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Monday, June 13, 2016

TOWNHALL: Another One Bites the Dust: Hillary's 'Marked Classified' Email Lie Collapses

Guy Benson 

Posted: Jun 13, 2016 1:45 PM
Another One Bites the Dust: Hillary's 'Marked Classified' Email Lie Collapses
This story got buried under the deluge of breaking news on Sunday, but Fox News' Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne reported a scoop late Friday that undercuts yet another lie Hillary Clinton and her allies have advanced over the course of her email scandal. You'll recall how Clinton's excuses evolved from a blanket "there is no classified material" (false), to "nothing was classified at the time" (false), to "I didn't send anything that was classified" (false), before finally settling on "nothing was marked classified at the time." As we've discussed previously, this final iteration is legally irrelevant; upon taking office, Clinton signed a binding non-disclosure agreement swearing to protect all classified information, both marked and unmarked. The document was very explicit that government officials have a duty to recognize and safeguard sensitive material -- and we've learned that some of Hillary's emails discussed issues like North Korea's nuclear weapons, the Iran negotiations, and drone strikes in Pakistan.

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