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Thursday, December 24, 2015


Lisbon School Committee Willfully and Knowingly broke the Laws that Govern their Conduct

Image result for breaking laws
Last night Lisbon Town Council held an Emergency Council Meeting to discuss the School Budget vote scheduled in January.

At this meeting a voting majority of Lisbon's School Committee held a number of impromptu and illegal private discussions about School financial matters. This behavior is clearly a violation of the laws that govern the School Committee.

At least one of the School Committee members was heard acknowledging the illegality of these meetings before she turned around and engaged in another illegal meeting. 

This is the same committee that tried to use a false charter interpretation to justify a "Special Meeting". I guess they use the Charter when it suits their needs but disregards it when the Charter is inconvenient.

This isn't left for interpretation The School Committee clearly, willingly and knowingly disregarded the laws of Lisbon.  

How can we trust them to enforce other regulations if they can't even follow the laws themselves. 

These School Committee members should resign immediately to save Lisbon from further embarrassment.

Joe Hill

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