Lisbon Council Chairman Fern Larochelle
At last night's council meeting a change of pace was instituted as an effort to make the meetings move along at a faster rate. Council meeting rules will be strictly enforced announced Chairman Fern Larochelle. It only lasted about a half hour so that was nice for my aging body to endure. No longer will residents be able to bring to topic anything that is not on the agenda.
SO, how do we citizens go about getting an item on the agenda? I find this to be another attempt to silence Mr. Fillmore who brings out very valuable and important information to the citizens.
According to Larochelle he stated that the councilors are now at the meetings a half-hour early to discuss anything the residents want to. But what should be more important is making certain that the taping and airing of these meetings continues properly. The council is so proud to promote openness and transparency but seem to always have some sort of technical difficulty getting the meetings posted for the residents to view in the comfort of their own homes. I am still thinking people are interested enough to watch. But who knows for certain.
No one bothered to challenge Gina Mason for her re-election. Once again, the Democrats could not come up with even a good candidate to challenge Dale Crafts on his re-election campaign. So truthfully, the evidence kind of leans to the side of no one really caring. But come tax season they all fill the hallways of the town office and react like an angry mob.
And to no surprise, Mike Bowie and Lori Pomelow were unanimously elected to the new Finance Committee by a 6-0 vote. Coucilor Garrison was absent.
At council meetings I am no longer allowed to compliment public workers on a job well done, clearing streets and sidewalks after recent storms. I cannot say how nice the Children's Reading Room is after the recent renovations, and to praise and publicly thank Diane Nadeau and the Library Ladies for a job well done. They all pitched in and did the cleaning after the renovations. Didn't know that did you?
Thank you to the Town Council for again silencing the public.
When are you, Mr. and Mrs. Public going to attend council meetings, call your councilors, and speak up about the injustices going on at town office?
Lisbon what a shit hole if you had to give Maine an enema Lisbon is where you would plug in.
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