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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

NaturalNews: Heavy metals denialists, consumer fraud and real-life charlatans‏

Dear Lisbon Reporters and NaturalNews readers,
The response to Natural News publishing heavy metals laboratory results for natural products has been almost entirely positive among readers, but some smaller natural products companies have resorted to deceptions, denials and even consumer fraud over the issue.
Here's why you should never trust anyone who tries to blow off the issue of heavy metals:

The infamous "yoga mat chemical" found in Subway breads is also found in these 10 other fast foods:

High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer. So why won't oncologists use it?

The top four real reasons why people are getting sick these days:

More news continues below...

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Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: So much for blaming kids who do not get their shots! Ty Bollinger and RSB explain why the outbreaks of whooping cough are due to those who are actually getting pertussis vaccines! Listen in at

Today on
- Getting rid of joint disorders
- Health benefits of fermented foods
- Staying clean in a toxic world

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