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Thursday, August 8, 2013

Recap Town Council Meeting Tuesday August 6, 2013


This council has no regards for town ordinances, our Purchasing Policy or abiding by our Charter.  This council does exactly what it wants and cares less about rules and regulations.

During Audience Participation, I explained to the council how they approved yet another contract in violation of the town’s Purchasing Policy.  The violation was as follows:  “At the last council meeting, this council approved the award of the road striping contract to Markings Inc. without having an official sealed bid being present."  

According to Mr. Eldridge, it was simply left out by accident.

What Mr. Eldridge did not tell the council was an email, not a sealed bid, was sent from Markings Inc. exactly one hour and 36 minutes after the opening of the seal bids, which there were none, and the closing of the formal bid process.  This email is what the town is calling an official bid; however, vendors may submit their bids in writing or by verbal communication only for informal bidding.  This requires a formal bid.  

How did Markings Inc. know to send a quote by email at that exact time?  

I’ll bet if you check Mr. Leighton’s email you will find where he sent an email to Markings Inc. that very morning.  

This council approved the road striping contract without a formal valid sealed bid being present.  Also, Lucas Striping wanted to bid on this contract and never received the RFP or an email from Mr. Leighton.  I know that it is not the town’s responsibility to ensure these companies receive the RFP but everyone should have the same chance to bid on the RFP.

I monitor the town web site several times a week and the last posted RFP was from someone for the ECD department.  I never saw any of these RFP’s on the town web site as Mr. Leighton stated.

Markings Inc. is a Massachusetts business and Sir Lines-A-Lot, LLC is a New Hampshire business.  However, Lucas Striping is located in Sidney, Maine.  Also, there is a company called Pine State Safety Line Inc. out of Topsham which was never considered.  Why do we have to go to Massachusetts for this contract instead of keeping our money in Maine?  

Supporting businesses in Maine helps the economy of Maine.  Remember to “Keep Maine Green”. "This is the second contract approved by this council which violates our Purchasing Policy.”  None of this information fazed the council; they approved the minutes of the last meeting anyway.
Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances – The council awarded a $35,743.00 contract to Howard P. Fairfield for a Dump Trailer and $89,200.00 contract to Messer Truck Equipment for a Trash Trailer.  The Carries and Transfers were tabled until the next meeting.  The council passed the 2nd Reading of the Fireworks Ordinance Amendment and the 1st Reading of the Timber Harvesting Ordinance.  The council then had a private discussion amongst themselves about the Worumbo Mill called Public Notice for Worumbo Mill.  Chairman LaRochelle refused to take input from the audience. 

Under Other Business – There was a debriefing by Debra Wagner and Tracey Steuber complete with a financial breakdown for everyone to see.  Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, informed us that the annual audit has been completed.

Larry Fillmore

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