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Showing posts with label Public Works. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Public Works. Show all posts

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Just A Taxpayer

I'm sure most of the citizens in lisbon are unaware of just how wasteful this town is. For example public works, at the time when the council made Ryan Leighton public works director Elwood Beals was filling that position.  Mr Beals was director and he had his forman along with the rest of the crew. So what happen to mr beals when they made Mr Leighton the new director? The council decided to make a new position for Mr Beals . Operations manager.  No cut in pay . So now we have a new position making roughly 60,000 plus a year and we gave Mr Leighton 10 more grand on top of his soaring salary to be what Mr Beals was already doing. So Mr Leighton is now your town engineer , public works director, sewer treatment plant director. What's next make him police chief. Don't worry Brooks I'm sure the council will create a new position for you also . Think about this when you open your tax bill in September with the new revaluation numbers.  Like Paul le page said they're sticking it to us without providing any vasiline.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Revised Agenda For Tuesday, February 17, 2015

 revised AGENDA

TUESDAY, February 17, 2015


7:00 P.M.


___Councilor Bickford
___ Councilor Brunelle
___ Councilor Crafts
___ Councilor Garrison
___ Councilor Lunt
___Councilor Metivier
___ Councilor Pesce

      Town Clerk reading of meeting rules

      2015-50   ORDER − Lisbon Cheerleading Team Proclamation     

      A. 2015-2016 Capital Improvement Plan


      2015-45 ORDER −            A. Minutes of February 3, 2015

      2015-46   ORDER − Tax Acquired Property
      2015-47   ORDER − Police Department Study
      2015-48   ORDER − Snow plow operations and mailbox damage
      2015-49   ORDER − 2015-2016 Capital Improvement Plan

      A. Discussion on Bike Committee
      B. Financial Report
      C. Town Manager's Report


      2015-51   ORDER − Accept Finance Committee Resignations (2) Larochelle & Rugullies



      2015-52   ORDER - To Adjourn

Friday, February 6, 2015

Comments From Another Observant Lisbon Citizen

My recent visit to the transfer station on Wednesday something was missing.  It was the part time worker that has been working there for awhile. I asked where he was. I was told they had to let him go to help reduce budget. Are you frigging kidding me , you dumb asses ( council, public works director) cut a man that only worked maybe 12 hours a week making 8-10 dollars max an hour to help reduce budget. You must have searched high and low to find that savings. Absolutely retarded.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Resident of Lisbon Speaks Out

It has come to my attention that there is a committee formed of non lisbon property tax paying paying citizens of Lisbon to look into selling the transfer station 2 pine tree waste this way yet turn into another tax on Lisbon residents. It is understood that pine tree will charge per bag on top of all the taxes that we already pay . I understand lewiston has adopted this method and is now charging for recyclables. I hope the townspeople will have a vote on this in this doesn't a backroom deal . Lisbon residents please take notice.

Submitted Anonymously

Thursday, January 15, 2015


During last Tuesday’s Town Council Workshop, the members of the Council in attendance were Chairman Pesce, Vice-Chair Bickford, Councilors Lunt and Garrison.  The workshop was for the purpose of hearing information pertaining to Moxie Festival; Town Owned Land; Gas/Diesel Pumps Card Swipe System; and the Public Works Garage Addition.  The following is a small summary of each: 

The Moxie Committee spokesperson Gina Mason and Brenda Rogers asked the Council for guidance on the Moxie Festival.  They also asked why the Police, Fire and Public Works Department charged the Moxie Committee for services when this is a town event.  Chairman Pesce agreed with the committee and asked the Town Manager to look into these department budgeting Moxie weekend into their individual budgets. 

Town Owned Land – The Council had requested a listing of the entire town owned land which was provided by the Town Manager.  However, this listing included the building currently occupied and utilized by various departments of the town.  So the Council asked the Town Manager to review the listing and eliminate the properties currently used by the town.  This discussion was tabled until another workshop so the Council could review each property to see if the town can put some of these properties on the real estate market to increase revenue.  According to my figures, there are approximately 91 total properties on the list but 40 of these are utilized by the town.  These figures are unofficial. 

