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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CAFR1: Truly understanding the 2nd Amendment‏ (The Battle of Athens)

" The Battle of Athens was an armed rebellion led by WWII veterans and citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, United States, against the tyrannical local government in August 1946.

Specific materials in this video are copyrighted and fall into 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, The Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work.

Those who dislike this video are freedom hating socialist and fascist zombies."




Perhaps this will help you to understand the 2nd Amendment.  It is a very interesting piece of history. The 2nd Amendment also allows one the RIGHT to own an "effective" firearm to defend one's property and family.  I believe that people use firearms for protection very frequently.  In most cases, the mere presence of a gun has convinced a criminal to take flight without resistance to the gun owner.  Sometimes the person is never targeted being known to own a gun, or if confronted they have to shoot in self defense.  In most cases, the police will have arrived in time to write the report of the crime.  Watch this video, as it is most informative, and you will not see it on tv.”
I was unaware up until five years ago that this event took place in Athens, TN in 1946. I did not know that an effective armed revolt against a clan of tyrannical government officials by WW II veterans ever took place during our lifetime.
This is an enactment of a bit of very important history.  The 2nd amendment had nothing to do with weapons for hunting.  The primary point of the 2nd amendment was for protection of the citizenry against the tyranny of government!  It is a very sobering video.  It gives the primary view of the right to bear arms and government gone wrong. Here is something that is not taught out of self interests of the political clan in schools. Be sure to watch it to the end and see some of the actual pictures of that time.  
Having viewed the video and seen the pictures, now the meaning of the second amendment is much clearer to me. 
Be sure to view the actual photos at the end showing the plaques describing the event.
Google Athens, Tennessee 1946  to see more of the real history of this event.

Please share and sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

PS: Autos kill 30X more people than guns in America
      Deer are 2X more responsible for deaths than guns in America (causing auto accidents)
      Medical malpractice kills 100X more people than guns in America
      Deaths from falling down stairs is about an even match.

      What part of the English language do politicians not understand: "The 2nd amendment SHALL NOT be infringed"

       But then we always could: Eradicate the autos; deer; doctors; stairs; and maybe then their would be a case to eradicate strong personal protection with the use of guns in America. Not!

But then if they did eradicate effective firepower from guns that the people owned, we could always train and utilize the Kamikaze Deer...  or get real close with our doctor and send our enemies and those that commit crimes against us to him. They have a more effective kill ratio in America than guns anyway.
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