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Friday, October 14, 2016

FREEDOM FORCE: WikiLeaks Unmasks the Collusion between CNN and the Democratic National Committee

By Onan Coca October 14, 2016   

Perhaps the greatest service rendered to us in the recent WikiLeaks data dumps of the Democratic National Committee’s emails (along with the emails from Hillary Clinton’s campaign chief John Podesta) is that it finally unmasked the partnership between the Democrat Party and the main stream media.
For years we on the right have argued that the media was biased and that they often seemed to have two very different standards for Republicans and Democrats. We’ve conducted studies to prove that Democrats get more positive airtime and Republicans get more negative airtime. We’ve literally counted the seconds of free campaign airtime they give to their favorite Democrats and shown how it dwarfs the airtime given to Republican candidates. Over and over again we’ve proven that the media was biased, but they’ve always laughed us off arguing that we’re simply paranoid.


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