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Showing posts with label Public Schools. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Schools. Show all posts

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Lisbon HS Class Plans Grad Projects‏

Lisbon High School Class of 2012 Project Grad Fundraisers Offer Something for Everyone!

Lisbon High School Seniors (pictured l-r) Amy Law and Lindsey Whitney are busy planning fundraising events for the benefit of the Class of 2012 project graduation.

Lisbon – Members of the Class of 2012 at Lisbon High School are geared up with fundraisers for their project graduation.  Students are offering something for everyone with the variety of projects planned for the next few weeks.  Students are selling pizza cards for $10.00 each offering 16 buy one get one free coupons valid through 2013. Contact Mrs. Karen Whitney, Lindsey Whitney, Mrs. Strout, Angel Strout, Ginny Tolbert, Devon Brewer or Mrs. Lorraine Bard in the LHS guidance office to purchase cards and support the class. 

Student are hosting a prom dress sale and fashion show on Saturday, April 1 at MTM Center in Lisbon Falls.   If you have a dress you would like to donate, contributions may be dropped off in the LHS Guidance office or by contacting Mrs. Strout or Mrs. Whitney.  If you would like to be a part of the fashion show let us know.

On Wednesday, April 11 students will be sponsoring a Pot Luck dinner at the LHS cafe and need food donations.
A roller skating fundraiser at the Roller skating rink in Topsham is planned for Tuesday, April 17 from 6 to 8 p.m.   

FMI Mrs. Strout 353-6279 or Mrs. Whitney 353-5321.  Visit us on Facebook Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Lisbon Chili Chowder & Chocolate Challenge Cancelled‏

Lisbon - The Lisbon Boosters Chili Chowder and Chocolate Challenge scheduled for Saturday, March 17  at Lisbon High School has been cancelled.  We sincerely regret any inconvenience this may cause.

Lisbon Boosters Scrap-booking Event‏


Lisbon - Lisbon High School Athletic Boosters is sponsoring a Scrap-booking event on Saturday April 28, 2012 from 8am–3pm At Lisbon High School Cafeteria, Route 196, Lisbon Falls. Come join us at our National Scrapbook Day to work on your scrapbooks or just organize your photos.  Registration fee is only $25 per person (lunch included). 
We will have raffle items!!! Snacks and drinks will be available for sale throughout the day. There will be a goody bag for all pre-registrations received by April 5, 2012. Kimberly Donovan & Michelle Huston will have Creative Memories product for sale. Checks should be made payable to: LHS Boosters.  Please mail completed registration form and payment to:

Kimberly Donovan
14 Highland Avenue
Lisbon Falls, ME 04252

Any questions,  please  call Kimberly at 212-8569 or email

The LHS Boosters thank you in advance for your support
 LHS Boosters Scrapbooking Day
April 28, 2012  8am-3pm
Registration fee $25 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lisbon HS Talent Show‏


 Cast members of  a talented local ensemble take  a rehearsal break to promote their upcoming performance  in the Lisbon Got Talent Show.  The group will be performing  a well-known classic, one night only, with other members of the Class of 2012 on Friday, March 30 at the LHS Gymnasium in Lisbon Falls.  Pictured (l-r) Cody Donovan, Nate Rioux, Morgan Reeves, Justin Grant, Shane Tanguay and Michael Graham guarantee their audience a show stopping performance.

Lisbon – Are you looking for a night of fun, laughter and excitement? 
Your search is over!  Mark your calendars to attend the second annual Lisbon High School Variety and Talent Show!
Date:      Friday, March 30, 2012 
Time:     7:00 p.m.
Place:    LHS Gymnasium , 2 Sugg Drive, Lisbon Falls
Event is Open to the Public!

Admission -  Adults $4, Students $3 Tickets available at the door.
Treat yourself to a night showcasing the incredible student talent in Lisbon!   
 Everyone is eligible to win fabulous door prizes provided by local merchants.

