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Showing posts with label CAFR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAFR. Show all posts

Thursday, July 25, 2013

CAFR1: Government Wealth Disclosure and progression over the years.‏

by Walter Burien - - 07/24/13

Clint Richardson is a sharp cookie!

I started briefing him back in 2009 to 2010 and I did not have to repeat something twice. He picked up everything, snap, snap, snap. Within a year he took the ball and ran with it to present.

My National CAFR disclosure started in 1998 and Gerald Klatt ( I briefed at the end of 1999, and he as a federal auditor after being briefed on the “collective totals” and massive specialty investment accounts, three months latter after looking and confirming, he called and said to me: “Walter, what we have here in this country is 100% Communism under the guise of a free market capitalist system. The government owns and controls everything.”

I challenged him at that time, being that he was a retired federal auditor of thirty years, to launch a site focused on CAFR surplus reviews. Six months latter he launched Here is a copy of the first letter Gerald sent me from way back when –
Mr. Klatt died on his birthday, July 11th 2004 two months after having put up a fill in the blanks excel CAFR review program for cities, counties, school districts, and states. Here is the "State" CAFR review program I rescued from an archive of his site – After his death the review programs were stripped from his site by some unknown tactic. (creating that review program could have been the cause of his death. An open source CAFR review program made available to one and all)

I found out about his death when Gerald’s son from his 1st marriage called me in 2006 being that he could not find his father. I checked his house in Tucson, AZ – Sold. I checked his phone, email, and website information – no longer valid. I then searched the SS death records and discovered he died on 07/11/04. I then called and informed his son from Gerald’s first marriage of his fathers death. The circumstances of Gerald Klatt’s death to me are still UNKNOWN. The son who was living with Gerald Klatt when he died, Skip (Troy) Klatt was an attorney. What happened to him is also UNKNOWN to me. As of 2006 he was no longer registered as an attorney in the US or Canada.


**No other party from government, organized education, or any political party has ever openly made a CAFR review available to you, or even simple mention of the CAFR out of their own self interest or fear of reprisal DUE TO THE MONEY / CONTROL INVOLVED!

Tens of thousands of the government gang compile the many CAFRs each year and billions are spent to do their accounting. REALIZE the SCOPE AND SIZE, COOPERATIVE EFFORT, and money (wealth) involved for not a peep of their Holy Grail of accounting for over 65-years. All of the following were included in with disclosure and the reports sent to them for over 40-years but not a peep: The syndicated media; controlled education; both primary political parties; and the tens of thousands of elected and appointed government officials. Kinda like the Catholic church never mentioning the Bible.

Gerald Klatt was the “only” individual as a prior or current government individual that openly broke the “Silence is Golden” rule. People NEED to grasp this point solidly, kick themselves in their own you know what, and run with CAFR disclosure to every corner of the Earth so all other become aware. And yes, it is the accounting standard in most countries around the world now. 

Ever hear Ron Paul mention the CAFR or put links to download any of the many CAFRs from his home state of TX? No, he knows the reprisals that would happen if he did. Keep in mind he has been on the Finance Committee most of his career. He reviews the CAFRs each year in as such. I do not blame him for not a peep, he has his neck stretched out as it is. He is not going to intentionally commit suicide triggering the axe falling and chop it off. He has to much visibility and the repercussions would have been swift and decisive if he had. They would have taken him out so fast he would not have known what hit him.

Realize that all are up against the largest racketeering syndicate the world has ever known, all with it being right there under everyone’s noses, but the majority in their intentionally designed masterful entertainment and distraction away from the basics (total cash income, investment totals, massive growth each year) keep scratching their heads saying: “There is something wrong here but I just can’t put my finger on it.”

Well, my analogy to that is like someone sitting in a row boat in the middle of the ocean saying to themselves over and over again: “I know there is water around here some place and if I keep looking, I know I will find it!”

Please Copy from the archives Mr. Klatt’s CAFR reviews for your state and distribute to all responsible parties within your state. Read and learn from the archives of his linked pages.

From his front page read the following:
Use the example of his work to conduct your own CAFR reviews. Do a Google search for CAFR “and” your local City, County, School District, State University, State Retirement Fund, etc., download their CAFR reports and do reviews for yourself. Mr. Klatt can no longer do it for you and it appears no one else from within government will do it for you either. They are much to busy spending and taking your money. Also to include you in the “loop” it appears to be a violation of their exclusive club rules…

STATE CAFR Reviews – If all local governments CAFR reviews from “within the state” were included in with the state reviews, potential surpluses would be massive, and much greater!

Per Detroit, pay special attention to the following:

If you take a look at why they say they are broke, what they are doing is extending the pension and other liabilities out 30-years as if a liability to be paid in full today. They funnel off much of their “annual” budgetary funds to meet 100% funding today and is why the buzz word of “in debt” and “pensions short”. ** They only project out their income 1-year and project liabilities out 30.

And they do so to create the largest base of investment funds on all levels at their disposal.

Every investment fund large or small is a “Power Base”. Where those moneys are invested determines who’s real-estate; corporation’s venture; or cash loans are funneled into, domestic “or” internationally. “Collectively” between all local and federal, they are sitting on 110-T + as of 2007.
Also take a look at Clint’s article –
TREASON: “Treason doth never prosper; what’s the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.” Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

On a last note per my objective to take a 2-week extended trip to Washington DC, please read the following – it notes what my largest expense will be and why.

