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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Almost $200K Worth Of Write Offs Furors The Few Caring Residents

It has come to my attention that our town leaders have written off  $185,990  dollars owed to the Town of Lisbon.  This is about $51 dollars for every household in our town.
At a recent Council Meeting a resident asked for an explanation of this massive write off.  The Council’s answer was silence.  How can the governing body of our town not know anything about such a large financial loss?

If I am not mistaken in order to write off money owed the town the Town must first get the approval of the Town Council. I have watched all available video records of the Council Meetings and have not seen any such vote or approval.  At one point the Council did approve a smaller tax abatement adjustment to the budget but this abatement vote wasn’t almost 186,000 dollars.  Was there a clandestine vote?

The taxpayers of this town have a right to know what was written off and when.  The Council should immediately post this information on the town web site for all to see.  Any delay in disseminating this information will cast a very dark shadow on the Council as a whole. 

I hope the Councilors aren't trying to write off  Larochelle LLC’s illegal homestead exemption. This is money owed the town and State.

We will have to wait to see what  lead to the huge write off.

Joe Hill - LisbonMaine.Net

1 comment:

Gregg said...

Per the town manager, the SJ article is not 100% correct the write off was uncollectable tax on personal property (equipment) that Lisbon had carried on the books. Lisbon does not have the ability to lien personal property and the equipment was moved off site. It was not real estate. The real estate tax adjustment (abatement) was made several years ago after the bankruptcy and sale(several times) . It only reflects a decrease in the valuation of the real property.