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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

LAPD Showing The World They Suck; NaturalNews: LAPD literally trying to execute Christopher Dorner in frenzied manhunt‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The LAPD is no longer a "police" force. It is an execution squad with orders to "shoot to kill" Christopher Dorner, the accused cop killer running loose in Calif.
And yet, somehow the LAPD has only managed to shoot up two innocent women in a pickup truck, one of which was shot twice in the back.
The LAPD has offered an "apology" and says they accidentally shot the wrong truck to pieces without even bothering to see who was driving it. (Yep, seriously.)
Are you getting the picture here? This is not an arrest attempt. This is an execution:

In other huge police state news today, here's my second story on why military drones are soon going to be used against American citizens, right here on U.S. soil. Who knows, maybe they'll launch Hellfire missiles at random pickup trucks driving around LA!

Eating more ginger can help you reduce the risk of colorectal cancer:

Did you know that coffee grounds might be useful as nutritional supplements?

Texas looks like it might pass the toughest anti-drone law in the country! Citizens rejoice:

LAPD literally trying to execute Christopher Dorner while endangering LA citizens with random 'shoot to kill' gunfire
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Reduce your cancer risk - especially colorectal - by eating more ginger
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Coffee grounds make great supplements, a study shows
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