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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

NaturalNews: Refined sugar intake doubles mortality of females - lab study‏; Plus More

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
A surprising new study reveals that refined white sugar intake among mice causes a 100% increase in female mortality.
It also causes infertility among males and makes both males and females behave in such an impaired manner that they match "inbred" mice in terms of overall survivability.
No wonder all the humans who drown themselves in sugary sodas are also dying from degenerative disease! Read more:

Burrito backlash: Chipotle announces it will use sick cows pumped full of antibiotics as a meat source, then suddenly reverses itself due to an internet outcry:

Hepatitis vaccine halted in Vietnam after 3 newborns die of shock:

Is turmeric better at treating depression than antidepressant drugs?

Here's how we test for radiation across all our products at the Natural News Store:

Today in
- Breast cancer cells gorge on sugar
- DIY all-natural healing salve
- Online privacy and security tips everyone needs to know

Mortality rate doubles for females eating refined white sugar - lab mice study rocks soda industry
(NaturalNews) In what is arguably the most shocking food study conducted since the Seralini "GMO rats" study released last year, researchers at the University...

Hepatitis B vaccine halted after 3 newborns die from system shock
(NaturalNews) The Vietnamese Health Department is coming out and ending the use of hepatitis B vaccines throughout the entire country of Vietnam. The decision was made after three different families lost their babies after the precious young ones were...

Unraveling: Major health insurance companies abandon Obamacare exchanges
(NaturalNews) More and more health insurance companies are bailing out of Obamacare, fearing - correctly - that they will lose massive amounts of money if they participate in the state-run "exchanges" called for under the law. Not that the Obama administration...

Neonicotinoids are the new DDT, and they're destroying our world
(NaturalNews) The infamous organochlorine insecticide, DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), has been banned from agricultural use worldwide since 1972, after world leaders decided it was universally unsafe at the Stockholm Convention. At the time, DDT...

Turmeric may be more effective than common anti-depressant drugs at treating depression
(NaturalNews) A study published recently in Phytotherapy Research indicates that the active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, has potential anti-depressant effects. This isn't the first study to suggest that turmeric may play a role in elevating...

Nine pharmaceutical drugs that can cause chronic fatigue
(NaturalNews) There are many different factors and underlying health conditions that can affect energy levels from day to day, as well as trigger the condition that is now commonly known as chronic fatigue. In addition to poor diet, irregular sleeping...

How the alkaline diet (does not) affect your pH
(NaturalNews) Diet fads are not hard to come by, every year there is a new one that is supposed to be "the best." A lot of buzz has been surfacing in regards to the alkaline diet. This diet is said to create a higher body pH in order to stave off many...

Big government in bed with Monsanto: How government agents covered up Roundup's birth defects
(NaturalNews) Truly disturbing are the lengths to which big government will go to conspire with big corporations to keep people sick in their reckless pursuit of profits and power. A recent study, published in the Journal of Environmental and Analytical...

Natural methods and recipes for cleansing liver and blood
(NaturalNews) The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. A multitasking organ, the liver filters and purifies blood, aids in the production of glutathione which is essential in recycling antioxidants, turns sunlight to vitamin D3, and...

Frequent exposure to sunshine lowers rheumatoid arthritis risk
(NaturalNews) Frequent exposure to sunshine has been linked to the prevention of several serious diseases, from Type II diabetes to between 15-20 types of cancer. According to a new study published in the Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases journal...

Sebelius: If you oppose Obamacare, you are somehow a racist
(NaturalNews) Politicians pander - it's just what they do - but some of the most offensive pandering involves race and racism and, quite frankly, I'm sick of it. Take the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman case. After the jury found Zimmerman not guilty...

Devastating long-term drought haunts U.S. Southwest: Water wars under way between Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Wyoming
(NaturalNews) Climate change is taking a toll on grasslands across the West. Almost 87% of the region is in a drought. Nevada is removing wild horses and stocks of cattle from federal rangelands, Wyoming is seeding clouds as part of a long-term "weather...

