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Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Recap Town Council Workshop - July 8th , 2014


Last night’s Town Council Workshop was extremely informative and very explosive.  Members of the Town Council discussed various ideas to reduce the budget in various areas.  These discussions lasted for approximately an hour and a half.  At the end of the workshop Chairwoman Lisa Ward opened the workshop for Public input.

Mr. Richard Main was extremely upset because during the workshop Legal fees was brought up.  The legal fees are excessive for this small town and one of the reasons is that any town employee can call the Town Attorney who gets paid $190.00 per hour and his son receives $175.00 per hour.  Mr. Main recommended that all town employees go through the Town Manager first before going to the Town Attorney.  This was the recommendation by the Council to the Town Manager.

I offered the fact that under Professional Services there was approximately $80,000.00 tax dollars in the budget.  This could be reduced to save the impact on residents.  There are five (5) different incidents of Lease Purchase Agreements spread all through the budget with no explanation.  The Council was looking to reduce the budget by $35,000.00 dollars instead of reducing the budget as much as possible to help the citizens.

Dot Fitzgerald spoke about the additional $35,000.00 the Council added at the last Council meeting which should have made it necessary to find $70,000.00 instead of just $35,000.00.

Roger Cote asked the question to Chairman Liza Ward why the Council was not looking at the department that cost the taxpayers the most.  Everyone knows that he was referring to the Police Department’s budget.  Chairwoman Ward tried to stop Mr. Cote from addressing the Police Department.  Mr. Cote wanted to find out why there were no cuts in the Police Department budget.  Chairwoman Ward demanded Mr. Cote stop and he did not so Chairwoman Ward ordered Mr. Cote to leave the Workshop. 

You are aware that the Chair of the Finance Committee and the Town Council Chairwoman DO NOT PAY REAL ESTATE TAXES in Lisbon.

Larry Fillmore


roger roy said...

someone needs to throw that no good lisa ward dead ass out

Dot Fitzgerald said...

Why should they care if real estate taxes go up?
They do not pay real estate taxes, homeowners insurance, water and sewer bills. Not do they have to be concerned if the furnace will last another winter.

Something to think about it in November when Ms. Ward's term on the town council expires.

Dean Willey, Lisbon Falls said...

I would throw my hat in the ring, but I don't know if I would have the time to dedicate to the town. I will think about it. I have time I think.

Anonymous said...

sounds like the usual peanut gallery comments with each of their usual axes to grind. Dotty Doo- you consistently do not pay your taxes- the people who you insist "do not pay taxes" actually do - their landlord of course would increase their rent to pay his or her taxes-so indirectly they do pay taxes- maybe you should move to a lower tax rate town if you cannot afford it here- stop whining, condemning, and demonizing- you never have anything constructive to contribute

Dot Fitzgerald said...

Nice to hear from you again with your usual comments.
Yes, landlords pay real estate taxes. I should know, I am one.
Hard to raise rent to keep up with taxes. Sounds great, but not very realistic. No income from vacant units.
I'll sell you mine. find out for yourself!

Mary-Ann Morgan said...

Renters do not pay taxes, they pay rent. Landlords pay taxes. Lisa Ward is a rumpswab for David Brooks,why else would she not insist any cuts be made as she has requested of other departments. Anonymous, taxpayers have every right to comment on this budget. They do not have to move, they must speak up for their 1st amendment rights.

Anonymous said...

Really? MaryAnn, Really? Dotty doe't pay her taxes- always complains- maybe she should ask her family for help- move to affordable housing, or move out of town-should the world stop because she cannot afford to pay taxes- or should she come to a conclusion that she needs to do something else?