligence capabilities of its own. It is relying on reports that are coming from others like Israel and the United States.

It's all based on 'suspicions' and 'hunches'. It's all speculation
and grainy satellite photos. It's so similar to the build up to the Iraq war it might as well be an instant replay on ESPN.

In fact, the UN nuclear watchdog has found NO smoking gun, but has
succeeded nonetheless in providing a pretext for war.

Former CIA officer Philip Giraldi speaks with RT and expresses
grave doubts about the value of the IAEA report...


- Brasscheck

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Iran: a war based on hunches

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