New research on anti-cancer, blood pressure-lowering plant
(NaturalNews) A new study published in PLOS ONE on July 11, 2013, examined the anti-cancer properties of Gynura procumbens - particularly...

43 percent think NSA domestic spying violates individual rights in favor of 'national security'
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The history and health benefits of spirulina
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Seven power foods that lower your stroke risk
(NaturalNews) As we age, our risk factor increases for a number of medical afflictions, ailments and conditions. One of those is stroke. The good news is there are ways to substantially mitigate your risk for stroke, which by the way, affects some...

Burrito backlash: Chipotle announces it might use sick cows as beef source, then reverses itself after internet backlash
(NaturalNews) Earlier today, Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc., reportedly told that it was considering expanding its supply chain to...

The Great Culling DVD and other groundbreaking films now available at the Natural News Store
(NaturalNews) Today I'm thrilled to announce that several groundbreaking new films are now available at the Natural News Store. These are films that make a difference in warning society about dangerous chemicals while expanding awareness about...

How we test for radiation across all products at the Natural News Store
(NaturalNews) Because of the worsening situation in Fukushima, we've received a lot of questions from customers concerned about the possibility of residual radiation in nutritional products we sell at the Natural...

Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily
(NaturalNews) Japan's nuclear watchdog has now declared the leak of radioactive water from Fukushima a "state of emergency." Each day, 300 tons of radioactive water seeps into the ocean, and it's now clear that TEPCO has engage in a two-and-a-half-year...

Listing Information of the Worumbo Mill Property Dated 2010

Commercial/Industrial - CLIENT SYNOPSIS MLS#: 983108 Status: Current Kickout:No 3 Canal Street, Lisbon, ME 04252 List Price: $ 699,000 Original Price: $ 899,000 List Date: 07/06/10  Directions: In Lisbon Falls, turn onto Canal Street at the intersection of ME-196 W/Lewiston Rd and Canal; the property is on your right.

 "The potential exists for Maine Historic Preservation Tax Credit and Military Redevelopment Zone (MRZ) and Tax Increment Financing (TIF) dollars for redevelopment."

 Click here to read much more about this property.

 Take a Virtual Tour here to view photos of property.

Please call me to arrange a time to view it. If there are any other properties that you'd like to know more about, please send me the addresses or listing numbers and I'll be happy to research them and provide you with additional information.

Dot Fitzgerald

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

NaturalNews: The Great Culling and other groundbreaking new films just released‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,

Today Natural News celebrates the groundbreaking new films being produced by passionate, indendent filmmakers who genuinely care about the future of humanity.
In each of these films, the filmmakers pursue these projects as a labor of love for humanity.

Film #1) The Great Culling - Our Water

This film by Paul Wittenberger (What In The World Are They Spraying?) and Chris Maple explores the toxic chemicals being added to our water. It's not just fluoride but a whole host of synthetic chemicals, heavy metals and radioactive substances that you're drinking every day if you drink tap water. (Then again, I doubt any Natural News readers still drink tap water...)

Watch the exciting preview at the Natural News Store page (scroll down):

This film is truly astonishing. I met the filmmakers in person and even contributed an interview to the film. They have done an incredible job of documenting the incredible global fluoride cover-up and how the so-called "scientific" community knowingly lies to the public while poisoning them with industrial chemicals wrongly labeled as "fluoride."
Your purchase of this film helps support the filmmakers as well as the Natural News Store.

Film #2) Heal Yourself, Heal the World - The Legacy of Dr. Max Gerson
This outstanding documentary reveals why Gerson Therapy works. All over the world, people who are suffering from cancer and other degenerative diseases seek out Gerson Therapy because it activates your own healing potential to overcome disease.

