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Thursday, March 23, 2017

GOPDD: BREAKING: NYPD Gives Hillary Clinton Some Very Bad News – It’s Finally Happening


New York Police Department detectives and sources working an underage child pornography case against Anthony Weiner confirm the laptop seized from the former congressman contains proof that Hillary Clinton knew he was engaging in a long sexual relationship with a minor but did not intervene to alert any state or federal authorities to protect the 15 year old.
According to True Pundit: Unconfirmed reports state that NYPD sources, including some who’ve been working the case involving Weiner, allege that Hillary Clinton found out about Anthony Weiner’s sexting to an underage girl months after he began. Clinton then told Huma Abedin, her closest adviser, to distance herself from her husband, but she did nothing to stop Weiner or protect the poor child.


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