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Saturday, November 30, 2013

BrasscheckTV: The History Of Medical Industry Corruption‏

The same people who corrupted Congress,
the news media, and academia, also had
a conscious program to take over medicine. 
Here's the history of how they did it. 
- Brasscheck

 How the medical monster came to be
The history of a corrupt industry
 The modern day mainstream medical industry has a dubious history, deeply rooted by a drive for profit through the subversion and suppression of non-profitable and non-patentable therapies and treatments.

To this day mainstream allopathic doctors and practitioners are heavily indoctrinated into a system that protects ever increasing industry profits while fiercely defending orthodox therapies. The network of allopathic medical institutions and education strictly denies medical freedom and outlaws any treatments that cannot generate market share profits for their monopolized industry.
 Monopoly control uber alles 
How did the US medical industry get to where it is today?

First of all note that it’s called an “industry” and 90% of the focused talk about it takes place on financial news shows.

The “Health Care Industry” is considered a good investment, a growth market, but one talks about whether it’s helping people get healthier or sicker.

- See more at:

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