But how does it work? And where did it get started? This documentary explores the compelling nutritional science behind Gerson Therapy and presents an irrefutable body of evidence that demonstrates why people who seek out Gerson Therapy experience such phenomenal healing results.

This DVD is available directly from the Natural News Store at:

Film #3) The Sacred Science
If you haven't yet seen The Sacred Science, you're missing out on an incredible journey into the Amazon rainforest with eight brave souls who experience life-changing medicine that revolutionizes their lives.

Poisoned by western civilization and western foods, these westerners seek the secrets of indigenous medicine as has been practiced for thousands of years among Amazon natives. In this journey, they discover spontaneous healing from prostate cancer, Crohn's disease, Parkinson's, breast cancer, alcohol addiction, diabetes and more.

See the preview and check out the film now at:

Natural News to promote and publicize more films
Today I'm interviewing Ed Brown, creator of the powerful new film "Unacceptable Levels" which will be carried by Natural News as well.

It won't be released until October, but you can watch the preview right now at:

We are also talking with the creator of another film called "Bought" which has just achieved its goal on IndieGoGo!

This film looks highly impactful as it explores "the hidden story behind vaccines, Big Pharma and your food."
Check it out at:

The bottom line is that we support independent filmmakers and our dream is to be able to help substantially fund more of these films in the future. For now, we are putting forth our best efforts to help promote and publicize worthwhile films that deserve our collective support.

See all the DVDs we carry at:

Thank you for your support,
- Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

 * These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease.

NaturalNews: Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water daily‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
The Fukushima power plant is now in a "state of emergency" according to Japan's top nuclear watchdog. It has now been revealed that 300 tons of radioactive water are leaking into the ocean each day.
And there's no plan to stop it. Former TEPCO workers warn that another explosion could happen at any time... why isn't the media covering this?

Check out the six ways Turmeric helps heal your body:

Science shock: Most "safety data" on Gardasil vaccines found to be fraudulent:

Admitted: A prominent scientist now admits he helped invent the fictitious disease known as ADHD:

Drug fail! Women who take statin drugs have a 100%+ increased risk of breast cancer:

P.S. You can now call in to the Robert Scott Bell Show LIVE each weekday from 3 - 5pm Eastern. The call-in number is 866-939-BELL (2355)

Today in
- The Reality of Fluoroquinolones -or- How I Became Disabled over night
- Why Am I So Fat?
- How to Make Your Own Sunscreen

More news continues below...

Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily
(NaturalNews) Japan's nuclear watchdog has now declared the leak of radioactive water from Fukushima a "state of emergency." Each day, 300 tons of radioactive water seeps into the ocean, and it's now clear that TEPCO has engage in a two-and-a-half-year...

Most Gardasil 'safety' data discovered to be fraudulent
(NaturalNews) Every time a new scientific study is published with regards to a vaccine or a dietary supplement, the mainstream media is quick to praise the former and denounce the latter without ever actually reading the study in question, let...

Six ways turmeric heals your overburdened body
(NaturalNews) The benefits of turmeric, due to its active ingredient curcumin, have been demonstrated by modern Western medical research and centuries of empirical evidence from India and China. The problem with turmeric's curcumin is that it has a...

Prominent psychiatrist admits he helped invent ADHD as a disease
(NaturalNews) Many vaguely understand that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) keeps making up diseases as they continue developing new issues of their DSM or Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Recently, a founding...

Scientists working on organic solar cells that collect energy like plants do, via photosynthesis
(NaturalNews) A cohort of scientists from the U.S. and Great Britain have made a breakthrough discovery with regards to solar technology that could revolutionize the way we harvest light for energy. Known as organic solar technology, special cells designed...

Women who take statin drugs have 83-143% increased risk of breast cancer
(NaturalNews) New research published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention raises fresh concerns about the safety of statin drugs for high cholesterol, particularly amongst the female population. According to this population...