Truly yours,

Walter Burien –
Tel. (928) 458-5854

PS: ** Government was NOT supposed to operate at a profit. How did they get around this restriction?

ANSWER: If for example a city had a 100-million dollar profit for the year from any of its operations, at a stroke of a pen they create or deposit into a "liability fund" and poof, there goes the profit re-designated now as a liability.

CAFR1: "Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, D.C." Updated Link On Mission ~ Can You Help Him Out? 

Time is getting late and I (we) need to get this job done.

The CAFR1 to DC Trip has been edited and is highlighted.

Also the CAFR1 National Post of 07/21/13 after edit is included below the DC trip info.

I thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Truly yours,

Walter Burien -

Sunday, July 21, 2013

A Great And Informative Read; Cafr1: The Key to the whole picture in all respects.

I just left a comment to a Detroit article at -
My comment posted expresses the Key to the whole picture in all respects. It is copied below and please share with your contacts and re-post for as many as possible to see in the shortest period of time. 
I hope what is written and the bottom line stated moves and motivates many to move forward on and make the stated objective happen. 
Sent FYI from, 
Walter Burien -

What I have always found interesting is: Most large cities, counties, and states are bringing in more money than Midas ever dreamed about in his wildest dream, and for decades the general population was masterfully entertained off into distraction by the gang to not look.

The population is masterfully spoon fed one story line after another having nothing to do with the total gross income, standing investment wealth, or exponential growth in the take over 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 years (the basics for each and every one of us in our own personal lives) and as it pertains to your local governments a well orchestrated and maintained, total vacuum / void is intentionally maintained of the basics we keep up front and personal in our own lives since we are kids up until we die.

I must say it brings a smile to myself now after 14-years of my best efforts for disclosure though over 600 radio shows done, several YouTubes, thousands of email posts sent, and reaching over 55-million people that are now breaking breaking the ice for true cognitive thinking.

People are now looking and learning in numbers getting those life altering revelations that: The world is not flat, we are not the center of the universe, and the world of government collective take over of the wealth both domestic and international is much different then we all were led to believe DUE TO THE MONEY, OWNERSHIP AND CONTROL INVOLVED.

Always remember ENRON promoted their profits and hid their debt. Government does the exact opposite, they promote their debt and hide (mask) their profits.

When the distractions are moved to the side and the basics are looked at (breaking through that void and vacuum maintained for 70-years) their scheme crumbles under true light shown. With that noted, that is why the “Silence is Golden” rule has been strictly enforced over the last 70-years. It was essential that they had the full cooperation of the syndicated media, controlled education, and the two primary political parties to pull off the Biggest Game in Town. Those heads of those groups were included in on the loop for the last 7-years and the goal of taking it all over by investment and securing the productivity value of an entire nation was accomplished.

When the basics are comprehended, then every issue then comes into clear light: Trade policy, domestic policy, NAFTA, GATT, the Bailouts, Rigged elections, wars, interest rate levels, promoted debt, masterfully presented distractions, the Terrorist buzz words (you can not continue to take all that everyone owns and not expect retaliation when and if the jig is up based on mass comprehension)

Government has accomplished taking it all or in the position to take it all that remains. Each and every day the population becomes a greater liability. The key focus of government over the last decade as can be seen through those promoted shows of Judge Judy, Cops, Jail, and 20 others of the like all have one theme that is subliminally saturating the population over and over again. That being: Shut up, follow instructions, and do what you are told.

On a last note, we all have seen the non-stop coverage of the different instances of fanatics who went off the edge and killed. New Town, etc. Today the focus was on the Colorado Theater were 18 were killed and 70 wounded. While watching the News Helicopter filming the theater from above, I visualized a drone attack of which would have leveled the building and killed all if not most inside. Now ask yourself how many drone attacks our government are conducting each day and how many thousands are killed by them each week. If those events were given the same coverage and the follow-ups of each fatalities life, the men, woman, and children was then shown as was done for each incident in the US, the news media would not have the air time to do so by a factor of 500. Catch that reality check and a chill will go through you of the definition of true evil and how masterfully we are all entertained to be in a selective presentation state of being totally controlled in a disillusion state based on the well honed backed up by billion dollar budgets, the best talent that money can buy, for population control efforts carefully presented by the controllers..

The time is late, and the population better stop spinning their wheels being directed into chasing windmills. Those Jews, Pols, and other back in 1938 – 43 got on those train cars believing they were being relocated to be in nice settlement communities to be with their own kind, done so in their behalf. Also, 99% of the German population thought the same was being done. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Once you have played the population to take all that they own, after doing so, the same (the majority) just becomes a liability to be dealt with and eliminated if needed.

Please for your sake and the sake of your children and friends, realize you are in a real war on the home-front. A war perpetuated and allowed by selective presentation and carefully orchestrated masterful entertainment designed to make you an easy mark for wealth transfer and if needed elimination. Read the writing on the wall as to the position government is taking to “deal” with the population either dead or alive. Connect the dots there, comprehend it, and realize the serious nature of the circumstance building and expanding around us each and every day.

