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Monday, July 15, 2013

Will Lisbon Follow This Lead?


In Friday night’s Lewiston Sun Journal ( there is an article about the Town of Rumford closing their Dispatch Center.  In an effort to control spending and limit mass tax increases, Rumford has elected to utilize the Oxford County Dispatch to provide emergency services to their resident.

With the cuts in Revenue Sharing and the slumping economy in Maine, it has become necessary to cut out redundant service in order to keep from raising taxes on residents.   Rumford was not a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and did not receive 911 calls directly.  Instead, all 911 calls came into the Oxford County Dispatch and then were relayed to Rumford Dispatch before anyone was dispatched to respond to the situation, much like Lisbon.  Any delay in response time, puts lives at risk.  By eliminating the middle man, there will be a quicker response time  providing a much better chance of survival.  Regardless of the delay time, whether it is a long or small period of time puts lives at risk.

It is too bad; the Town Council of Lisbon cannot see this.  Lisbon Town Council would rather raise taxes on it citizens than close its Dispatch Center saving approximately $266,000 tax dollars plus the cost of the equipment.  Maintenance and replacement of the equipment is going to cost approximately $250,000 tax dollars.  This savings would eliminate a need to raise taxes again this year.

However, it is more important to our Town Council to support Chief Brooks and his inflated ego than to do what is right for the citizens of Lisbon.  This is a sad state of affairs. 

Eliminating Lisbon's Communications Center would be a Positive Change for Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore

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