Four natural and cheap weight loss remedies
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Rogue EPA uses 'sue and settle' tactic to intimidate and oppress state sovereignty
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Finance expert warns 1987-style market crash coming in last half of 2013
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U.S. government awards millions in contracts to companies owned by fictitious people
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Avocados - Superfood for your health
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Five reasons every athlete should do yoga
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Health Ranger reveals Natural News plans, projects, and successes for 2013 and beyond
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Monday, August 12, 2013

More On Worumbo Mill Pending Issues


First and foremost, I want to thank everyone who has commented to the articles on the blogs Lisbonmaine.Net and The Lisbon Reporter.  All your comments are important to us and the residents of Lisbon.  Readership has increased to over 8,000 hits on some days and less on others, so apparently there are many of you who are dedicated readers.

Both blog sites were created to bring the truth to the people.  Since the beginning, we have exposed numerous abnormalities in our town council form of government.  The latest being the two contracts approved by the council, which clearly deviated from Town’s Purchasing Policy.   The most disturbing part of the process is that no one has to explain to the people why they deviated from process in writing.  The council had better hope a forensic audit is never performed on these contracts.

Now, I want to talk about the response from Councilor Garrison to me about a conflict of interest by Chairman Fern LaRochelle.  Councilor Garrison does not see how Chairman LaRochelle owning the property across from the mill constitutes a conflict of interest.  The only person to receive any direct benefit to the improvements to the Worumbo Mill will be Chairman LaRochelle.  Chairman LaRochelle’s property will increase in value.  This is a direct benefit.  Also, Chairman LaRochelle is the only individual who does not have to pay interest and penalty on back taxes owed to the town.  Chairman LaRochelle paid the actual back taxes but not the interest and penalty. 

Now, let’s talk about the Worumbo Mill project.  But first let’s talk about the Knight-Celetex project that is going on now and for the past two years.  I would like the town to wait and complete this project before we move on with any additional funds.  Also has everyone forgotten, the town will be facing an additional Revenue-Sharing loss of over $380,000 dollars next year?  This will be coupled with the additional increases to the Police and Communications Center.  All of these additional items will certainly raise our taxes for another year.  Three years of tax increases in a row!

The purchasing of the mill, by floating a bond for a million dollars, will add to our increase in taxes for the next 10 or 15 years to come.  Look around town at all the businesses that are closed, the empty houses and most of all the houses on the market.  The mill is the least of our problems.   Until the council can control the spending and stop raising our taxes; it should not consider any additional projects.  The town council’s first priority should be getting the town spending under control without raising taxes on the people.  People are leaving town because they cannot afford to live here and the council wants to levy more taxes on the people.

Lately there has been some discussion about the editor of the Lisbon Reporter being run out of town.  This just goes to show the ignorance of these people.  The editor to the Lisbon Reporter does not live in Lisbon but he cares enough about this community to devote all his time into bringing the truth to Lisbon residents.  It takes a lot of time and devotion to maintain a blog site.  The editor doesn’t do this for himself; he does it for you citizens.  I want to thank our editor for devoting his time and effort to helping us improve and sometimes exposing the corruption in Lisbon.

One comment suggested that I would not be happy with any changes in Lisbon.  That simply is not true because I would stand up and cheer if Stephen Eldridge and David Brooks moved on to bigger and better things.  I personally believe they have caused enough damage to our community.

Larry Fillmore

Extended Weather Outlook‏

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. highs 75-80, cooler coast.
Tuesday; showers, thunder, fog. Heavy downpours? Lows 55-62 N/S. Highs 73-78.
Wednesday; breezy and dry. Lows 52-59 N/S. Highs 71-77 N/S.
Thursday; quiet and dry. Lows 50-56 N/S. highs 72-78 N/S, cooler coast.
Friday;  quiet and dry. Isolated mtn. pm thunder? Lows 52-57. Highs 74-79.
Saturday; quiet and dry. Lows 53-58. Highs 76-82 N/S, cooler coast.
Sunday; dry for most. Pm thunder mnts? Lows 55-60. Highs 77-82, cooler coast.
Submitted by: 'Rufe'


