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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Town Council Busted: Last night, the Town Council Held It's First And Hopefully It's Last Secretive Workshop


Last night, the Town Council held its first and hopefully its last secretive workshop.  This event was not published on the town web site but was on the sign board in front of the town office.  The calendar had no entry but the workshop was held.  Workshops are supposed to be open to the public and this one was because Mrs. Fitzgerald and I showed up because we do not trust this town council.  Both Dot and I check the town web site daily in order to stay on top of what is going on in this town.


 Roger Therriault
 "Finally he was able to stay awake and do a presentation!"

The Town Attorney, Roger Therriault, finished up his Councilor Orientation.  The information he put out was very enlightening but unfortunately fell on deaf ears.  Here are some of the items covered:

a.    There are no limitations on workshops.
b.    The purpose of workshops is to gather information. 
c.    Workshops should have a published agenda along with the documents (handouts being discussed)
d.    The council can take comments from the public.
e.    Can take polls but no voting.
f.    Discussed Ethic and conflict of interest.
g.    Avoid the perception of any conflict of interest.
h.    All decisions must be based on “fair and equitable facts”
i.    Discussed the Charter
j.    Discuss the “Home Rule”
k.    Municipal’s has the power to do whatever that is not explicitly stated by the state.
l.    Charter is the rules and regulations of how the council should operate.
m.    Urged the councilors to read the chapter on “Separation of Power”
n.    How to change the Charter.
1.    The council can prepare amendments.
2.    Establish a Charter Commission
3.    Petition by the people.
4.    All of the above must be voted on by the people.

It would be nice if this council would adhere to the attorney and start publishing the agenda and placing the handouts on the web site prior to the workshop like is done for their meetings.  Also, taking input from the public at workshops would go a long ways to gather information which is the purpose of a workshop.

Next the Town Engineer, E. Ryan Leighton, wanted to discuss the closing of numerous roads in order to cut spending and save money.  I was not provided the handouts so I cannot publish what roads were discussed.  At the end of the discussion, it was determined the council would select one road to use as a test to ensure the process was good.  They also needed to get information from the Assessor on what impact this would have on the property value.  Mr. Leighton stated there is no significant saving short term but possibly long term.

The next topic Mr. Leighton discussed was the Androscoggin River Trail project.   This project was bonded several years ago by the people.  The project has not moved very much and cannot move ahead until the Army Corps of Engineers approve the project.  Then there is another hurdle to be overcome and that is putting the project out to bid.  But the most significant fact that came out is the town will have to hire a real engineer to oversee the project.  This is a “Licensed Professional Engineer” which Mr. Leighton is not but is receiving a salary equal to a Licensed Professional Engineer.  This is additional expense to the town which is paid by the taxpayers.
Why doesn’t the town hire a Licensed Professional Engineer if we are going to continue spending these taxpayers’ dollars on an engineer? 


Were You Listening?

 I hope the Town Council will take the guidance of the town attorney and make the adjustments to the procedures of the workshop.  I believe it will benefit the council and make workshops more productive.

Larry Fillmore
Concerned Citizen

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