Gas/Diesel Pumps Card Swipe System – Upon review of the gas/diesel controls, it has been verified that the town does not have sufficient controls of these two pumps.  In order to correct this deficiency, the Public Works Director has suggested a card swipe system to control the use of gas/diesel fuels.  After a short discussion, the Council felt that the controls should be by vehicle instead of Department Heads.  The Public Works Director was instructed to look into a system that would meet these requirements and provide estimates. 

Public Works Garage Addition – The Public Works Garage is completely restored and operational.  The town has approximately $166,000.00 dollars remaining from the insurance payment.  The Public Works Director is asking that these funds be applied to adding a 25’ X 80’ steel structure to the current Public Works garage.  This addition is critically needed so that trucks with plows will fit into the building to be worked on.  Currently, the Public Works garage does not fit these vehicles and the doors to the garage have to be left open when the mechanic works on these vehicles.  The Council agreed that this was a good use of these funds and would eliminate the problem of fitting vehicles, to include school buses, into the garage for work.  The Council asked the Town Manager and the Public Works Director to move forward on this project. 

All of these items, with the exception of the Town Owned Land, will be discussed again and voted on by the Council Tuesday night at the next Town Council meeting. 

Larry Fillmore


Sunday, August 10, 2014

Are We Ever To Vote On The Municipal Budget‏ ?


In November of 2011, the Town Council added a Referendum Question to the November ballot with the understanding that the council would abide by the wishes of the people.  The question was did the people want to vote on the Municipal Budget by departments, or words to that effect.  The results were over 2,000 voters voted YES and only a little over 500 voted NO.  It is now 2014 and the people cannot vote on the Municipal budget by departments.

Previous Town Councils had a habit of not doing what they say and as a result the people have lost faith in our Town Council form of government.   In order to preserve the Municipal budget, previous councilors like Mike Bowie and Fern LaRochelle have been placed on the Finance Committee.  The other night at a town council meeting, the people were forced to listen to Mrs. Morgan- Alexander, Chairman of the Finance Committee and Fern LaRochelle tell them how hard they worked on the Municipal budget.   As a result of this hard work, the Police Department was increased by $78,268.00 and Public Works was increased by $235,190.00.  I do not have to repeat the excessive spending in the Police Department and the majority of the Public Works increase was for paving as I understand it.

This supports why the people need to vote on the Municipal budget.  There is no reason in the world why Lisbon’s Police Department should cost this community $1,300,000.00 plus.  There is no reason why Lisbon should maintain a Communication Center (Dispatch) when the county has an excellent Dispatch Center.  Every second wasted in an emergency puts lives at risk and having to relay 911 calls does just that.  Chief Brooks does no care if he puts our lives at risk as long as he can maintain his empire at the expense of the taxpayers.

The sole purpose of the Finance Committee is to provide support for the Municipal budget presented by the Town Council.  This community needs Finance Committee members who are trying to do what is right for the community and not protect Chief Brooks’ budget.  This is the exact reason the people want to vote on the Municipal budget because then and only then will Municipal budget be a budget by the people. Remember the Advisory Board was made up of elected officials but when they did not support the Municipal budget they were replaced by appointed members whom 5 out of 7 are previous councilors.  Go figure!

In order to restore integrity and get out of the current financial situation and back on track, the people are going to have to vote on the Municipal budget.  The last four years, the people have suffered an unnecessary tax increase.  The creed of certain town employees coupled with councilors who have no spine have resulted in a situation in which taxpayers can no longer afford to reside in our community.   We are losing too many good neighbors and friends because of outrageous Municipal budgets.

It is imperative that this town council do what is right and change the Charter to allow the people to vote on the Municipal budget by departments next June.  The people asked for this almost three years ago.  There is time now to do this if they want; look how fast it took them to get a Charter change to limit million dollars bonds only on the November ballot. 

Now is the time to allow the people to vote on the Municipal Budget.

Larry Fillmore

Editor's Note: This may take some thinking, but it is YOUR reality.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Recap Town Council Meeting July 15th, 2014


Last night’s Town Council meeting was lengthy so this recap will probably be lengthy.  I try to keep my opinion out of the recaps but in this case I have to say that I was impressed and moved by the Public Service Announcement shown during the meeting.  The Public Service Announcement was filmed using Lisbon students and parents and showed how one bad decision can ruin the lives of so many.  I encourage every one of all ages to review this moving and powerful Public Service Announcement.