Again, it is a war, and 98% of the population continues to be masterfully entertained to be in an intentionally orchestrated delusional La-La land state for easy control and elimination if the circumstances call for it. Know and learn the score, and force yourself to get a well focused perception for immediate corrective action done so with true applied force.
The controllers do not play fair, and again as said previously they have the best talent that money can buy and can orchestrate events to pull the rug out from all with the stroke of a pen and a few executive orders signed and enforced.


Greed and opportunity has driven the Government gangs in concert with the industrial / financial cartels in concert for over a thousand years. The population was always viewed as a “Productivity unit” to be drained and managed. Never was a good thing for the population and never will be.

The key here that unlocks the vault, puts all on the same page for the first time in history, and is a win-win for one and all is to restructure government as a fiduciary trust manager where the wealth (both domestic and international) currently amassed by collective government is redirected and consolidated into a fiduciary trust structure having the “first line” objective to meet the budgetary requirements of all local governments from the investment return derived therefrom. One revenue source (investment return) replaces another revenue source (taxation). Taxation phased out and eliminated.

Here you have a prospering self perpetuating economy for the next 10,000 years and beyond.

The population maintains their productivity value building their wealth.

The Industrial / Financial cartels have virtually an unlimited source of capital reinvestment from these ever growing massive fiduciary trusts which I have entitled TRFs (Tax Retirement Funds), designed to do what they say: Retire Taxation.

Government administrations in a now very prosperous and with that expanding economy has truck-loads of cash rolling in from the returns generated annually from the TRF funds to easily meet their operating budgets.

Again, a win-win for all involved with for the first time in history, all on the same page.

The current course we find ourselves on with the continued expansion of the take out of simple greed and opportunity applied from government through ever increasing taxation has created a runaway 200-car freight train going at 400 MPH down the track, heading for a 1-mile thick concrete wall. The collision is inevitable and will not be a pretty sight where all loose, government, the industrial / financial cartels, and the population.

The TRF funding principle for government with taxation (all: Property, sales, personal, corporate) phased out and subsequently eliminated creates the start of the Millennium, a thousand years of prosperity for one-and-all, with all being on the same page for the first time in history.

Doing this is not an option, but a mandatory requirement to avoid that train collision if we all wish to survive. I say this not as an issue but as “the issue” that is the war we have found ourselves in at home that is permeating in a very negative fashion every aspect of our lives at this time.

I am a true believer in the David and Goliath story from the past. The Goliath in this circumstance we find ourselves in today generates trillions of dollars annually and has the best talent at its disposal, with an established network of no equal ever seen on this planet to date.

There is only one way to make this happen. The greed and opportunity principle must be implanted in the players of government and the industrial / financial cartels to make it happen for the superlative benefit of the planet (and themselves). How and whom can get the DC gangs brains churning away with a spark of excitement to make this happen?

Well, my focus at this time is to make it to DC for a two week extended trip to address the US Senate during open session for 1-hour and if it can be arranged to do the same for the House. If the necessary sponsorship comes in to get the job done, I will have one of the top ten accounting firms do a complete review of a local city, town, or county in the DC area and complete a TRF prospectus report outlining in detail consolidation, policy restructure, cross over times to meet the objective of the elimination of all taxation in that venue, and have that verified and certified prospectus report for printing and then distribution to the Senate, House, and associated committees. A blueprint that is applicable for every City, County and State in the Nation.

When the sponsorship and funding comes in and is met to do the job, scheduling to get the job done will commence. That can be accomplished by a call to me from one individual or a swarm of many to put this battle plan into motion.

I stand by waiting to fight this battle for one and all. Knowing myself, if this battle is played out, I think the war may just be won shortly thereafter. I can catch their undivided attention and motivate most of the DC gang to push forward with not just an opportunity, but a life defining opportunity for them of many lifetimes that stems back to the first human that stood upright on the planet.

Well, want to make it happen? Then do.

Truly Yours,
Walter Burien –

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CAFR1: Jerry Day gets a Knight award from CAFR1 on the following 12-minute video‏ "Government and the Corporations in Partnership for Profit!"

Government Will Not Save You From Corporations

 "Journalists and political partisans have expressed the mistaken presumption that government is a "balancing force" against the excess powers of corporations. This video explains that most excess power of corporations is provided and granted by government and that government seeks partnership with corporations and shares in the profits. This "public-private partnership" is so advanced that the public interest is no longer a primary concern of government. Government is now a for-profit operation serving itself at the expense of the public interest." 

The following is taken from the website:

           "We the people" as the "First Line Beneficiary" and true owners of:
         The United States of America

   1. What is Taxation? 
ANSWER: A revenue source.

   2. What is Investment Return? 
ANSWER: A revenue Source.

   3. What Enterprise operations do? 
ANSWER: Generate a revenue Source.

   ** The Big question of ending all taxation? **
With all on the same page for the first time in History

   ANSWER: Use #2 & #3 to "knock out" #1

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Fat Calves Draw Big Wolves!

by Walter Burien - 11/1/01 (revisited)


The American public, as the fattened Calf, has attracted the biggest wolves to feed upon them.