Sunday, August 11, 2013



During the Public Hearing on the Worumbo Mill property, the taxpayers are being asked to express their opinions.  I asked Councilors Mason and Lunt to send out a pamphlet providing the residents with the fact and figures for each option.  As of this article, they have not done so but I understand the council is planning on sending out a fact sheet.  I have been receiving numbers and so I am going to try and lay out the citizens' options out for them.  All numbers in this article are the most recent that I have and cannot guarantee they will be the latest come August 20, 2013.

Option 1:  Recommend the council not to purchase the Worumbo Mill.

According to the 2013 Real Estate Commitment Book these are the current numbers.

U05-014   Acres not listed   Land:   Building: Total:  TAXES PAID
                                        111,900   110,000      221,900      4,939.49

Purchasing Price - $100,000

Why should the taxpayers float a bond for one million dollars when the property is only worth $221,900?  $221,900 is a far cry from a million dollars.  Keep in mind; once the town purchases this property, the taxpayers assume all liability on this property.  Can the people really afford to assume this responsibility?

Option 2:  Recommend by the council purchase and demolition of the mill.

The breakdown for the purchase and demolition of the mill is below:

  (click on the above to enlarge)

Total Price - $945,000

This price includes the purchase, demolition and cleanup of the property.  Next, someone has to invest additional funds to develop the property.   Once we do this, the town is going to come back to the people and say the town has too much invested in this not to complete the project and want to float another bond.  If they tell you any different, look all the promises they have broken once they get what they want; the MTM center never closed, the old LES never closed and so many more.

Option 3:  Recommend the council purchase and renovation of the mill.

The breakdown for the purchase and the renovation of the mill is above.  However, the ONLY PORTION of the renovation is for the repair of the roof, exterior walls and skylights.  In the Sun Journal, it is mentioned this included the electrical system.  

Total Price -$2,428,000

If you notice, this only covers the outside of the building and not the inside.  So once again, the town will have to float another bond to cover renovating the insides of the building because once you float the first bond you have too much invested to stop at that point.  Why did the town leave off the cost to renovate the insides of the building?  The reason is this is not the option the town wants the people to consider. 

Now let’s look at the Master Plan Goals (tentative).  If you notice the four options in the fact sheet above are the identical ones Scott Benson, former Economic Community Development Direct, said about the Knight-Celetec (Gypsum Plant).  Let’s take a minute and see how the town handled that property.  First, the plant went into bankruptcy without the town having a clue until it was too late to be included.  As a result the town received no funds to offset the back taxes owed.  

Right now the town has 9 outstanding loans totaling approximately $519,000.00.  Of these nine loans, there are three that passed the payoff date and two businesses have closed.  The town has not collected any of the collateral on these loans.  Is this what you call good management of town funds?

And finally, look around our town at the closed businesses, empty houses and the enormous about of homes that are on the real estate market right now.  If the council was really interested in improving the looks of the town, they would make Lisbon more affordable to live in.  The right way to do this is to LOWER the taxes in our community, instead of raising them every year.   You have to cut spending in order to lower taxes.

Why doesn’t the town have the Code Enforcement Officer enforce our ordinances on the Miller Industries to make the mill look more appealing?

I apologize for the being so lengthy but I believe it had to be said.

I recommend the residents of Lisbon NOT get involved with this scheme and stay out of the real estate market.

Larry Fillmore 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks' "Scripted Performance"

Lisbon Chief of Police David T. Brooks


I just finished reviewing the February 17, 2009 Town Council meeting where Chief David T. Brooks gave his Police Department review and then verbally attacked Councilor Cote, the Lisbon Concerned Citizens and The Lisbon Reporter.  Chief Brooks' attack was in direct violation of paragraph 7 (Decorum) of the Council Working Rules.  I was going to make a comment but decided it was too long for a comment.

