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Showing posts with label Lisbon School Committee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lisbon School Committee. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2016



Thursday, May 12, 2016


Wednesday night, the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) gave citizens of Lisbon an initial briefing on the proposed replacement of the Mill Street Bridge.  There was a lot of information put out and there was a question and answer section.  Approximately, 12-15 residents attended.

 The bottom line is that the proposed project is in the initial stage and has not been approved by MDOT; having said that, the representative of MDOT felt confident that he was going to get this project approved.  MDOT has put aside $1.2 million dollars to pay for the project.  Also, the representative stated this was a MDOT project and there will be NO local funding required.  In other words, the people of Lisbon will not have to pay for any of this project.  This is good news for the people.

Assuming everything goes as planned, the project is scheduled to begin summer 2017 and be completed prior to school starting.  However, there are no busses supposed to be on the Route 196 side of the Mill Road.  It was reported by residents in the audience; buses are still using Route 196 side for access to the Lisbon Community School (LCS).

 Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Tonight the Town Council joined the Superintendent and the School Board at Lisbon Community School to discuss the School Department’s 2016-2017 proposed budgets and their Capital Improvement Plan.  It was a Public Hearing for residents to speak out about the proposed budget.

 At the Public Hearing, both parent and students spoke out about the Art program and their teachers being cut as part of the proposal.  The majority of speakers only wanted to talk about the Art program and the loss of the two teachers.

 After everyone had an opportunity to speak, Chairman Bickford thanked the School Department for its dedicated work on the budget.  According to Chairman Bickford, he was pleased with what the School Department presented.  Other Councilors agreed and spoke on how pleased they were that everyone was working together.

As far as the Capital Improvement Plan, there was only one resident that asked a question and Superintendent Green answered it.

Larry Fillmore

Monday, April 25, 2016


I never thought I would say this but I am disappointed in the new members of the town council.
Seems like it did not take them long to join the 'good old boy's club' and green light everything
on the towns', Ryan Leighton and Brooks', want list. 
Just to let you know. I will be voting NO, TOO LOW on the school budget in June.
When school scores are published and Lisbon scores are low, you are so ready to blame
Mr.. Green and the school committee. You are running the schools by setting school budget
ultimatums, yet the sky's the limit on the town budget. 
Dot Fitzgerald
A Lisbon Concerned Citizen   

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Lisbon is known as a “bedroom community”.  This means that it is a quiet, peaceful town to live in and raise our children.  Residents rely on the Town Council and the Town Manager to run the town because regular residents have no interest in politics as long as it doesn’t affect them.  It is about time people of Lisbon start taking an interest in THEIR community.

The people have been replaced with the “Good Old Boys” network comprised of a few dominant citizens.  Now is the time for residents to get involved in the community and take an interest in improving our town.

 A prime example is this year’s budget.  On the Municipal side of the house, all the Department Heads have submitted their proposed budgets to the Town Council which is an increase of $677,373.00 over last year’s budget.  This equates to a 1.6 mil rate increase.  In other words, a spike in your taxes!   I originally thought that once the proposed budgets were presented to the Town Council; they would review these budgets and determine what is vital and what is not.  But looking at the budget schedule there are no dates to work on reducing these figures.  Our Town Council is not going to make any attempt to reduce these figures or try to reduce our taxes.

 However on the School side, they are working real hard to reduce their budget. Currently, the Superintendent and the School Board have cut three teachers and four positions.  So far, they have reduced their budget by roughly $718,500.00.  Remember the “Goat Rope” Councilors Bickford, Metivier, Brunelle and Crafts put the School Department through last year and how many times we voted on the School Referendum.

This is a clear indication as to who is running this town and where their priorities are.  Residents need to start attending Town Council meetings and voicing their concerns about the taxes and priorities in this town.  Citizens of this town need to take an interest in their community.  Making improvements to the town will go a long ways making it a better place to live.

 Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


I am going to show you how the “Good Old Boys” network; control our Town Council.  All decisions made are political and not in the best interest of the community.  This is how the network uses their buddies, they elected, to remain in control at all times.  Here are prime examples:

1.    The following is the approximate salary of the Police Chief, Fire Chief and Police Lieutenant.  Police Chief is close to $80,000.00; Fire Chief is close to $70,000.00 and Police Lieutenant is close to $70,000.00.  This is a combined total of $220,000.00.  Now instead of going out and getting a Chief of Police; why not advertise for a “Public Safety Director”?  If you can negotiate a starting salary of $70,000.00 the cost saving would be around $150,000.00 tax dollars. This would provide the community with a Public Safety professional for both the Police and Fire Department and would provide better service to our people.  Also, the Public Safety Director could take over the Fire Control Vehicle and we can get rid of one police vehicle.  Keep in mind; that our current Fire Chief has been working on an Associate’s Degree for over twelve year unsuccessfully.

2.   The idea of eliminating the Lisbon Communication Center and going with the Androscoggin County Dispatch for emergency service would save the town approximately $190,000.00, according to the Town Council.  The Town Manager estimated a cost saving of about $165,000.00 and I estimated it to be around $265,000.00.  Did it happen, no because of politics?  The range of $190,000.00 to $265,000.00 is in tax dollars and to me it is not chicken feed.  So what is the right decision for the community?  Keep in mind; there is no Dispatchers in the Lisbon Communication Center qualified to issue an Emergency Medical Code (EMC) to the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) to assist in the life savings process.  Why do First Responders have to wait for a relay from the Androscoggin County Dispatcher before they are dispatched by Lisbon Communication Center?  Doesn’t it make more sense to have Androscoggin County Dispatchers dispatch OUR First Responder immediately upon receiving a request for emergency services?

3.   The town has two Department Heads with no credentials in their fields being paid exorbitant salaries (OUR tax dollars).  The first is Ryan Leighton is the Superintendent of Sewer.  The state says that you need to be at least a Grade 4 to operate the facility and he is a Grade 2, last time I checked.  This means that the Plant Manager does the work/reports and Mr. Leighton gets paid (annual salary of close to $90,000.00) for it.  What is wrong with this picture?  Also, Sean Galipeau, Fire Chief, was hired with the understanding he would continue with his Associate Degree in Public Safety.  Twelve years later and he still does not have his Associate’s Degree but is drawing a salary of roughly $70,000.00. 

These cases, I have presented are not rocket science to figure out what is in the best interest of the community.  The real challenge is to figure out why the Town Council is not doing them.  The answer is simple.  These decisions are all politically made by the Council in support of the “Good Old Boys” network to ensure these prominent citizens do not lose “Control” of the town.  It is all about “Control” and NOT what is in the best interest of the Town.

 I know everyone remembers the “goat rope” the community went through last year with the School Departments budget.  This was forced by Councilors Bickford, Metivier, Brunelle and Crafts.  Councilor Metivier is pushing for more cuts this year and as a result the School Department is cutting seven positions.  Now, I am fine with the decision of the School Department with the exception of three of those positions are teachers.  I cannot understand why we are getting rid of three qualified teachers and retaining two Department Heads that have no credentials.  This makes absolutely no sense to me.  If they have no credentials, then they should be let go first regardless if they are on the School or Municipality side.  I believe it is our tax dollars that operate both sides.

 Does any of this make sense to anyone?  Is the Town Council really trying to save the taxpayers some money or pacify the “Good Old Boys”?  So please tell me; “What is wrong with this picture?”

 Larry Fillmore


This is a summary of last night’s Town Council meeting. 

 Under Good News & Recognition – The town of Lisbon received the SafeWise Award for being the 12th safest community in Maine.

 Under Council, Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances –

         1.    Amending Zoning Ordinance – Property-Maintenance Section (1st Reading) – The Council approved the first reading by a vote of 6-0 with Councilor Crafts excused.

2.   Set School Capital Improvement Plan Public Hearing – The Council approved May 10, 2016 for date for the School Capital Improvement Plan Public Hearing by a vote of 6-0.

3.   Warrant – School Budget Validation Referendum – The Council approved the date of June 14, 2016 as date to vote on the School Budget Validation Referendum by a vote of 6-0.

4.   Library Grant Application & Fundraising – The Council approved for the Library to apply for the grant to help pay for the Kids Summer Reading program by a vote of 6-0.  At the same time, the Council approved for the Library to do fundraising to help offset this program.

5.   Establish a Capital Improvements Fund – The Council approved by a vote of 6-0 to establish a Capital Improvement Funds.  At the same time, the Council approved the consolidation of several account to add to this new account.  $100,000.00 was set into this account.