We all have learned that nursery rhyme of beware of a Wolf in sheep's clothing.

Well, from all that I have seen in the last 30 years, the Wolves are amongst us. They are not coming from afar.

I have also learned that these are very smart Wolves. They have learned to feed and shelter the sheep and Calves, so that the sheep and Calves stay close to the Wolves feeding grounds, and in fact being that food and shelter are provided, the Calves and Sheep have become passive victims as the Wolves feed in what can be called nothing other than an orgy of gluttonous true embedded evil, self validated, and veiled by the Wolves as good deeds and omnipotent benevolence.

In the world, and in nature, if a creature is cloaked, hiding its true identity, one only has to look at the food and appetite of a creature to determine what the creature truly is.

The American public and the rest of the world is the food for the predators.

(The Wolves)

Have the predators now grown in numbers greater than the food they feed on?

Oh yes! As all of the sheep and Fattened Calves in the field can see, their grazing and homeland has been diminished, the Wolves are taking their children at easy opportunity, and the Wolves are indoctrinating all the Sheep and Calves in the field that being eaten by the Wolves is a good thing.

Additionally, the Wolves are building real and imaginary fences high and strong around the Sheep and the Calves to herd them into inescapable pens so that the Wolves feeding orgy can continue unabated and without repercussion.

What are Wolves dreadfully afraid of, that Sheep and Calves have no fear of at all?

Wolves dread, human beings that protect their flocks with guns, wolf traps, and ornery big old sheep dogs.

How can Wolves feed on the flock in light of what they dread?

Corrupt the human beings that protect their flocks with bribes, distraction, elimination of their guns, and in any way possible, penning or chaining up their ornery big old sheep dogs.

This communication is to the human beings that protect their flocks of Calves and Sheep, and "especially" to all of those ornery big old sheep dogs out there.

It is time to arrange for, and execute a very serious and very effective Wolf hunt, and Wolf elimination campaign. The Wolves have become to fat, and are to many where the entire flocks are in dire danger of being completely devoured by the Wolves.

What is the most effective way to eliminate Wolves?

#1. Poison their food!

#2. Destroy their shelters!

#3. Target their breading sites, and destroy them quickly!

#4. Pull the sheep's clothing off the Wolves in disguise, so that they can be picked off with a clean shot, as they mix in, and hide within the flock!

What is the Wolves food, shelter, and breading grounds?

How do you pull the sheep's clothing off a Wolf?

Well, the Wolf's food is: Revenue, money, mullah, $$$$$, ownership of land, commodities, transportation, weapons, indoctrination vehicles, control barriers derived on paper and backed by force created by the Wolf from the revenue, money, mullah, $$$$$ at and under the Wolves direction.

The shelters: Cut off the revenue, money, mullah, $$$$$, and the shelters of the Wolves will turn into dust and blow away in the wind.

Breading grounds: All areas that support, preach, suggest, or encourage Wolves being feed more, propagating, or not having the Wolves feeding grounds limited.

Serious attention and action also needs to be taken against those that have the ability to direct those ornery big old sheep dogs and human beings, to target Wolves for elimination, who by omission or intentional misdirection allow the Wolves to feed on the flock unabated.

Pulling the Sheep's clothing off of a Wolf: Identify and expose those who have, or are trying to propagate, feed, or shelter the Wolves, as they themselves feed from within the environment of the Wolf's feeding orgy. Upon identifying a Wolf in Sheep's clothing, don't hesitate to quickly eliminate that Wolf from the flock.

This herder has watched his children over the last sixteen years and his country over the last 35 years being eaten by the Wolves. Torn apart, piece-by-piece in front of his eyes. He has, no sympathy what-so-ever for the Wolves at this point, and will stay in the forefront now and to the end of his days to accomplish Wolf elimination with extreme prejudice.

It is noted by this father, and as a human being, that he refers to the two-legged kind of Wolves. He has no animosity towards, or intent to eliminate the four-legged Wolves of whom he considers being magnificent creatures, contrary to the despicable nature of the two-legged bread.

Ornery big old sheep dogs sharpen your teeth and herders unite. You are at war!

Be deserving of the nature given to you and protect your flocks now, and with pure tenacity! Your intelligence and individual or collective strength will be the primary saving grace of and for this country. Make all proud (excluding the Wolf) from your strength exerted and shown.

Yours Truly and Very Sincerely,

Thanks and have a great day! (The good guys that is)

Walter Burien -

The Price of Free Corn -

Saturday, April 13, 2013

CAFR1: Stocton California, are they broke? Not even close, quite the opposite.‏

Stockton California has been in the news lately per "filing for bankruptcy".

The spoon feeding by the media to the population is how government is in dire financial shape and teetering on collapse.

Is this dire-state true or a presented illusion for the benefit of the inside players?

CAFR1's ANSWER: Yes, dire-state for the population and presented illusion for the benefit of the inside players.

Clint Richardson the other day put together and released a "long" article covering many points per Stockton, CA and government in general.

With the facts brought forward in Clint's review of Stockton, CA is Stockton broke? 

No, not at all. In fact easily over a billion dollars of available revenue is squirreled away as shown in Stockton's CAFR (Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.