FMI contact Paul Giggey by calling 353-3030 or email

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Lisbon HS Samantha Foote MPA Recipient‏


Lisbon – Samantha Foote, daughter of James Foote and Susan Bailey of Lisbon and Kerry Angell of South Portland, has been selected to receive the 2012 Principal’s Award, Lisbon High School Principal, Kenneth J. Healey announced today.  The award, sponsored by the Maine Principals’ Association, is given in recognition of a high school senior’s academic achievement and citizenship.

“Throughout Samantha’s years at Lisbon High School, she has distinguished herself in the classroom, and in her school as a member of the National Honor Society.  She has also made significant volunteer contributions to the greater Lisbon community as secretary of the Interact Club,” shares Healey.  “Samantha very much deserves this recognition.” 

Healey will accompany Miss Foote joining the other award winners and their principals by attending an Honors Luncheon at the Spectacular Event Center in Bangor on Saturday, April 7, 2012 at 1 p.m.  The Honors Luncheon recognizes these outstanding students with the presentation of an individual plaque and the awarding of five $1,000 scholarships in the names of Horace O. McGowan and Richard W. Tyler.  Mr. McGowan and Mr. Tyler were former Maine principals and executive directors of the Association.  The Principal's Award is presented in more than 100 Maine public and private high schools by member principals of the MPA, the professional association which represents Maine's school administrators.

FYI on other events and programs in Lisbon Schools contact Community Resource Coordinator, Monica Millhime, 754-0021 or email  Visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Lisbon HS presents Everyone's Someone Day‏

Everyone’s Someone Day March 7, 2012 at Lisbon High School

   Students organizing the Everyone’s Someone Day at LHS (pictured seated l-r) Olivia Bulgin, Algernon Collins, (standing l-r) Haley Donovan, Richie Thuotte,  Carlos Laurelez, Jenna Clifford, Sarah Craig,  and  Delanie Ouellette.

Lisbon - Lisbon High School will present Everyone’s Someone Day in conjunction with the national Spread the Word to End the R-Word Campaign on Wednesday, March 7, 2012, another activity sponsored by Lisbon’s Project UNIFY Team.  The focus for the day is to recognize that Everyone is Someone and we need to share that with positive words instead of words that are hurtful and mean.  Students and Staff will agree to wear a nametag describing who they are without using their names.  Everyone is someone special and sharing something about themselves will promote a positive image and allow students and staff to connect with others that may have something in common with them.  Everyone is a friend, a sister, a brother, a student, a dancer, a musician, a basketball player etc…..everyone’s someone and has the right to be treated with respect .   There will be a chance throughout the day for students who want to pledge their support  by signing a large poster and/or going on line to pledge to end the use of hurtful words specifically the “R” word. All students and staff who participate will be entered into a raffle for items such as T-Shirts, bracelets, etc. at the end of the day.  Jump on board with Lisbon High School’s  Project UNIFY planning committee to spread the word that NO HURTFUL OR MEAN WORDS will be used Wed. March 7, 2012 at Lisbon High School and hopefully from this day on. Preparing for the upcoming day  by creating posters and organizing activities are members of  Project UNIFY .

FMI on other programs, projects and volunteer opportunities in Lisbon Schools call 754.0021 or email  Visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lisbon HS 2nd Qtr. Honor Roll‏


Lisbon – Principal Ken Healey proudly announces the second quarter honor roll students for the 2011-2012 school year at Lisbon High School:

Jordan Beauparlant, Jessy Bosse, Ryan-Lee Buzzell, Jessiah Carlson, Breanna Cota, Alex Danforth,  Haley Eck, Maranda Eveson, Samantha Foote, Sarah Giraldo, Holly Hogan, Bethany Lemay, Katherine Lemieux, Danielle Malesiewski, Cassandra Morin, Garrett Starr

Jessica Campbell, Justin Campbell, Nehemiah Chase, Steven Elwell, Kenneth Fairbanks, Jamalyn Fowler, Justin Grant, Alexander Hall, Alexa Harmon, Melissa Hoskins, Patrick Hutchins, Kimberly Morse, Kyle Priddle, Jeremy Skelton, Shane Tanguay

