Latest Hard Metal Pricng

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Lisbon PD!!!!!

Submitted by: 'Gordie'


Danny said...

Thanks for helping build a positive image Lisbon.
Move, I'll help pack!

councilor Cote said...

Danny would you please take your left hand and grab your left ear and take your right hand on your right ear and pull hard and see if you can pull your head out of your ass.If you don't like it move and I won't help you pack but Larry might.

Danny said...

I would expect nothing less from a pathetic loser who dwells on the negative. Get a life and stop bashing our town. Again I’ll help you pack!

Councilor Cote said...

Pathetic is a yellow wine ass that does not have the guts to ID them selves. I have been in Lisbon for 57 years got involved and see how money sucking pigs have brought this town down so if you don't want to get involved don't find fault if you are involved you are the problem.