Clint's article starts off with that he took a snip from a book he is writing. Well, you will see as I did that the article in itself "is" a short book in length. The article starts off with showing point by point the promoted Gov / Media presentation of "their" selectively presented reality.  Then the article evolves into the games played and gives reference and comment point for point.

Clint's article needs to be subject grouped and indexed due to its length. If anyone would like to do that Clink has given an OK on that. Grouped; at the beginning link jump indexed; and bullet-ed his article would be much easier to read and useful for quick indexed reference. The article flows continuously and it is very long. Hard read as presented but the information presented is critical for public comprehension. Again, if someone is willing to take the time to reformat in grouped; linked indexed reference article jumps, please do so.

I note that two months ago Clint's email got hacked and he was blocked from accessing his own email ( When you forgot your original security question good luck with accessing your own account on yahoo. He has set up a new email address until he figures out how to get access to his old. The new email is:

I copied a small section from Clint's article below and have the link to the complete article there also.

In true Clint form he is very detailed, thorough, and covers each point with much reference. When you get a chance give it a read and share with others, especially those in the Stockton, CA area. Post the link on a few of those CA news sites to give those CA residents an eye opener.

If someone as I have suggested re-formats the article then Clint will update the same for easier reference and reading.

Sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

- - -

But here is the kicker…

While government has taken the proceeds of that loan and reinvested that money into another investment fund, with a guaranteed rate of return on the investment, the government is at the same time charging the payments of the interest and principle of that original bond issuance (loan) on to the taxpayers. So the taxpayers will be paying off that loan for months, years, or decades, benefiting some other government, fund, or private corporation for which that bond was issued from, while government then invests that money and earns even more interest on that loaned money! And those payments will be paying back the bond even though the bond proceeds aren’t even being used!!!

This is just one of many tricks for this legal organized criminal syndicate to suck the taxpayers dry.

Also important to note here is that since the proceeds of that bond are “restricted”, those funds cannot be used for any other purposes by law. This is why government loves to put these types of restrictions on taxpayer monies, and indeed goes out of its way to not leave any money in the unrestricted fund balances! After all, governments are only following the law… and the law that they created says that restricted funds can’t be spent on other taxpayer needs (unless they want them to), and instead should or must be invested! What a brilliant scheme indeed.

And thus, the “golden rule” is very true… He who holds the gold makes the rules … except in America, where government makes its own rules to govern itself, in order to hold onto the peoples wealth and property and turn it into gold at the peoples expense.

Think about it this way, folks: If you had the chance to borrow $1 million dollars at 2% interest for 30 years, and at the same time had the chance to invest that same $1 million dollars and receive a guaranteed investment contract with a return on that $1 million dollar investment of 5%, while being able to withdraw that money at no charge to make payments on your original loan while keeping the extra interest as a profit, would you do it? That is, if you had no ethics, standards, morals, or values?

Well, this scheme is only possible because government passed a law that said it was legal! That interest or capital gain does not by law have to be used for the purposes of the restricted funds of that original bond. Think about what is possible with this kind of unlimited power of law and money creation and tax money exaction and extortion through bond creation, with no punishments and no worries that the people might actually stand up and fight back or say no… let alone have a clue as to what is actually happening behind their backs in the first place!


Monday, March 11, 2013

North Korea - 150,000 to 200,000 in Prison - Those Monsters!‏

by Walter Burien - 03/10/13
It is mentioned on the news in the US, North Korea has 200,000 in prison and that number it is implied as a very bad thing. Those monsters!

The actual number? 150,000 to 200,000 so let's use the average of 175,000

What is the population of North Korea (24,451,285) divided into that 175,000 to get a percentage? PERCENTAGE = .00715*

NOW lets do the math to see how things are here in the US?

The annual average Prison population in the US (there 1-year or more) is 1,613,803 (1.6 million in 2010).

If looking at those thrown in jail at some point during the year for at least one day or more in the US it is about 7 million.

THE POPULATION IN THE US = 313,914,040 divided into those in prison 1,613,803 the PERCENTAGE IN THE US = .00514**

One day or more in jail PERCENTAGE IN THE US = .0222***

Gee, it looks like we have more people in jail / prison in the US for a day or longer by a factor of 3 to 1.

The long timers, 1-year or more in the US, North Korea has us beat there. In the US the numbers show only 72% in the US vs 100% in North Korea.

What is WRONG with North Korea? Their prisons are more like cheap slum cities. (Must be where Sheriff Joe got his idea for tent city)

Barbed wire surrounded villages in the hills. Prisoners mix with each other day and night were murder, rape, theft go almost unrestrained.

Don't they realized if they spend a little money like they do here in the US to build large concrete steel barred prisons, then they can individually lock down the prison population into individual concrete and steel 10 x 5 rooms whenever and as long as they want.

They need to get tough with their criminals like we do here in the promoted freest country in the world.

With those concrete and steel prisons built in North Korea the Prisoners will not mix with each other day and night as they do where murder, rape, theft go almost unrestrained.

North Korea better get it's act together! Concrete and Steel is the way to go! If they build the concrete and steel prisons, structure things right it can be "very" profitable also as it is here in the US for the Courts, Prison Systems, Law Enforcement, and Attorneys.

