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Thursday, January 26, 2017

GOPDD: JUST IN: Michelle Is FURIOUS Over What Trump DESTROYED Of Hers On Day 4 In The White House


Ever since Donald Trump took over as president, liberals have been losing their freaking minds. Banning Muslims, building walls, and firing crooked officials is just the beginning of President Trump’s first week in office, as he continues to take a sledge hammer to Obama’s legacy and keeping his promise to “drain the swamp.” And unfortunately for Michelle Obama, her little legacy is being wiped out too with the move that President Trump just made on day #4 in office.
Besides being an anti-American twat who was “ashamed of her country,” the other “legacy” of Mooch’s was her little school lunch program, which everyone knows was an epic fail. As Mooch chowed down on all fancy and fine trimmings up at the White House, our children were forced to eat basically pig slop, consisting of disgusting meals that were forced on them by Mooch’s government-controlled school lunch program.


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