Miranda Carroll, Tyler Daly, Aaron French, Leah Goldsberry, Aaron Halls, Chelsea Huston, Brenten Laffely, Logan McGuire, Jaymi Thibault

Kayla Angelico, Rachel Ball, Ryan Brewer, Nicholas Collins, Sarah Stone, Denise Thomas

Dillon Clifford, Jennifer-Lynn Clifford, Sierra Crosby, Robert Dall, Paige Galligan, Shantal MacWhinnie, Abigail Roy, Jennifer Smith, Coby Williams

Dylan Busler, Nicholas Corey, Bailey Cutler, Andrea Danforth,  Delanie Ouellette, Cameron Ramich

Monica Austin, Stevie Charest, Abigail Curtis, Patrick Dexler, Mia Durgin, Amanda Hazelton, Kailyn Hill, Arianna Kahler, Taylor Plourde, Hannah Stritch, Charles Sult, Draven Walker, Johnny Yim

Allison Bubar, Connor Craig, Taylor Feehan, Erika Gardner, Jeffrey Willey

FMI on events and programs at Lisbon High School call 754.0021 or email  Visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools. 

Lisbon Music Boosters Hosting Spaghetti Dinner‏

Lisbon - Don’t want to cook,  or clean up after dinner?  Lisbon Music Booster Association  has the perfect solution!  Come join us for a delicious spaghetti supper on Wednesday, March 7 at the Lisbon High School Cafeteria, 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls.  The supper will be held from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.  Tickets available at the door.  Adults, $6, Ages 10 and under $3.  Proceeds from the event benefit the scholarship fund to send students to Summer Music Camps.  FMI call 754.0021 or email  Find us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon Parent/Volunteers Thanks Mr. Patrie‏

Good Morning,

Every now and then, we all receive good news. Following is an email from Laurie Pitcher, a Lisbon parent and volunteer for the Lisbon School Department, praising our Lisbon Community School Assistant Principal, Ryan Patrie. I wanted to share with you to see if her message could be shared with your readers.

Mr. Patrie shows random acts of kindness on a regular basis. What a wonderful role model for our students and families.

If you have any questions, please let me know. We understand you have the right to edit for publication. Thank you for your consideration.


From: Pitcher

Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 4:13 PM
To: Monica Millhime
Subject: Mr. Patrie

Hi Monica,

I would like to publicly thank Mr. Ryan Patrie, assistant principal at Lisbon Community School, for helping me this afternoon and I knew you would know how to go about this. I thought about a letter to the editor and/or school board, but I am not sure if there is another avenue.

This afternoon I was stuck in the mud at pick up time at LCS. You can't imagine how many cars drove right past me looking at me struggling to get my car out of the mud, some of the drivers even smirking in amusement as they drove by. I was amazed at the lack of compassion from all the adults driving past me, not one stopping to help. It actually brought back a memory of when my oldest daughter was a freshman and threw up in the hallway not being able to make it to the bathroom in time. She verbalized amazement at the same exact lack of compassion she saw. No one offered her help, many laughed at her.

I just got done helping my 7 and 5 yr olds make posters for kindness week at LCS and am struck by the helpfulness and kindness that I have witnessed in the younger ages. Why does that kindness and compassion have to leave the majority of the population and at what age does this occur? There are so few people in this world that really have a heart and I am saddened by that.

BUT, I do see in Mr. Patrie constant giving, a constant smile, a constant manner of kindness. He is such an asset to our school system. Today, I called into the school office asking if there was anyone that could come help me with a push or to drive my car so I could push it out of the mud. A secretary answered the phone. A minute later Mr. Patrie came out to help me and he pushed me out of the mud without question and always a smile. I felt so bad that I got him full of mud and apologized to him, but he said, "don't apologize". I need to do something for him.