 Under Other Business – Town Manager Barnes announced that she had received the resignation of Chief of Police, David T. Brooks, which is effective June 30, 2016.

Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


Last night, the Town Council held a meeting/workshop.  The meeting was held behind closed doors with the Town Attorney in Executive Session.  When the session was over and they came out there were two motions made and approved.  What they are is hard to tell, for sure, because Councilor Kolbe read a prepared statement from the Attorney.

The meeting was adjourned and the Council moved into a workshop to discuss the School and Municipal Capital Improvement Plans. 

1.    Tracy Austin presented the School Municipal Improvement 5-Year Plan.

2.    Edward Karass presented the Municipal Improvement Plan.

3.    Next the following municipal department’s budget proposal were discussed and not in this order.

a.   Administration increased $999.00.

b.   Finance increased $4,329.00.

c.    Town Clerk increased $3,548.00.

d.   Codes increased $2,357.00.

e.   Assessing decreased $3,790.00.

f.      Economic Development increased $11,327.00.

The total increase for the entire Municipal Budget, by my figures, is $676,878.00.  My figures are different than the Town Manager’s figure of $677,373.00 by $495.00.

Now the real work begins!!!!

Larry Fillmore

Monday, March 7, 2016


It is once again that time of year to start the budget process for both the School and Municipal side of the town.  This is always an interesting time of year.  The residents get to sit back and see what our elected officials determine to be important and what is not.  It also is a time in which the people find out how much their taxes are going to be for next year.

Last year, Councilors Pesce, Bickford, Metivier, Brunelle and Crafts decided to cut the School budget by at least $600,000.00.  This caused a massive problem for the School Department and cost the taxpayers a great deal of money in legal fees.  It would appear that Councilor Metivier is going to challenge the School Department budget again; so get ready for an another very costly year.

I have very little knowledge about the School side of the town’s budget but I do have what I consider a good understanding of the Municipal side.  So, I will only talk about the Municipal side.  Thanks to the previous leadership of the town, Lisbon is a haven for individuals with little or no credentials to be place in positions with outrageous salaries.  The major two individuals are Ryan Leighton, Director of Public Works and Superintendent of Sewer and then Fire Chief Sean Galipeau.  Ryan Leighton combined salary is over $80,000.00 and the last time I checked he had a Grade 2 level for the Sewer Department which requires by the state that the individual be at least a Grade 4 to operate the facility.  The Fire Chief is supposed to have a bare minimum of Associate Degree in Public Safety and he has been working on his Associates for twelve years.  The town is paying him roughly $67,413.00 according to last year’s budget. 

Former Councilors Pesce and Garrison was looking into ways to save taxpayer money and determined there was a  cost saving of approximately $199,000.00 by closing the Lisbon Communication Center.  The Town Manager estimated the savings at roughly $163,000.00.  I determine it to be closer to $250,000.00.  Whichever number you want to choose, it would be a significant savings to the people.  So where do we stand on this issue?  The Sheriff and County would like the emergency services for Lisbon to be by the Androscoggin County Dispatch.  However, this initiative has been stopped by Councilors Pesce, Bickford, Metivier,  Brunelle and Crafts.  According to Chairman Bickford, the question is if the people want to close the Lisbon Communication Center will appear on the November ballot.  I was under the impression that we elected these officials to make this type determination so we could save money now.  Also, there will be no facts put out to the people so once again the people will be voting without the benefit of ALL the facts. 

Now, we have one Administrative Assistant which receives roughly $10,000.00 tax dollars more than any other Administrative Assistant in the town.  This same individual Job Description is so outdated it is not funny.  By the way, the Ethnic Panel determined that this individual was not doing what is in her Job Description but the Department Head never rewrote the Job Description to coincide with the duties she is actually doing.

It appears that Lisbon’s salary structure is NOT determined by the duties you are performing but by what previous leadership determined they wanted you to have.  Lisbon has individual’s receiving large salaries and they no credentials to support these salaries.

There are plenty of reductions that can make on the Municipal side before anyone does a hatch job on the School Department.  I agree the School Department needs to reduce its operating cost but I trust the School Committee and Richard Green make the cuts.

Larry Fillmore