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Thursday, June 6, 2013



Last Monday was a historical moment in the town of Lisbon, three members of the Town Council and three Water Commissioners sat down at the table in response to the Maine Legislature’s mandate.  As far as I know, this is the first time these two groups have met to jointly work together on this issue.  

This workshop set the ground work for many many more such meetings by creating a mission statement; establishing a schedule, identifying a need for additional members and outlining goals for the next workshop.  All of these actions are steps in the right direction to keep moving forward.

The Mission Statement is to find the most cost effective way to provide Water and Sewer to the residents of Lisbon.  This is probably not the exact wording the committee came up with but it is as close as I can remember.  There are several options being considered and these are not in any priority:

A.       Place the general operations of the Water Department under the town.
B.      Establish a separate Water District and Sewer District.
C.      Establish a combined Water and Sewer District.
D.      Leave everything as it currently is.

This committee has agreed to meet the first Monday of each month, to start with and will meet at the town office starting at 06:30 PM.  The next meeting is scheduled for July 1, 2013.

The committee recommended adding two or three residents that utilize the town Water and Sewer to the group.  Those residents interested in being a part of the Utilities Committee can go to the town web side, click on Boards and Committees and scroll down to Application for Boards and Committees.  The form must be completed and submitted the application to the town no later than June 13, 2013 for consideration.  In the block call “OTHER” type in “Utilities Committee”.

At the next schedule meeting, the group will be briefed by members of the Water Department and the Sewer Department.  Also the group will be inviting members of other towns to come in and explain how they provide both Water and Sewer to their residents.

The Public is invited to these committee meetings and the last ten minutes of the meeting have been set aside for Audience Participation.  The group is interested in what you have to say.

Larry Fillmore

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