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Showing posts with label Wildlife. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wildlife. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Snake in Rumford, Snakes in the River, Now Snakes in your pants

Hey, come on, we can't make this stuff up.

Driver tells police snakes led to SUV crash

“Yeah occifer, it’z the ‘nakes that made me crash the car.” For some reason I don’t think that is going to fly in the face of an accident. We will have to keep an eye on this story.

Snakes in PantsHARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Police say a driver blamed a car crash in Hartford, Conn., on two pet baby snakes that he said escaped from his pants pockets as he was driving.

'slither here for more.

Friday, July 24, 2009

HONEY,,, I'm In The Home!

By Personal Liberty News Desk • Jul 22nd, 2009 • Category: Alternative Medicine, Personal Liberty News

More often, people stir honey into tea, use it to make desserts such as baklava and sometimes even spread it on toast. Now a new paper reveals that one kind of honey may be used as a novel first aid treatment.

The paper appears in the European Journal of Clinical Microbiological Infectious Diseases and examines the Leptospermum honey, found commonly in New Zealand and Australia.

Because honey has a low pH level, researchers found, it does not irritate the wound site. In addition, the treated, medical-grade honey also promotes the growth of new tissue and helps eliminate pain and scarring.

Continue following here.

Happy Friday!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

We Know Where Rumford's Missing Snake Is

He's In Lisbon Feeding On Pink Flamingos!

Just look in the Lisbon Town Office and you'll find him slithering around, hint it is wearing glasses now.

Click here for more.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Been Trying To Tell Ya, Those Turkeys Need Watchin'

Turkey lands in manure truck's cab, causing crash

A wild turkey landed inside the cab of a manure-hauling tractor trailer, startling the driver and sending the truck rolling into a ditch off a northern New York road. State police said Scott Fisher, 38, was traveling in St. Lawrence County near the Canadian border when the turkey flew in through an open window.

As Fisher tried to shoo the bird out of the cab, the truck ran off the road and hit several fence posts and a utility pole before rolling onto its side in a ditch.

Fisher wasn't hurt in the accident Monday.

Police say the turkey escaped, leaving behind some of its feathers.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Now Here's Something To Quack About

A True Duck Story from San Antonio , Texas

Something really cute happened in downtown San Antonio. Michael R. is an accounting clerk at Frost Bank and works there in a second story office. Several weeks ago, he watched a mother duck choose the concrete awning outside his window as the unlikely place to build a nest above the sidewalk. The mallard laid ten eggs in a nest in the corner of the planter that is perched over 10 feet in the air. She dutifully kept the eggs warm for weeks, and Monday afternoon all of her ten ducklings hatched.

Michael worried all night how the momma duck was going to get those babies safely off their perch in a busy, downtown, urban environment to take to water, which typically happens in the first 48 hours of a duck hatching. Tuesday morning, Michael watched the mother duck encourage her babies to the edge of the perch with the intent to show them how to jump off. Office work came to a standstill as everyone gathered to watch.

The mother flew down below and started quacking to her babies above. In disbelief Michael watched as the first fuzzy newborn trustingly toddled to the edge and astonishingly leapt into thin air, crashing onto the cement below. Michael couldn't stand to watch this risky effort nine more times! He dashed out of his office and ran down the stairs to the sidewalk where the first obedient duckling, near its mother, was resting in a stupor after the near-fatal fall. Michael stood out of sight under the awning-planter, ready to help.

As the second one took the plunge, Michael jumped forward and caught it with his bare hands before it hit the concrete. Safe and sound, he set it down by its momma and the other stunned sibling, still recovering from that painful leap. (The momma must have sensed that Michael was trying to help her babies.)

One by one the babies continued to jump. Each time Michael hid under the awning just to reach out in the nick of time as the duckling made its free fall. At the scene the busy downtown sidewalk traffic came to a standstill. Time after time, Michael was able to catch the remaining eight and set them by their approving mother.

At this point Michael realized the duck family had only made part of its dangerous journey. They had two full blocks to walk across traffic, crosswalks, curbs and past pedestrians to get to the closest open water, the San Antonio River , site of the famed "River Walk." The onlooking office secretaries and several San Antonio police officers joined in. An empty copy-paper box was brought to collect the babies. They carefully corralled them, with the mother's approval, and loaded them in the container. Michael held the box low enough for the mom to see her brood. He then slowly navigated through the downtown streets toward the San Antonio River. The mother waddled behind and kept her babies in sight, all the way.

As they reached the river, the mother took over and passed him, jumping in the river and quacking loudly. At the water's edge, Michael tipped the box and helped shepherd the babies toward the water and to the waiting mother after their adventurous ride.

All ten darling ducklings safely made it into the water and paddled up snugly to momma. Michael said the mom swam in circles, looking back toward the beaming bank bookkeeper, and proudly quacking.

At last, all present and accounted for: "We're all together again. We're here! We're here!"

And here's a family portrait before they head outward to further adventures...

Like all of us in the big times of our life, they never could have made it alone without lots of helping hands. I think it gives the name of San Antonio 's famous "River Walk" a whole new meaning! Maybe you will want to share this story with others.