It is amazing Chief Brooks did not know the protocol for filing a grievance with the council.  The proper procedure would be to report this to the Town Manager, who should inform the council and this should have been reviewed in Executive Session.  What is even more disturbing is that his boss, Town Manager Eldridge, did not address this violation during the presentation.  Also, Chairman Michael Bowie allowed Chief Brooks to try and embarrass a sitting council during a council meeting.  You could tell this was well scripted because Normal Wells just happened to have the appropriate passage in the working rules ready to read.  It was easy to tell that members of the audience were there to provide additional input in this situation because the majority of them admitted they normally do not attend council meetings.  So how did they know to attend this particular one?  Apparently, there was prior knowledge.

Do not get too excited about the fact that the Office of the Attorney General investigated this case because Brian McMaster is a personal friend of Chief Brooks'.  This is like having the fox investigate the security of the hen house.  If you care to check it, every time Chief Brooks needs help, he turns to Mr. McMaster to handle the situation for him.  I am not saying Roger Cote was right in everything he did but you do not have your friends investigate you and get an honest investigation.

Chief Brooks talked at length about numerous lawyers he had contacted to look into the possibility Mr. Cote could be charged with civil liability.  He also wanted Councilor Cote removed from the council and we all know how that turned out.   Apparently, all the lawyers Chief Brooks talked to, told him he had no case because Roger Cote has never been charged with anything.

So this brings us to the point and I am not going to take sides because nothing was proven but this was a staged performance.  It was a clear violation of our Council Working Rules and no one on the council or the town manager did anything to prevent this type of action, nor did they do anything to take into the council chambers.

Chief Brooks talked about creditability and I have to ask if nothing was done to Mr. Cote how much of what was said is true?  After this performance was over; there was no more mention of any of this.

I believe Chief Brooks and his posse should have taken this scripted performance on the road to maybe Ogunquit Playhouse because it was so well executed. 

Larry Fillmore

 Ethics Panel CLEARS Councilor Roger Cote of ANY wrong doings.

Justice In Lisbon: Lisbon Town Council Meeting February 17, 2009 Police Department Presentation Parts 1 & 2

Part 1

Part 2

Great Falls TV; Lisbon Town Council Meeting August 6, 2013

Thursday, August 8, 2013

One Of The Issues With The Worumbo Mill


At the last Town Council meeting, the councilors conducted a discussion pertaining to the status of the Worumbo Mill property.  This discussion was led by Fern LaRochelle, Chairman of the Town Council, and the owner of the property directly across from the Worumbo Mill.   During this meeting, the members of the audience were not allowed to provide any input.

 Town Manager Stephen G. Eldridge
One of the questions discussed was whether or not the town should float a bond for the demolition of the present structure.  If I understood the figures correctly, it would cost the town approximately $500,000 for demolition and clean up the area.  However, along with this is the cost to purchase the property for appropriately $600,000.   Using these figures, the bond would be a little over one (1) million dollars in which the taxpayers will have to pay back.  This ONLY included the purchase of the property, demolition of the building and cleaning up the area.  It does not cover development of the property.

I am very much in favor of doing something with the Worumbo Mill property but I am SURE the taxpayers cannot afford the price tag.  Remember, the taxpayers have suffered a tax increase for the last two years.  Also, the taxpayers are currently forced to support a communication center that is not a Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) and therefore has to have all 911 calls relayed from the Androscoggin County Dispatch.  Also, because of Chief of Police, the taxpayers have to pay for the top of the line for all police equipment such as 2014 Police Interceptors instead of purchasing 2012 or 2013 vehicles to try and save the taxpayers some money.  The Police Department is the largest cost to the town with the least return on investment. 