Thank you, Monica,

Laurie Pitcher

Mr. Patrie shows random acts of kindness on a regular basis. What a wonderful role model for our students and families.

Lisbon Presents Dancing with the Staff‏

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Lisbon Community School Student Council Tour Town Office‏


Student Council members of Lisbon Community School met with Lisbon Town Manager, Steve Eldridge (pictured right), to learn about the services and town resources available in Lisbon.  Eldridge conducted the student tour throughout the Town Office. Students attending included Vanessa Bussiere, Grace Tibbetts, Devin Wordell, Emily St. Pierre, Kristian Grover, Joey Frederick, Charlee Cox, Timber Mattson, Zekeriah Mason, Carolyn Shane, Giana Russo, Rebecca Budesheim, Sean Spaulding, Levi Levesque, Lindsay Huston, Peyton Gosselin and Emma DiGregorio.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

Lisbon – Members of the Lisbon Community School Student Council participated in an out-of-the classroom learning opportunity at the Town Office of Lisbon on Tuesday, January 31.  Thanks to the assistance of Town Manager, Steve Eldridge, and his assistant, Jody Durisko, students along with LCS Assistant Principal / Student Council Advisor, Ryan Patrie and Community Resource Coordinator, Monica Millhime, members were given a tour of the municipal offices of the Town of Lisbon.  LCS students are embarking on a series of community partnership visits around Lisbon as part of their Student Council regularly scheduled after school meetings.  Last month students toured the Lisbon Area Christian Outreach food pantry and clothing bank.  A visit to the Lisbon Transfer Station is scheduled for Tuesday, February 28 followed by a visit to Lisbon Community Federal Credit Union on Tuesday, March 27.  FMI on program and community partnership opportunities email or call 754.0021.

Lisbon Interact Supports Greater Androscoggin Humane Society‏


Lisbon – Members of Lisbon High School’s Interact Club, along with their advisor, Monica Millhime,  attended a training session at the Greater Androscoggin Humane Society.  Volunteer Coordinator, Sandra Graul, held the class on Thursday, February 9 at the facility located at 55 Strawberry Avenue in Lewiston.   “Our LHS Interact members have contributed over 4,000 hours of community service with 21 different areas of service, shares Millhime.  “The galvanized group of young Lisbon volunteers was recently awarded the WCSH6 Teens Who Care Award $2,000 grant for their dedication and Club mission of service above self.  After the training class, students presented a check for $300 to the Society, the first of 11 non-profit agencies targeted to receive donation assistance from the grant monies.   Pictured standing (l-r):  GAHS Volunteer Coordinator, Sandra Graul; Kyle Priddle, Kody Priddle, GAHS Operations Manager, Zachary Black; Morgan Reeves, Samantha Foote, LHS Interact Advisor, Monica Millhime; and GAHS Senior Animal Tech, Laura Giasson.  Front row (l-r):  Bryanna Sult; Melissa Hoskins; Kayla Angelico and Dillion Poole.  Members will be assisting at the shelter as a group on a monthly basis and individually as needed.  FMI on other projects and community partnerships in Lisbon Schools email or call 754.0021.  Visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Lisbon HS Thespians Prepare for One-Act Festival‏


Lisbon - In preparation for the annual MPA One Act Play Festival, Lisbon High School Drama Club proudly presents The Boor, by Anton Chekhov.

This short farce written in 1888 shows the characteristics of the genre in its rapid-fire dialogue, extreme emotions, chaotic arguments and surprising reversals. Anton Chekhov demonstrates how intense emotions can easily blend from one into the other.
A widow, who mourns for her husband seven months after his death, is approached by one of his creditors, a man in dire financial circumstances who desperately requires the money that the widow's husband owed him. The exchange between the widow and the creditor quickly progresses from polite to an explosive battle of the sexes, and the creditor, who expresses his negative opinion of women in general, is transformed by the spirit with which the widow argues with him.
Performances on Friday, March 2nd and Saturday, March 3rd at Lisbon High School, 2 Sugg Drive in Lisbon Falls at 7:00pm and the Festival Performance will be held on Saturday, March 10th between 12:00- 4:00pm at Leavitt Area High School.