Now on this Sunday afternoon, with many having gone to church this morning surrounded by good intentioned brotherly love. Contemplate on the use of concrete and steel and pass on those tips to Dennis Rodman for discussion on his next trip to North Korea.

Make sure to have him emphasize that all is great in Alice in Wonderland, and the freest country in the world, the USA where we house one out of a hundred from the population in concrete and steel!

Sent FYI as food for thought from,

Walter Burien -

Friday, March 1, 2013

**DATE CORRECTION*** Don’t miss your opportunity to learn about CAFR accounts from THE expert !‏

DATE CORRECTION FOR  Join us on Friday, February 29 2013 that being Friday, March 1 2013

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn about CAFR accounts from THE expert !
Every city, county, state, and the federal government keeps a virtually hidden, SECOND SET OF BOOKS which track the investments and Enterprise ventures worth TRILLIONS of dollars in tangible wealth they have built up and are spending from virtually hidden portfolios as a result of investing YOUR skimmed money for over 50 years in everything from real estate to the stock market.

Your city, county, state, and federal governments have LIED TO YOU for decades.

With administrative restructuring of government, there is NO NEED FOR TAXES.  
Our governments are not broke, they are rich beyond measure with OUR money, and they are hiding it from the American taxpayer, investing, AND SPENDING IT while pleading they are broke and need more taxes, bonds and levies to survive. This being done as they blindly justify their obscene growth. BS! There is enough aggregate wealth owned by our government agencies to abolish ALL property and income taxes TODAY. You are being conned, lied to, ripped off, and financially raped.

Walter J. Burien, Jr. is considered the foremost expert on CAFR accounts today.

Don’t miss this opportunity to talk to him directly! He will explain
the details and answer your questions about CAFR in an informal atmosphere.

Join us on
March 1, 2013 
 9:00 PM eastern
pin 396109#

on the union states project weekly conference call where Walter will be a guest.

After our roll call Walter will reveal the dirty secrets the
government does not want you to know and answer your questions.

Please send the above message to all your email contacts - thanks

Should we dare learn the multi meanings of the word "restatement"???

“"We have now sunk to the depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men." - George Orwell.

Minerals.. challenge thyself to understand the power of minerals.. it might do the body wonders!

The military needs to be at service to the states, not the debt
Did you all know that the American Vets were INCORPORATED in 1947 by our wonderful Government? Don't believe me? Download Volume 61 from 1947 (Statutes at Large) and go to page 403 and read it for

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town

The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town

CAFR1 NATIONAL POST: How to turn the screw tight - Suggestion made to the people of FL and elsewhere‏

The following communications sent FYI to the CAFR1 National email list from,
Walter Burien -

From:  "Walter Burien"
Subject:  PS: Re: WJB Re: Do you know about the CAFR funds? our govt's hidden trillions
Date:  Sat, February 16, 2013 3:50 pm
To:  "Bob Hurt","Elaine", "Cheri"

Bob, Elaine, and Cheri:
PS: Here is a good exercise of time and effort that is the "sniper" kill shot:
Local governments send out to all a tax bill once a year and sometimes quarterly.
Mandate that those local cities; counties; and the state that sends out a tax bill to put one little "conspicuous" square box on the tax bill that says:
We strongly recommend that you carefully review your local government's:
Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR)
for this and previous years.
To download and view please go to the following:

STATE CAFR - http:// xx.x

COUNTY CAFR - http://xx.x       
CITY CAFR - http://xx.x

You could have one "standard" link that lists "all" CAFRs in the state of FL categorized by city, township, county, school district, enterprise operation, community college, state University(s) and the State. A one click find all link.
There is no real cost to the local government, it is "ink" on the mailings that are going out anyway. $30 in ink per million tax bills sent.
This can be presented and mandated at every City Council, School District, and County Board of Supervisors meeting.

There is no reason what-so-ever for them not to immediately do this in their next and every other subsequent tax bill mailing. Now if the TRF comes into being, there goes the idea of sending that little printed box out on the tax bill.
The CAFR "is" the report. The Holy Grail of financial accounting for every local government. To say no would be like the Catholic church refusing to conspicuously mention and direct parishioners to the Bible.
Refusal to do so for their next tax bill mailing and each one thereafter would be as condemning as it gets. It would be a clear indictment of their ethics of fiduciary responsibility and open disclosure. Clear grounds for immediate removal from any government office.  Copy the box above. Swap out "We" with the name of the local government sending out the tax bill. Then make it happen! Arrange for a one-link get all webpage in your state to be used so separate links do not have to be printed in the box.
Now 70% of the population that see it and look may say: "This is not the TV Guide" and go elsewhere. It is that 30% factor who looks and learns. Learns and sees what they never had a clue about that is and has developed in their local governments over the decades. They will talk and discus with many their findings. If there are 1.2 million in a local government venue, 30% that is 360,000 that will look.. Gigs up! There are a lot of sharp cookies out there who will now be "very" motivate to take corrective action where corrective action is needed. That 70% who would have their noses buried in the TV Guide do not matter. It is that 30% that do.

Turn the screw tight and make it happen as soon as possible!