I personally do not see the need for the people of Lisbon to purchase the Worumbo Mill propertyOnce the town owns the property; the people of Lisbon assume all liabilities for this property.  The town loses the tax money it is currently receiving for the property.  I see purchasing the property as a lose/lose for the taxpayers.  The only person I see gaining anything in this scenario is Chairman LaRochelle because he owns the property next to the mill.  If the town purchases the property and either renovates or demolitions the current structure his property value will increase.

Of course, there is no “Conflict of Interest” here.  I filed a conflict of interest against a councilor with the Ethics Panel and they found no conflict of interest.  I personally believe the Ethics Panel will never side against a councilor, no matter what.

Councilor Gina Mason

Mrs. Fitzgerald and I attempted to offer suggestions on how to get the word out to the people but Chairman LaRochelle would not take comments from the audience.  After the meeting, I spoke with councilors Mason and Lunt suggesting a pamphlet with all the facts and figures be mailed to each resident with the date of the Public Hearing so citizens will be informed as what they are actually talking about.  I understand it is costly but it is the only way to ensure everyone is informed on what is going on because sooner or later they are going to have to vote on this.  I do not know if this did any good because the council does not normally listen to me.

Larry Fillmore

Recap Town Council Meeting Tuesday August 6, 2013


This council has no regards for town ordinances, our Purchasing Policy or abiding by our Charter.  This council does exactly what it wants and cares less about rules and regulations.

During Audience Participation, I explained to the council how they approved yet another contract in violation of the town’s Purchasing Policy.  The violation was as follows:  “At the last council meeting, this council approved the award of the road striping contract to Markings Inc. without having an official sealed bid being present."  

According to Mr. Eldridge, it was simply left out by accident.

What Mr. Eldridge did not tell the council was an email, not a sealed bid, was sent from Markings Inc. exactly one hour and 36 minutes after the opening of the seal bids, which there were none, and the closing of the formal bid process.  This email is what the town is calling an official bid; however, vendors may submit their bids in writing or by verbal communication only for informal bidding.  This requires a formal bid.  

How did Markings Inc. know to send a quote by email at that exact time?  

I’ll bet if you check Mr. Leighton’s email you will find where he sent an email to Markings Inc. that very morning.  

This council approved the road striping contract without a formal valid sealed bid being present.  Also, Lucas Striping wanted to bid on this contract and never received the RFP or an email from Mr. Leighton.  I know that it is not the town’s responsibility to ensure these companies receive the RFP but everyone should have the same chance to bid on the RFP.

I monitor the town web site several times a week and the last posted RFP was from someone for the ECD department.  I never saw any of these RFP’s on the town web site as Mr. Leighton stated.

Markings Inc. is a Massachusetts business and Sir Lines-A-Lot, LLC is a New Hampshire business.  However, Lucas Striping is located in Sidney, Maine.  Also, there is a company called Pine State Safety Line Inc. out of Topsham which was never considered.  Why do we have to go to Massachusetts for this contract instead of keeping our money in Maine?  

Supporting businesses in Maine helps the economy of Maine.  Remember to “Keep Maine Green”. "This is the second contract approved by this council which violates our Purchasing Policy.”  None of this information fazed the council; they approved the minutes of the last meeting anyway.
Under Council Order, Resolutions & Ordinances – The council awarded a $35,743.00 contract to Howard P. Fairfield for a Dump Trailer and $89,200.00 contract to Messer Truck Equipment for a Trash Trailer.  The Carries and Transfers were tabled until the next meeting.  The council passed the 2nd Reading of the Fireworks Ordinance Amendment and the 1st Reading of the Timber Harvesting Ordinance.  The council then had a private discussion amongst themselves about the Worumbo Mill called Public Notice for Worumbo Mill.  Chairman LaRochelle refused to take input from the audience. 

Under Other Business – There was a debriefing by Debra Wagner and Tracey Steuber complete with a financial breakdown for everyone to see.  Town Manager, Stephen Eldridge, informed us that the annual audit has been completed.

Larry Fillmore