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances – The 2014-2015 Municipal Budget Resolution failed again by a vote of 3-2.  There was no vote on the Economic Development Budget Resolution because it is part of the Municipal Budget.  The 2014-2015 Sewer Department Budget passed by a vote of 5-0.  Mr. Dennis Douglass, Code Enforcement Officer, provided a detailed plan for repairing the Public Works Garage.  This plan included floor plans and cost analysis and the Council voted 5-0 to move forward.  The Town Office Holiday and Library Holiday schedules were approved by a vote of 5-0.  The Personnel Staffing Study was turned over to the Town Manager for action.  The FOAA Waiver Request was denied by the Council by a vote of 5-0.  The General Assistance Ordinance and Appendices (1st Reading) was approved by a vote of 5-0.  The Special Council Meeting and the Public Hearing for the Qualified Energy Conversation Bond was tabled.

Under Other Business – The ECD Director provided the Council with a presentation on the Career Center & Healthy Main Street Grants.  The Town Manager stated she was very much impressed with the Moxie Festival and all the hard work that when into the festival.

An additional Town Council Workshop is scheduled for July 22, 2014 at 07:30 PM to have more discussions pertaining to the budget.

Under Appointments – Fern LaRochelle was reappointed to the Finance Committee for a three year term.

Under Executive Session – Once the Council came out of Executive Session, they revealed that loans 4229 and 4522 were to be written off and loan 4467 was to go to collections.

Larry Fillmore

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Revised (2) Lisbon Council Agenda‏ July 15, 2014

TUESDAY, JULY 15, 2014
7:00 P.M.




___Councilor Bickford ___ Councilor Brunelle 
___ Councilor Garrison ___ Councilor Lunt___Councilor Metivier
 ___ Councilor Pesce ___ Councilor Ward

Town Clerk reading of meeting rules


A. Police Department and S.A.D.D. Public Service Announcement (PSA)


A. Victualer's License for Laura Pelkey d/b/a The Cabin




2014-126 ORDER − A. Victualer's License for Laura Pelkey d/b/a The Cabin

B. Minutes of July 1, 2014

C. Minutes of July 8, 2014

D. Off Premise Catering Permit - Slovak Catholic Assoc for Knights of Columbus Grounds


2014-127 RESOLUTION − 2014-2015 Municipal Budget Resolution

2014-128 RESOLUTION − 2014-2015 Economic Development Budget Resolution

2014-129 ORDER − 2014-2015 Sewer Department Budget

2014-130 ORDER − Authorize Contract with Hebert Construction for Public Works Building

2014-131 ORDER − Town Office Holidays

2014-132 ORDER − Library Holidays

2014-133 ORDER − Schedule Council Workshop

2014-134 ORDER − Personnel Staffing Study

2014-135 ORDER − FOAA Waiver Request

2014-136 ORDINANCE − General Assistance Ordinance (First Reading)

2014-137 ORDINANCE − General Assistance Appendices (First Reading)

2014-137A ORDER − Set Special Council Meeting for July 29, 2014

2014-137B ORDER − Public Hearing for the Qualified Energy Conservation Bond


A. ECD Director's Report on Career Center & Healthy Main Street Grants

B. Town Manager's Report




2014-138 ORDER − Finance Committee Renewal term expiring June 30, 2017



2014-139 ORDER − 1 MRSA § 405 (6)(C) Economic Development Revolving Loan Funds

1 MRSA § 405 (6)(F) Discussion of confidential records


2014-140 ORDER − To Adjourn

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Recap Special Town Council Meeting - June 24th , 2014


This is a recap of the Special Town Council meeting; which was a first for this community. 

Under Council Orders, Resolutions, & Ordinances –

a.      The new snowplow truck passed by a vote of 6-0.

b.      Adopting the amended fee schedule (1st Reading) passed by a vote of 6-0 with a need to have a workshop to thoroughly go throw all 13 pages of the changes prior to the 2nd Reading.

c.      The MDOT agreement for Trail Amendment passed by a vote of 6-0.

d.     The 2014-2015 Municipal Budget failed by a vote of 2-Yes and 4-No.  This was an epic event because this means we have four councilors who care about the taxpayers in this community.  More to follow!

Larry Fillmore

Friday, June 13, 2014

The People Have Spoken‏ !


