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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

BrasscheckTV: The "militia" clause in the 2nd Amendment‏

The Second Amendment talks
about a "militia."
The militia is most definitely
NOT the National Guard.
Here's one 20th century example
of a citizen's militia in action. 
- Brasscheck
What a militia looks like
Community defenders vs. corporate gun thugs

Baldwin-Felts Vs. Hatfield and militia
A clip from the fantastic film "Matewan" by John Sayles.

Before the federal government (the representative of Big Business) had its own armed thugs (the IRS, FBI, DHS etc). to harass people, private "detective agencies" did the government's dirty work.

Sadly, the hero of this scene, Sheriff Sid Hatfield was later assassinated by thugs from the Baldwin-Felts Agency for interfering with their "business."

By the way, this tradition of private gun thugs in the service of Corporate America is still alive and well...Blackwater, Titan, CACI, Aegis, Executive Outcomes, DynCorp, Wackenhut, etc.


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