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Friday, July 25, 2014

NaturalNews: Cancer is curable NOW - full documentary publicly released, watch it now Plus Lots More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
Cancer is already curable! In fact, numerous cures have been known for many years, but they are all suppressed by the cancer industry and the powers that be.
Fortunately, the FULL free documentary called "Cancer is Curable NOW" is available to watch on Youtube. This documentary will open your eyes to an entire universe of knowledge and wisdom that the establishment hopes you never learn:

Watch out: A new website called "Monsanto Collaborators" looks like it was set up as a trap to discredit anti-GMO activists. Here's why:

Want to reverse chronic disease? Get more sulfur in your diet (from foods, of course)

CNN's Anderson Cooper admits TWA Flight 800 was shot down in 1996 - although the media has called this a "conspiracy theory" for the last 18 years:

This is cool: Preppers are jumping on organic foods!

more breaking news continues below...

Friday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EDT: RSB and Dr. Frank King discuss relieving pain without intoxicating the liver, including the pain of endometriosis. Call with your questions at 1-866-939-2355. Listen in at

- Morning drinks for body detox
- New strategies help smokers quit
- 6 foods that lower blood pressure

Cancer is curable NOW: Watch the full free documentary here
(NaturalNews) We live in a world of outrageous lies fronted by corporate interests, but one of the fundamental undeniable truths of biology is that cancer is curable. The cures have been known for decades, and they're readily within reach of...

Beef and bacon prices hit all-time high in U.S. as meat prices continue to soar
(NaturalNews) Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) have sprung up in recent years, confining cattle in as little space as possible, with no room for the animals to roam, with no grass for them to feed on. Genetically modified feed is trough...

Yet more highly contagious disease vials accidentally discovered at government lab
(NaturalNews) Hundreds of additional vials of freeze-dried, exotic pathogens have been discovered at a government laboratory, according to new reports. Abandoned vials labeled "dengue," "influenza," and "Q fever" were among those discovered inside 12...

Md. couple charged with keeping their abused 22-year-old autistic twin sons locked in a basement
(NaturalNews) The ground beneath Rockville, Maryland, must have shook as neighbors learned about the dark, inhumane conditions that 22-year-old autistic twins were forced to endure right in their own neighborhood. When police arrived at 1602 Crawford...

Optimal sulfur levels can reverse chronic disease
(NaturalNews) Are you unable to lose excess weight? Do you have a family member at risk of dying from an "incurable" disease? According to a growing community of health experts, medical professionals need to consider the danger of sulfur deficiencies...

Dietary tips for women with heavy menstrual bleeding
(NaturalNews) Many women experience heavy menstrual bleeding, a condition called menorrhagia, that warrants medical attention. (1) For some women, attention from a medical professional is necessary, because underlying factors such as polyps, fibroid tumors...

CNN's Anderson Cooper admits TWA Flight 800 was shot down in 1996, confirming media cover-up
(NaturalNews) At the time, it became one of the most conspiracy-theorized incidents since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy -- the downing of TWA Flight 800. In case you haven't heard the story, Flight 800 -- a Boeing 747-100 airliner...

Irradiated and brainwashed: Japanese citizens somehow still support nuclear industry
(NaturalNews) Virtually no one in the Japanese public supports nuclear energy production anymore, thanks to what many now agree was the worst nuclear disaster ever to occur in recorded history. But this hasn't stopped the Japanese government from continuing...

Couple loses combined total of 280 pounds, says healthier eating habits helped with weight loss and led to current vegan lifestyle
(NaturalNews) Robert Foster used to weigh 327 pounds and his wife Jessica, tipped the scales at 287.(1) While Robert outwardly dealt with his weight though humor and embracing his love for bad foods, Jessica often felt as if she were invisible. However...

Preppers going all in for organic foods
(NaturalNews) In larger numbers, Americans who want to be better prepared in case of natural or man-made disasters don't simply want to "settle" for just any food to eat: Even in less-than-desirable conditions, they want healthy food to sustain them. That's...

Exploding jellyfish population a warning sign of worsening ocean health
(NaturalNews) Signs continue to emerge showing that the ocean waters are changing in pH, moving toward a more acidic state. As jellyfish populations explode in specific areas of the oceans, scientists warn of a new era of declining ocean health teaming...

An introduction to potassium and why it is essential for our bodies
(NaturalNews) Potassium is an essential mineral whose ions are vital for the functioning of all living cells. It accumulates in plant cells, meaning that many fresh vegetables and fruits -- most famously bananas -- are rich in it. Dissolved potassium...

Antipsychotic drugs shrink the brain and may accelerate psychosis for schizophrenics, study finds
(NaturalNews) As humans age, brain cells lose some of their volume and the brain shrinks slowly, subtly over time. Brain cells and their connections are scaled back especially when they are not used. This process of atrophy usually begins after age 30...

Australia scraps carbon tax in major defeat for global warming alarmism
(NaturalNews) The misguided war on carbon, which has erroneously become the scapegoat for so-called "global warming," is showing signs of retreat in Australia, where a proposed carbon cap scheme was recently abandoned. Prime Minister Tony Abbott's government...

Harvard study links vasectomies to advanced, fatal forms of prostate cancer
(NaturalNews) A recent study from Harvard School of Public Health shows there to be a link between men who had a vasectomy and their risk for developing prostate cancer that could ultimately prove fatal.(1) The vasectomy-prostate cancer...

Seven reasons why THC in cannabis is good medicine
(NaturalNews) With a growing number of states, particularly in the southern U.S., starting to accept the medicinal benefits of cannabidiol, or CBD, a therapeutic compound found in the cannabis plant that is beneficial for treating seizures, inflammation...

Beware of 'Monsanto collaborators' website: it may be a trap to discredit anti-GMO activists and skeptics
(NaturalNews) After analyzing the Monsanto Collaborators website for the last day or so, I've come to the conclusion there is a very high likelihood this site has been launched by the biotech industry to...

One third to die by plague or famine; one third will fall by the sword; one third to be scattered to every wind
(NaturalNews) Many believe that Biblical signs of famine and pestilence have begun to appear in our world, and that's why the title of this article quotes Ezekiel 5:12. In what is now admitted by...

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