FMI contact drama advisor, Jen Fox at 353.3030 or email  Visit us at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on Facebook.

Pictured (l-r) : 1st row Bre Cota, Dillon Fox. 2nd row Melissa Hoskins, Robert Dall, Amy Law, Devan LeBreque

 Pictured (l-r): 1st row Bre Cota, Dillon Fox. 2nd row Robert Dall, Amy Law, Devan LeBreque, Melissa Hoskins

Monday, February 13, 2012

Lisbon PWS Ashlee Stone Student Awards‏


Lisbon – Philip W. Sugg Middle School Principal, Kate Race, (pictured far right) and Assistant Principal/CCD, Thomas Landberg (left) congratulated the second quarter sixth, seventh and eighth grade students as recipients of the Student Achievement Ashlee Stone Memorial Awards during a recent assembly.  

Second quarter award winners were (seated l-r):  Seventh grade student, Cierra Miller, daughter of Diana Pyrdeck of Lisbon Falls; sixth grade student, Patience Ottaviano, Mercy and Conrad Thomas of Lisbon Falls; eighth grade student, Samantha Bolduc, daughter of Tara and Patrick Bolduc of Lisbon Falls.  Back row:  Assistant Principal/AD, Tom Landberg, seventh grade student, Jacob Fusaro, son of Jeannette and John Fusaro of Lisbon; sixth grade student, Nickolas Austin, son of Amy and Patrick Austin, Lisbon Falls; and eighth grade student Jacob Bussiere, son of Jennifer and Robert Bussiere of Lisbon Falls; and Principal Kate Race. 

“Each quarter, students from the sixth, seventh and eight grades are nominated by grade level teachers.  The award has been renamed in honor of the memory of former PWS student, Ashlee Stone.   The award is given in memory of Ashlee Stone, a seventh grade student, who was a positive role model in our school, shares Principal Race.   “Ashlee was known for her willingness to learn, having a positive attitude, being respectful to adults and her peers, being a risk taker, persevering when the going got rough, handling conflict with grace, being a friend to everyone, being a leader, and especially for her smile,” commented Assistant Principal Landberg.    These students were chosen for this award because they demonstrate all or many of these qualities.

FYI on student programs and other projects at Philip W. Sugg Middle School, contact Community Resource Coordinator, Monica Millhime at 754-0021 or email or visit  Like us on FaceBook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools. 

LCS Second Graders Send Hearts to Seniors‏


 Pictured (l-r) front row:   Cody Tardif, Addisen Turcotte, Erin Harlow, Zachary Kulow, Andrew Wilcox, Uriah Carver;
second row: Nick Ferrence, Paige Brawn, Madyson Ramsey, Luke Scribner, Caleb Coburn; back row: McKenzie Ventry, Sarah Pitcher, Acadia Rugullies, Wyatt Perron, Megan Belanger, Jessica Wile
Missing from photo: Annika Golino.  Photo by Chris Cormier.

Lisbon - Students in Mrs. Chris Cormier's second grade class at Lisbon Community School once again participated in the Hearts for Seniors Project for the residents at the Lamp Alzheimer’s Facility in Lisbon.  Students volunteered their time to make special Valentines for the residents at the nursing home.  This is the seventh year students in Mrs. Cormier’s class assisted with the project.  “The students love making the connections in the community with our seniors.  They make their Valentine’s very unique and many of my students include poems and other messages with their Valentine cards,” shares Cormier. For more information on classroom partnerships at Lisbon Community School contact Monica Millhime, Community Resources by calling 754-0021 or email

Lisbon Community Drama Teaches Inspirational Lessons‏

Lisbon – Members of the eighth annual drama production at Lisbon Community School were proud to present a play in a day, Get Up and Grow, by Michael and Jill Gallina to family and friends on February 3 and 4.  Cast members included Lena Couture, Charlee Cox, Eva Deveau, Aubrey Huntington, Abby Lebel, Siara Martin, Destinee Miller, David Poulin, Megan Ross, Katie Scroggins, Carolyn Shane, Elise Smith, Jack Tibbetts and Faith Williams. 