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

From:  "Walter Burien"
Subject:  WJB Re: Do you know about the CAFR funds? our govt's hidden trillions
Date:  Sat, February 16, 2013 1:56 pm
To:  "Bob Hurt"
Cc:  "Elaine"

Bob, Elaine, and Cheri:
Wealth building and investment for any party is a good thing.
The CAFR is not a swindle. It is a report. The swindle / fraud comes in when 99% of the population over the last five-decades does not have a clue it exists or the data contained therein.
An example from the past was: Twelve years ago I got a call from a sharp cookie in Oregon. Briefed him on the CAFR, he got a copy of the state CAFR, looked it over and called me back. What he said was: They show everything. Everything is accounted for here. So what's the problem?
I replied back to him with a question: What is being promoted as the state's budget on the radio / TV / and news print? He said 14-billion. I then asked him what it showed as the gross income on the state CAFR? He looked and said 38-billion? Duh!
Get it???  Selective presentation has been going on now for decades to the population's disadvantage.
With restructuring of investment return and enterprise operation income as was done in part by the city of Mesa, AZ 40-years ago (45% to 65% of their general purpose operating budgets depending upon what year you look at are satisfied in this fashion), going the extra 9-yards as the principle of operation, taxation can be eliminated entirely. It is not needed.

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854


From:  "Bob Hurt"
Subject:  Re: Do you know about the CAFR funds? our govt's hidden trillions
Date:  Sat, February 16, 2013 11:09 am
To:  "Elaine","Walter Burien"

This is nonsense. The CAFR is a financial report, but omits many details that you can get with further inquiry. For example, in Florida it shows how much money the state has invested from trust funds. If I contact the CFO's state board of admin, they will send me the spreadsheet detailing 15,000 investments of those funds.

The CAFR is not a swindle.

If you don't like the state trust fund system,, challenge it in the legislature.

Florida is one of the few fully solvent states that never spends money it does not have.

Last year the $150 billion trust fund earned over 10% interest. We can only wish the feckless of America could invest as well.

Bob Hurt

On 02/16/2013 09:38 AM, Elaine wrote:
From: Cheri Bohman
Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 7:20 AM
Cc: Elaine
Subject: Do you know about the CAFR funds? our govt's hidden trillions
Budgets are a HUGE scam, showing only the income from taxes. The govt has enormous investment income, enough to not only eliminate all taxes but to fund all retirement:

The CAFR Swindle - The Biggest Game In Town

Walter Burien's site:
The govt doesn't want this info to get out to the people because once it does, they're going to find themselves hanging from the rafters. Mr. Burien, who will answer any emails and phone calls, has been trying to get this info out since 1998. YouTube always shows hardly any views of his video, which has had millions of hits, to try to make us think that no one is interested in this incredible fraud.

 ¸¸.•*¨*• ( ^ ) *•. .•*“*•. •*“*•. •*
Only a closed mind is certain....
 ¸¸.•*¨*• ( ^ ) *•. .•*“*•. •*“*•. •*

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tribute to Gerald Klatt - a retired 30-year federal Auditor - CAFRMan‏



Tribute to Gerald Klatt - a retired 30-year federal Auditor - Commander of Special Investigations - US Air Force

Mr. Klatt died 07/11/04. The following link at will bring you to the archives of the pages from his site as a "snapshot" updated the month before his death. After his death someone, somehow deleted and modified much information from the pages on his site. The links on each page, most are archived and when clicked on go to the same date archive of that page:

Mr. Klatt died on his birthday, July 11th 2004. I found out about his death when Gerald's son from a previous marriage in 2006 could not find his father. I checked his house in Tucson, AZ - Sold. I checked his phone, email, and website information - no longer valid. I then searched the SS death records and discovered he died on 07/11/04. I  then called and informed his son from Gerald's first marriage of his fathers death. The circumstances of Gerald Klatt's death to me are still UNKNOWN. The son who was living with Gerald Klatt, Skip (Troy) Klatt was an attorney. What happened to him is also UNKNOWN to me. 

**No other party from government, organized education, or any political party has ever openly made a CAFR review available to you out of their own self interest or fear of reprisal DUE TO THE MONEY / CONTROL INVOLVED!

Please Copy from the archives Mr. Klatt's CAFR reviews for your state and distribute to all responsible parties within your state. Read and learn from the archives of his linked pages.

Use the example of his work to conduct your own CAFR reviews. Do a Google search for CAFR "and" your local City, County, School District, State University, State Retirement Fund, etc., download their CAFR reports and do reviews for yourself. Mr. Klatt can no longer do it for you and it appears no one else from within government will do it for you either. They are much to busy spending and taking your money. Also to include you in the "loop" it appears to be a violation of their exclusive club rules...

STATE CAFR Reviews - If all local governments CAFR reviews from "within the state" were included in with the state reviews, potential surpluses would be much greater!

I briefed and then requested of Mr. Klatt in 1999 to use his expertice as a federal auditor to launch a CAFR review site. Mr. Klatt agreed and six months latter was launched. 