On Tuesday, June 10, 2014, the people of Lisbon went to the polls and voted how they wanted their tax dollars spent.  The people approved a new gym and a new track.  They rejected a new Public Works Garage.  So now the Town Council has to finalize the Municipal budget for Fiscal Year 2014-2015.

This Municipal Budget is suppose to be a “Maintenance Budget” which means no new projects or additional funds other than what is needed to operate.  So let’s take a look at what is still on the table for consideration.  The following are items that must be added:

1.      A new plow truck – It is imperative that the town replace the plow truck that burnt.  The insurance company paid the town $48,000.00 but a new truck cost approximately $128,000.00 so the town has to come up with $80,000.00.

2.     MDOT Modification 4 – The municipal portion of the additional funds is $30,000.00.  There is no arguing with MDOT or the town will end up paying a lot more trying to contest this.

3.     $4,500.00 Rent Fee to Longchamps – Since the taxpayers voted down the Public Works Garage, the town will have to pay this monthly fee until such time as an adequate building can be prepared to perform maintenance in.  Also, repairing the current Public Works building leaves the town with the problem of a sand/salt shed that meets state requirements.  Apparently, the people are satisfied paying $54,000.00 a year for rental fees.

Now let’s take a look at some of the other items still on the table:

1.      2% COLA Allowance - Town Employees have received wage increases for the pass four or five years in a row.  It will not kill the Town Employee from going without an increase for one year.  If it was going for those whose annual salary was under $35,000.00 a year I would consider it but disguising or calling it a COLA Allowance just to get it approved is unacceptable. 

2.     Replacing Police Cruisers – Chief Brooks had sufficient funds to replace any police vehicles he felt were necessary with Federal Forfeiture Funds but instead purchased Assault Rifles, GPS, Balls and a Ball Launcher for the canine among other “Toys for the Boys”.  One of the vehicles he wants to replace had a new engine installed less than a year ago.  The Life Cycle of police vehicles is measured in the hours of the engine and not road miles.  So why would you replace a vehicle you just installed a new engine in? 

3.     Reduce the TIF Account by $100,000.00 – Each year the town over budgets this line by close to $100,000.00 and then one month later transfers the money out to other areas of the budget.  Apparently, this is used for a slush fund.  This needs to stop also.

A “Maintenance Budget” should only have what is needed to operate during the fiscal year.  The plow truck and the MDOT are necessary for next year; while a COLA Allowance, police vehicles and floating additional funds to create slush funds are NOT.

Let’s see if the Town Council will make any attempt to control excessive spending!

Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

The Unitil Project Passed‏ !!!


At last night’s Special Town Council meeting, four of the Councilors voted to approve this project.  These Councilors were Roger Bickford, Eric Metivier, Mark Lunt and Gregg Garrison.  Councilors Dillon Pesce and Chris Brunelle voted against the project.

Prior to the vote was a lengthy discussion starting with Mr. Leighton providing a small briefing followed by question and answer period by the Councilors?   Mr.  Leighton stated first that Public Works personnel would not be doing the trenching and later stated that Public Works personnel would be preparing the trench for paving.    According to Mr. Leighton, Unitil will be responsible for the trenching and laying the gas line.  However, it is unclear as to why the Public Works personnel and backhoe would have to be on a standby mode.

Another curious point was, if this is a Unitil project, why was there no one from Unitil there to clarify any points, and there were numerous unanswered questions?  One would be why Unitil is doing the trenching but does not have to complete the work to satisfy the final trench so it can be paved without Public Works personnel having to ensure the work is done right.  Also, why is there no written Unitil proposal detailing the project and who is responsible for what? 

Also, there was no documentation from the Brunswick Housing Authority as to what they are responsible for.  It was stated that the Brunswick Housing Area was to pay half of the cost for paving but did not mention if the Public Works personnel are required to prepare the trench for paving if the Brunswick Housing Authority would split the cost with the town.  In other words, the Town could end up paying for preparing the trench for paving and then split the cost of paving with the town.  If this is the case, the taxpayers are getting screwed again.

Mr. Leighton was unable to answer all the questions asked by both the Council and the Public.  Mr. Leighton changed his story several times.  The Council will still have to go out for bid on the paving because it is over $5,000.00 which is required by the town Purchasing Policy.