The script encouraged children to experience growing up with joy and anticipation.  The songs inspired tools for success with proper exercise, good manners, being a loyal friend and helping out at home and school.  Overall the presentation, directed by Laurie Adams and assistant director, Donna Rimiller,  provided a level of sensitivity for students to recognize the need to be kind and thoughtful to others. 

Crew members included Angel Tibbetts, Lisa Brown, Teri Huntington, Maxine Shane, Kathy Claerr, Ruth Couture, Levi Tibbetts, Ethan Brown, Nash Samay-Houle, Jamie McAlpine, Michael Adams, Karen Nichols and the PWS Art Club, Schott Scroggins, Henry Eichman, Pamela Shane, Betty Fogg, Janis Browning, Victoria Worden, Carol Day, Jennifer Robitaille, Nathaniel, Meredith and Gerry Huntington.  Special thanks to Carlene Iverson, Ryan Patrie, Monica Millhime and the LCS Volunteers,  Charles, Rachel and Robin Roy, Jim Damsgaard, the LCS kitchen and custodial staff, Matthew Watras and the LCS Music Department, LCS Civil Rights Team, Candace Barrett and the LCS PTO, The Candy Men, Coca Cola, and International Paper. 

The annual fifth grade talent show is scheduled for Friday, May 11.  Watch for more details!

 Pictured (l-r) front row: Henry Eichman, Ruth Couture, Carol Day, Angel Tibbetts, Maxine Shane, Laurie Adams, Donna Rimiller, Scott Scroggins, Jennifer Robitaille, Lisa Brown, Ethan Brown (Missing from the photo Kathy Claerr)
Back RowJack Tibbetts, Charlee Cox, David Poulin, Eva Deveau, Abby Lebel, Carolyn Shane, Katie Scroggins, Destinee Miller, Megan Ross, Aubrey Huntington, Siara Martin, Elise Smith (Missing from the photo Faith Williams)

FMI on other events and program in Lisbon Schools email or call 754.0021 and visit us at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on Facebook.

Lisbon Students Awarded Teens Who Care Grant‏

Lisbon Young Adult / Interact Members Awarded Teens Who Care Award 

  Lisbon students will be sharing their recent award of a $2,000 grant with 11 local charities.  Thanks to the combined efforts of students contributing over 4,000 hours of community service the monies will assist the efforts of many non-profits in Lisbon and beyond.  Pictured (l-r) front row:  Lily Wade, Kailyn Hill, Samantha Foote, Taylor Plourde, Jenna Clifford, Abigail Roy, Paula Caron and Paige Galligan.  Second row:  Sydney Tolbert, Emma Wilson, Sierra Crosby, Ginny Tolbert, Nichole Jones, Tiffany Hursh, Sarah Craig, Lindsey Whitney, Delanie Ouellette, Amanda Blancato (membership pending); Sarah Giraldo, Melissa Hoskins, Kayla Angelico.  Back row:  Adam Thebeau, Ryan Buzzell, Tyler Daly, Robert Wood, Dillon Poole, Brandon Laurelez, Nick Corey, Kyle Priddle, Kody Priddle, Connor Craig and Morgan Reeves.  Not available for photo: Brianna Bennett, Kristianna Benoit, Jack Caron, Erik Chapman, Brianna Cota, Robert Dall, Nikkole Gardner, DJ Judd, Bryanna Sult, Charles Sult, Dustin Wood and Kristen Wood.  Photo courtesy of Geskus Photography. 

