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Thursday, April 11, 2013

NaturalNews: Bitcoin crashes 60% - just as I predicted one day earlier‏

 Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Less than 24 hours after I publicly predicted a looming bitcoin crash, bitcoin crashed 60% and lurched into wild price fluctuations. At the peak of the crash, over $1 billion in valuation evaporated so quickly that most people didn't even have time to react.
Here's the story of how it unfolded, including video proof of my accurate prediction of the crash:

Cancer care rationing begins in America: patients being turned away from cancer clinics:

Which fruits have the highest anti-cancer activity? Pomegranates and berries:

Gun control is anti-women: Rapists are empowered by disarmed victims:

Finally, here are six ways to combat belly fat:

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Gun control is anti-women: Rapists empowered by gun restrictions
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Big Pharma's legacy of corruption: Natural substances turned into pharmaceuticals sold for massive profit
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Unstable planet: Massive dry landslide on rare seismic zone near Seattle threatens destruction of homes
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Manage diabetes with the foods you love
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Depression in men linked to folic acid deficiency
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A powerful way to kill cancer from the inside out
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Mind control, the shell game, and the stealth gods
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Bitcoin crashes over 50% just one day after bold public prediction by Mike Adams of Natural News
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