I cannot explain why these four Councilors voted the way they did other than this project will provide a cost savings on heating the MTM Center, once completed.  I support the project but I am against approving a project when there are so many questions that remain unanswered.   I will submit a Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) for the documentation from Unitil and the Brunswick Housing Authority which should provide the answers to these questions.  I want to know who is responsible for what.

Larry Fillmore

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lisbon Taxpayers Pay For Incompetency, But Why?


At the last Town Council meeting, there was an agenda item under Other Business called “Unitil Paving Proposal”.  This proposal was submitted by the Town Engineer, Ryan Leighton (See Attached). 

The proposal lacks several items such as a map of the route, distances and who was going to be doing the trenching.  During the discussion by the Council and the Interim Town Manager, it came out that Public Works would be doing all the trenching.  A minor detail left off the original request.  This agenda item was tabled until next week during the Special Town Council meeting.

On the agenda for May 27, 2014, there is no “Audience Participation” so the people will not have a chance to speak on this subject.  I do not believe that even if the people could speak would it be heard.  I believe this has already been decided and the council will approve this proposal.  The fact that Public Works will be doing the trenching, at no cost to either Unitil or the Brunswick Housing Authority, and the people are going to be forced to pay an additional amount for paving is crazy.  Why isn’t the trenching by Public Works not sufficient payment for this project by the taxpayers.

Most of you do not know this but a former council sold Brunswick Housing Authority 4 Campus Avenue for $1.00 and with it went over a MILLION dollar grant for the renovation of the building by Federal Grant.  The property at the time was valued at $265,050.00.  I understand that the Brunswick Housing Authority is a non-profit organization but the Town of Lisbon is not.  The Town should not be making concessions like this and now the Town is willing to do all the trenching and then pay for half of the paving even though there is no benefit to the town from the MTM center to 4 Campus Avenue.  Why should the taxpayers be forced to pay anything for this project?

Please review this proposal by Mr. Leighton and tell me if you believe that this inept performance is worth the $78,000.00 plus Mr. Leighton receives as a salary from the town.  This is exactly what you get from an individual that has absolutely no credentials for the position. 

So why does the Interim Town Manager and the Town Council accept a proposal that is incomplete and does not present ALL the facts in order for the Council to make a competent decision?

Larry Fillmore

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Making the Right Choice for the Community - Part 3‏ (Track)


The third bond is for building a Track at a cost of approximately $500,000.00 taxpayers’ dollars.    I do not want anyone to misunderstand me.  I am in favor of our kids having a place to do track especially since Lisbon has one of the best track teams in the state.  However, they cannot hold home meets in Lisbon because the current track does not meet safety standards.  This is a shame.

I am voting NO on a new track.  The reason is very simple.  If we have $500,000.00 to spend, I would rather see it spent on repairing our roads.  This to me is a higher priority to the community than a track.  A track is utilized by a smaller number of citizens, for a few months out of the year, and everyone uses our roads.  If we are going to be spending taxpayer’s money, then the whole community should receive the benefit and not just a few.

False Deluder is a very dedicated parent who wants only the best for his kids and I do not blame him or the other families involved with this movement.  But if you are spending taxpayer’s dollars it should be in the best interest of the whole community and not just a few. 

False Deluder wants to talk about “needs” but never mentioned if it was the needs of his kids or needs of the community.  Supporting your kids is important and should be the number one priority of every parent.  It is vital that the town get a new Public Works garage and the town needs a new gym but the town does not need a new Track. 

It is easy to see a “return on investment” with both the Public Works garage and the gym but there is absolutely no return on investment on a track especially when the money could be used to repair our roads.  Repairing our roads would save wear and tear on our vehicles as well as the town vehicles.

When you go to the polls in June, please vote what is best for the whole community and not just a few.
Larry Fillmore



This article may get lengthy so I will break it up into three parts.  This community is at a cross roads right now and has to make some very difficult decisions.  The decisions will affect the entire community and will be costly.  I, like a lot of citizens, are on a fixed income and with the cost of living as it is every penny counts.  However in June, we are being asked to vote on three bond issues.  I am going to try and defend MY choices.

First, I want to say for the first time I believe we have a good Council who, for the most part, are interested in doing what is right for the community.  I believe in Dale Olmstead, Interim Town Manager, and hopefully the next Town Manager, Diane Barnes.  These individuals have a very solid plan contrary to what False Deluder says and there is urgency in moving this forward.  First, is the fact the town is paying a monthly fee of $4,500.00 for space in another facility and second is everything must be in place before next winter?