Lisbon - The Lisbon High School Young Adult / Interact Club members are a remarkable group of teens from freshman to seniors.  Recently Club Advisor, Monica Millhime, was notified students were selected as recipients 2012 February Teens Who Care Award.  Millhime nominated the group for their community service efforts of contributing over 4,000 hours of service.  “Membership requires students to attend a detailed-oriented training class prior to assisting with any school or community projects,” shares Millhime.  “Students assist as reading buddies to younger students at Lisbon Community School and as tutors for middle school and underclassmen.  There are numerous capacities where individual students assist teachers in their classrooms, offer babysitting for the parent groups, chaperones for school events, serve on fundraising and community serve projects in school and the greater community. Groups of students assist with lawn work, visiting at the local nursing home, assist at the local food and clothing bank and other community events throughout the year.”   As winners of the award, the group was presented with a $2,000 grant to be donated to non-profit agencies of their choice.  Students have voted on eleven local charities to be receiving donations.  The group was modeled after the adult volunteer program and continues to grow with support from parents who set the example of volunteers who make a difference in our schools and our community.  FMI on events and other programs at Lisbon High School email or call 754.0021.  Check out all the latest events by visiting Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools on Facebook.

Lisbon High School 3rd Annual chili chowder chocolate challenge!‏

Friday, February 3, 2012

Lisbon HS Class of 2014 Announces Winners of Downeaster Project‏


  Lisbon High School Class of 2014 President, Paula Caron, requested assistance from school Principal, Ken Healey, to draw the lucky winners of the Downeaster Train Project.  The first place winners of two round trip tickets to Boston was Matthew Waltras; second place gift of a Downeaster golf shirt, Jerry Yergin; and the third place gift of a collector’s edition Downeaster mug, Shantal MacWhinnie.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

Lisbon – Members of the Lisbon High School Class of 2014 were able to deposit over $900 to their Project Graduation account thanks to the generous donation of two tickets to Boston compliments of the Northern New England Passenger Rail Authority.  Students held a raffle for the tickets and other items as a fundraiser.   Committee members attribute the success of their project to the community support from Food City and the Lisbon Transfer Station for allowing students the opportunity to sell tickets on weekends.  “Parents assisted and supported students throughout the project and we were all very proud of their teamwork,” shares Class Advisor, Monica Millhime.  FMI on other events and programs at Lisbon High School, email or visit us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.

Lisbon HS Class of 2014 Students View Colleges & Participate in ASVAB Testing‏

 Lisbon High School Guidance Counselors Jean Dolan and David Ferrick (far right) congratulate sophomores Sierra Crosby and Emma Wilson.  Sierra was presented with a special recognition for her participation with the question and answer sessions at the Central Maine Community College Career Fair.   Emma won the lucky drawing of an IPod for volunteering to take the ASVAB tests at the high school.  Photo by Monica Millhime.

LHS Class of 2014 On the Move and Blazing New Horizons

Lisbon – Members of the Lisbon High School Class of 2014 have been visiting colleges and participating in a pilot program for testing.  Recently sophomores visited Central Maine Community College (CMCC) and attended mini-class sessions during the annual Career Fair.  Students were encouraged to ask questions and view the facility during the half day visit to the CMCC campus.  During the last week in January, members of the class were invited to be volunteers for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude (ASVAB).  The test is designed to assess a student’s ability to learn new skills and serves as a predictor of success in training and education programs.  An interest inventory based on John Holland’s theory of career choice is included as a component of the test.  Students can use their individual test results with the OCCU-Find career as an exploration tool
A total of 32 students volunteered for the testing.  Early indicators reveal the program was very successful.  An incentive for students who volunteered for the pilot program received a USB key of their design choice. Incentives were provided by MELMAC Foundation.  A  grand prize of an IPod touch with a camera was won by Emma Wilson.  LHS Guidance Counselors, Jean Dolan and David Ferrick, are exploring  the possibility of making this an annual test for ALL Sophomores.

FMI on events and other programs at Lisbon High School visit or email  Like us on Facebook at Community Resource News in Lisbon Schools.