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Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Sheepdog's Prayer

The Sheepdog's Prayer
by Roger Temple

The Knights of Old were Men of Honor
Who used their Might For Right!
Today they’re known as Sheepdogs,

Those who carry on the fight.

I am a tired old Sheepdog,
The guardian of my flock.

I keep the predators at bay

And stand watch around the clock.

Please stop the Sheep from pulling my teeth.

I’ll need them for the fight,
When the hungry Wolves come calling

Some dark and deadly night.

I pray I’ll never need my gun,
But someday if I do,

May my cause be just!

My draw be quick!

And my aim be ever true!

Heaven holds a special place
For those who do the deed,

Defenders of the innocent

In their hour of need.

May the Sheep someday be grateful.
There’s a debt they can not pay

To the Sheepdogs who lay it on the line

Each and every day.

I am proud to be a Sheepdog.
I’ve done my very best.

I’ll stand my watch until my Maker

Calls me home to rest.

But when I meet St. Peter
There’s just one request I’ll make,

“Please let me spend Eternity
Standing guard at Heaven’s Gate”.

Lord, help us bring this ”Age of Sheep”
To a rapid end.

Then fill this land with Sheepdogs,

Men of Honor, once again.

This prayer is dedicated
To those who bravely face,

The dangers all around us,

To make our world a safer place.

To the soldiers, cops and warriors-
Sheepdogs through and through.

Thank you for your service

And your sacrifices too.


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