It is easy in June to forget that Public Works needs to be able to keep our roads plowed and salt and sand put down during the winter months.  In order to prepare and accomplish this Public Works needs a facility.  Public Works employees work extremely hard to make sure the public remains safe on our roads at all times.  We call Police, Fire and Medical, Public Safety but the real Public Safety is Public Works because if these First Responders cannot get to you what good are they?

I am voting YES on the new Public Work’s garage for several reasons.  The current building does not allow for our fleet to be housed inside during winter months.  The mechanics are forced to work in cramped spaces and the ventilation is unacceptable.  This puts our employees at risk. 

I attend almost every meeting of the Town Council, unlike most of you and including False Deluder.  Mr. Olmstead outlined a detailed plan to resolve numerous town issues at one time.  The plan depends on the citizens voting to approve the bond for the new Public Works garage.  If the bond is approved, the town will purchase a building that will not only house the Public Works vehicles but also the school buses.    

This will allow Public Works to perform maintenance on the school buses eliminating outsourcing school bus maintenance.  The plan also includes moving the Lisbon Falls Fire Station into this facility, thus eliminating the traffic problem on Main Street during a fire.  The current Public Works garage will be converted to a salt shed which will cover our salt.

Yes, approving this bond will cost the taxpayers additional funds but spreading it out over years will reduce the impact.  I believe a new Public Works garage is essential to moving our community forward and it will eliminate several other problem areas at the same time which makes this very cost effective.

Larry Fillmore

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Last night, the Town Council held a Public Hearing on the 2014-2015 Municipal and School Budgets and consideration on three bond issues – Public Works garage, Gym and the Track. \

I guesstimate that between 75 and 100 residents attended with the majority speaking on one or more of these issues.  These Public Hearings lasted a long time.  The input was received by the School Department and the Town Council very well.

Prior to the Public Hearings, Mr. Richard Green, Superintendent of Schools and Mr. Dale Olmstead, Interim Town Manager, briefed the Public on their portions of the budget.  Both of these gentlemen did an excellent job and were able to answer the questions asked by the audience.  They also gave presentations defending the bond issues that were before the people.  Again, a great job by both of these professionals!

Under Council Orders, Resolutions & Ordinances - The Council voted 7-0 for a Proclamation declaring May 4th through the 10th as Municipal Clerks Week.  

The Council also approved the 1st Reading of the Route 196 Design Standards and Guidelines by a vote of 7-0.  Next, the Council voted on the three bonds to be placed on the June ballot.  As far as the Public Works Garage the vote was 7-0.  As far as the Gym the vote was 5-2 with Councilors Bickford and Metivier voting NO.  The vote on the Track was the same as the Gym.  So all three bond issues will be place on the June ballot.

Next, the Council voted 7-0 to include two Charter changes.  The first to reduce the requirement of 15 to 10 percent of qualified vote voting in the last gubernatorial election to meet the requirement for a Special Town Meeting and second to adjust our Charter to match the states requirement for reference title 21-A for Election procedures.

The meeting adjourned at approximately 10:50 PM.

Larry Fillmore

Recap Town Council Workshop - April 14th‏


The Interim Town Manager, Mr. Dale Olmstead, updated the Council on what he has learned pertaining to the Public Works garage.  Right now the insurance company is offering $300,000.00 dollars as a settlement.  Along with this cash money, the insurance company is going to pay for a few months rental fees.

This leaves the Council with several options:
1.  Repair existing building.
2   Build a new building.
3.  Move into as existing building.

According to Mr. Olmstead it would not be cost effective to repair the building because it was not an adequate facility for Public Works in the first place.  

Second, it would cost the town too much to build a new facility for Public Works. 

 Third, there are two buildings available in town to take care of our immediate needs but would have additional costs if the town wanted to expand for one and the other is readily made and would provide for a lot of town consolidation.

The two buildings are:
ETTI:  (64,000 square feet)
Longchamps (10,000 square feet – expandable)

Both of these building would need an appraisal before they could discuss price.  The appraisals have been ordered.
The Councilors discussed each option for almost an hour.  Chairwoman Ward allowed the Public to provide input and then adjourned the meeting without any vote by the Council.

Larry Fillmore