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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

NaturalNews: Health Ranger update: Natural News to make breakthrough content announcements‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Before we get started with the news today, we have an opportunity to pitch a TV show that could be aired in 2014, and I wanted to know what show topics you might be most interested in seeing.

I have no idea about any of this because I don't watch TV. You probably don't either, come to think of it!

Nevertheless, here's a quick poll where you can vote on the type of TV show you'd like to see me put together, possibly to air on a major network:

I've also got a significant announcement for your today on some breakthrough content projects we are about to announce, plus significant news on our server upgrades:

Obama has announced he will "delay" the employer mandate of Obamacare. The problem with this is that it sets a precedent for all future Presidents (including Republicans) to selectively "veto" any part of any law they don't like:

Denver is going to start charging people fees who do yoga in public parks!

Is gluten linked to autism?

Also: How to make your own almond milk or fresh juice using a nut milk bag:

Update from Adams: Natural News undergoing server upgrades in preparation for breakthrough content announcements
(NaturalNews) During the next 72 hours or so, you may see slight website glitches here at Natural News as we migrate to new, more robust web servers. Due to the success that our readers have brought us, we've out-grown our web servers and needed an upgrade...

Denver to start charging groups who do yoga or fitness in public parks
(NaturalNews) Fitness groups that hold classes at public parks, green spaces, and other multi-use public areas in Colorado's capital city of Denver could soon have to pay user fees to the city in order to continue using them, according to new proposals...

If Obama can choose to ignore the 2014 Obamacare mandate, then any future President assumes line-item veto power over all legislation
(NaturalNews) Our founding fathers devised and adopted a republican (small "r") form of government that contained three co-equal branches of government that were designed to be a check and balance on the others. No one branch was designed to be more powerful...

Boycott Monsanto! Live in the Garden of Eden with fruits and vegetables grown from organic heirloom seeds
(NaturalNews) Instead of nurturing humanity through education, healthy eating, natural medicine and planting ancient organic heirloom fruits and vegetables, the Evil Empire of Monsanto and the various committees of the current American administration...

New MRI research reveals cancer cells thrive on processed sugar
(NaturalNews) Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, your dietary habits could be significantly adding to your risk of developing cancer. New research published in the journal Nature Medicine has confirmed that processed sugar is one of the primary...

Parents should limit their child's cell phone use; says federal radiation health watchdog
(NaturalNews) It's an all too familiar scene: children, some as young as nine, spending an exorbitant amount of time on cell phones. What may not be as familiar, and therefore go unnoticed, is the sight of children who are suffering and sick from cancer...

New study links wheat (gluten) consumption to autism
(NaturalNews) Another piece in the complex puzzle of what causes autism and other related behavioral disorders appears to have been identified by a new study published in the open-access journal PLoS One. Researchers from Columbia University...

Burn fat, build muscle, and better your health in less time with HIIT
(NaturalNews) People want to lose fat, gain muscle, and not spend a lot of time doing it. An easy way to accomplish this is... There is no easy way. The quickest and most effective way to lose fat and increase muscle is through High-Intensity Interval...

Chronic Inflammation 101 - Everything you need to know (and how to eliminate it)
(NaturalNews) Improved hygiene habits, water clear of pathogens (though with added chemical toxins), and good plumbing have controlled infectious diseases to a minimal threat. The medical establishment's claims of vaccinations vanquishing infectious...

Omega-3 supplements provide an effective protective shield against skin cancer
(NaturalNews) Omega-3 fatty acids from fish, walnuts, seeds and supplements have been shown to effectively protect against many forms of cancer, cardiovascular disease and dementia, as the long-chain fats are preferentially channeled to form cell wall...

Californians sign petition to repeal the Bill of Rights
(NaturalNews) The Bill of Rights - the original 10 amendments to the U.S. Constitution - are considered the cornerstones of our nation's founding. When they were adopted at the time, the Bill of Rights were considered radical and revolutionary, devolving...

Add to your food security by growing highly-versatile pigeon peas
(NaturalNews) In order to achieve true food independence, growing a variety of in-season fruits and vegetables throughout the year is essential, as is cultivating certain supplemental plants that provide a steady stream of nutrients for these and other...

Adam Kokesh raided by 'storm trooper' assault team, while journalist David Gregory goes free for similar 'crime'
(NaturalNews) If you're getting the impression that the Obama "Justice" Department tends to pick and choose which crimes it wants to pursue and which crimes it wants to ignore, for purely political reasons, I'd have to say your analysis is spot-on. More...

Adopting four lifestyle habits lowers all-cause risk of death by 80 percent
(NaturalNews) If you could dramatically lower your risk of dying from all causes by 8 percent, would it be worth your effort to change a few simple lifestyle habits? Virtually everyone has a concern about chronic disease and mortality, especially as they...

BPA causes devastating metabolic changes inside the body, study finds
(NaturalNews) The real threat from bisphenol-A (BPA), the nefarious plastics chemical linked to endocrine disruption, may have more to do with the substances produced when the chemical is metabolized by the body rather than with the actual chemical itself...

How to make your own nut milk (or fresh green juice) using water, nuts, a blender and a nut milk bag
(NaturalNews) By now, almost everybody knows that conventional milk products routinely contain synthetic hormone chemicals, blood and pus. So most people look for alternative milk products, and while soy milk was popular for many years, all the nasty...

The fall of reason: How to protect your sanity in an insane world (and achieve spiritual victory in the process)
(NaturalNews) I'm reaching out to you all with words of assurance as I write this story. By now, I think we all are overwhelmingly convinced that we live in an insane world. I call it the "post-reason era." It's a world full of irrational people, criminal...

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