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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Dumbing Down of the Dumb TownHallPM: Obamacare Website 'Dramatically Underestimates' Health Costs

Guy Benson
The Obamacare roll out is simply one disaster after another. Now, it has come to light that the website (when it even works) is showing incorrect premiums. Guy Benson writes:
A lot of people may be in for a rude awakening if they foolishly trust the new-and-improved government website to accurately estimate their monthly premiums. What are the actual premiums people will have to pay if and when they're ever able to sign up for Obamacare? Someone unearthed this spreadsheet earlier today, and it's been making the rounds for a few hours now. At first glance, it appears to list every plan and every monthly (pre-subsidy) premium within Obamacare's federal exchanges. Time will tell if this data is genuine -- but weren't these numbers supposed to be hidden behind a registration wall? The idea was to hide the sticker shock from consumers until their government assistance could be calculated to soften the blow.

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