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Monday, July 15, 2013

Good Ol' Boys Rule Lisbon, So Similar To This Except Lisbon Has Better Law Enforcement Running Interference

Price gouging alleged in Carole Swan trial

By Betty Adams
Staff Writer
BANGOR — Former Chelsea Selectwoman Carole Swan, who’s now on trial facing multiple charges of fraud, took a particular interest in the Windsor Road culvert replacement project in 2007, climbing down into a deep crater to the stream bed below.

Carole Swann
Staff photo by Betty Adams
That was the testimony in U.S. District Court today of Peter Hanson, who attended a prebid meeting at the washed-out road site with three contractors that included Swan’s husband Marshall Swan.
Carole Swan, 55, is accused of falsifying the cost of a culvert for the project that eventually was awarded to Marshall Swan Construction, and her trial on that charge and 10 other fraud charges is in its sixth day.

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