Please copy and distribute Mr. Klatt's CAFR reviews and info you consider noteworthy from his other pages. His reviews are from 2003 but can be used as a guide for any other year forward.
Sent FYI and for your and your contacts use from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

PS: Sometimes site traffic to gets overwhelming and page info requests may run into a "busy" overload. If that happens bookmark the link and try again latter.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

CAFR1: Truly understanding the 2nd Amendment‏ (The Battle of Athens)

" The Battle of Athens was an armed rebellion led by WWII veterans and citizens in Athens and Etowah, Tennessee, United States, against the tyrannical local government in August 1946.

Specific materials in this video are copyrighted and fall into 17 U.S.C. § 106 and 17 U.S.C. § 106A, The Fair Use of a Copyrighted Work.

Those who dislike this video are freedom hating socialist and fascist zombies."




Perhaps this will help you to understand the 2nd Amendment.  It is a very interesting piece of history. The 2nd Amendment also allows one the RIGHT to own an "effective" firearm to defend one's property and family.  I believe that people use firearms for protection very frequently.  In most cases, the mere presence of a gun has convinced a criminal to take flight without resistance to the gun owner.  Sometimes the person is never targeted being known to own a gun, or if confronted they have to shoot in self defense.  In most cases, the police will have arrived in time to write the report of the crime.  Watch this video, as it is most informative, and you will not see it on tv.”
I was unaware up until five years ago that this event took place in Athens, TN in 1946. I did not know that an effective armed revolt against a clan of tyrannical government officials by WW II veterans ever took place during our lifetime.
This is an enactment of a bit of very important history.  The 2nd amendment had nothing to do with weapons for hunting.  The primary point of the 2nd amendment was for protection of the citizenry against the tyranny of government!  It is a very sobering video.  It gives the primary view of the right to bear arms and government gone wrong. Here is something that is not taught out of self interests of the political clan in schools. Be sure to watch it to the end and see some of the actual pictures of that time.  
Having viewed the video and seen the pictures, now the meaning of the second amendment is much clearer to me. 
Be sure to view the actual photos at the end showing the plaques describing the event.
Google Athens, Tennessee 1946  to see more of the real history of this event.

Please share and sent FYI from,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

PS: Autos kill 30X more people than guns in America
      Deer are 2X more responsible for deaths than guns in America (causing auto accidents)
      Medical malpractice kills 100X more people than guns in America
      Deaths from falling down stairs is about an even match.

      What part of the English language do politicians not understand: "The 2nd amendment SHALL NOT be infringed"

       But then we always could: Eradicate the autos; deer; doctors; stairs; and maybe then their would be a case to eradicate strong personal protection with the use of guns in America. Not!

But then if they did eradicate effective firepower from guns that the people owned, we could always train and utilize the Kamikaze Deer...  or get real close with our doctor and send our enemies and those that commit crimes against us to him. They have a more effective kill ratio in America than guns anyway.
To Subscribe to the CAFR1 National email list -

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What do you think, is the number of 93 correct?‏


Two weeks ago on December 29th CAFR1 put up a Petition on
A post was sent out to the CAFR1 National email list and the same was posted on a few news sites on 12/29/12.

As of 01/14/13 at 6:30 PM AZ TIME there were 93 signers. 

Do you think that number is correct? 

At the bottom of the petition it lists the signers and it shows 93.

** If that number, 93 is correct, do you think the non-signers who viewed did not "get" the importance of the issue presented?

** If you attempted to register on the site and tried to sign the petition but the site did not let you, please let me know if that occurred.

** If you did not sign having missed the original post and wish to sign, please do so at this time and share with others requesting they sign also. Post on a few high volume chat boards. Government has always promoted debt and never a peep as to the collective domestic and "International" investment wealth they have accumulated (Massive).
The petition is straight to the point for flipping the coin over and disclosing for the first time the other side of the coin: "The massive investment wealth held!".

After 150 signatures the petition then becomes searchable on the site.
25,000 mandates open disclosure and addressing the petition nationally. Here is the chance to hit the nail squarely on the head for the most important issue that effects every other issue in which government in cooperation with the syndicated media and both primary political parties have "intentionally" maintained the silence is golden rule on for the last century as they covertly took "it all over" by investment.

There are about 3,000 individuals on the CAFR1 National email list. A focused several day effort from a third, there is no reason what so ever why the signature count should not exceed 15,000 in the next week.

If you can, get a few of the large email list holder individuals like Alex Jones,  to pass on this petition. Alex got 50,000+ on two of his petitions on the site and the issues after breaching 25,000 were addressed on national TV as promised by the White House administration.
So folks, if the issue is important to you and others of which CAFR1 has reached over the years, let's give the White House a good kick in the you know where to get off riding the fence per this issue.
Sent FYI and for your action from,

Walter Burien - CAFR1
PS: For those that say they are just gathering names in an attempt to target people, too late, they already have each and every one of our names if the petition is signed or not. So please sign and stir the pot in a very public way please.

From:  "Walter Burien - CAFR1"
Subject:  CAFR1 Petition at the - 25,000 signatures needed
Date:  Sat, December 29, 2012 6:45 pm



CAFR1 petition at the White House website as of 12/29/12.

A total of 25,000 signatures needed by Jan 15th for action to be taken by the Obama administration. Please circulate and publish so that many can see from across the country.

Please sign and a big thanks to you from one-and-all. Can the 25,000 signature mark be reached? Yes, with wide circulation.


Walter Burien -