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Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wake To Hell Up Americans! Hillary's Benghazi Lies Are Covering Up A Dark Clinton Secret‏ and much more, if you care!

 Hillary famously said about Benghazi, “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans.” “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”
Hillary is posing a false question.  It doesn’t make any difference whether it was protest or thugs out for a walk.  What matters is that she didn’t do her job and provide Stevens with proper protection.  If she had been vigilant, either the protest or the thugs would have been stopped.
It also matters that Hillary tried to minimize Al-Qaeda by emphasizing the silly video.  She and Obama had said that Al-Qaeda had been defeated and it was necessary for the prestige of their administration to maintain this myth.
Benghazi proved that our leaders were lying.  It was necessary for Hillary to pin it on the video rather than the supposedly defunct Al-Qaeda.
Oh there is much more to read here:

Rampant Democrat Corruption

Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.

Islam’s Shadow War Against the World
By Onan Coca

Islam is different from other religions because it is all consuming. Unlike Judaism, Islam demands the conversion of the unbeliever or punishment is meted out in this life, not just the next. Unlike Christianity, Islam demands non-Muslims to remain silent about their beliefs. Unlike Buddhism, violence is often prescribed to ensure the spread of Islam. All of these things have worked together to ensure Islam’s dominance of North Africa and a huge swath of Asia… but it’s not enough. Islam wants more. Islam demands more.
islam cancerAnd so over the last generation we have idly watched as Islam has spread to Europe and began infecting pockets of the West. So much so that even as some nations have begun to try to defend themselves, the reality is that they are too late. They never realized they were fighting a shadow war.
As Germany begins to succumb to Islam, just as much of the rest of the world has, some brave voices have stood up to fight back. One of those voices has become an internet sensation for her brave stand against Islam. Her name is Heidi Mund, and she has decided that her country is worth fighting for.


Islam's Shadow War Against the World

Islam is different from other religions because it is all consuming. Unlike Judaism, Islam demands the conversion of the unbeliever or punishment is meted out in this life, not just the next. Unlike Christianity, Islam demands non-Muslims to remain silent about their beliefs. Unlike Buddhism, violence is often prescribed to ensure the spread of Islam. All of these things have worked together to ensure Islam’s dominance of North Africa and a huge swath of Asia… but it’s not enough. Islam wants more. Islam demands more.
And so over the last generation we have idly watched as Islam has spread to Europe and began infecting pockets of the West. So much so that even as some nations have begun to try to defend   themselves, the reality is that they are too late. They never realized they were fighting a shadow war.
As Germany begins to succumb to Islam, just as much of the rest of the world has, some brave voices have stood up to fight back. One of those voices has become an internet sensation for her brave stand     against Islam. Her name is Heidi Mund, and she has decided that her country is worth fighting for.

Read more here:
Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.


Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.


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