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Monday, November 25, 2013

NaturalNews: The future of medicine: ACAM experts far better informed than conventional docs‏

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
I have seen the future of medicine, and it is embodied by ACAM, the American College for Advancement in Medicine.
Over much of 2013, I've been secretly listening to ACAM lectures and learning a wealth of new information about advanced healing techniques.
Here's how you can tune in to ACAM or even find an ACAM physician near you!

Beware: Flu shot propaganda is in full swing for the holiday season. Yes, these shots still contain mercury!

Europe is running into its last line of defense against antibiotic-resistant superbugs:

Obama spent $4.4 billion to push Obamacare propaganda. So not only are you penalized by it, you also get to pay for the propaganda!

Can probiotics replace antibiotics in farm animals?

more news continues below...

Monday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: What happens in a family when four generations in a row do not vaccinate? The shocking truth will be revealed! Call 1-866-939-2355 with your questions or comments. Listen in at

The future of medicine is here: ACAM conferences, DigiVision Media and the art and science of real healing
(NaturalNews) Given the medical brainwashing, propaganda, drug company bribes and all the other nonsense that goes on in conventional medicine today, it's very difficult to find a group of physicians and clinicians who have any real understanding of healing...

Flu shot propaganda in full swing for holiday season; flu shots still contain mercury
(NaturalNews) It must be the winter holiday season, because the push to poison Americans with flu shots is once again in full force. And, as usual, they are being sold as the ultimate public health and public safety tool, even though predicting which...

Devastating effects of antibiotic overuse strike Europe as 'superbugs' develop resistance to last-line antibiotics
(NaturalNews) The most powerful class of antibiotics known to man appears to be losing its ability to fight deadly infections in Europe, says the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC). A recent announcement by this European Union ...

The remarkable health benefits of colostrum
(NaturalNews) Colostrum is the thin fluid produced by breastfeeding mothers. It is produced in abundance during the very first few milkings, and with each milking, less is produced. Colostrum introduces immunoglobulins from the mother to the infant and...

Obama spent $4.4 billion in taxpayer money to shove Obamacare down our throats
(NaturalNews) New outrages regarding Obamacare surface nearly every day now, so it should not be surprising to learn this: The Obama administration spent a whole lot more to roll out the disastrous law than just a few hundred million on a failed...

Food stamp benefits cut to funnel money into Michelle Obama's 'Let's Move' campaign
(NaturalNews) Major cuts to the federal food stamp program, now known as SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program), came into effect on November 1, which means millions of American families on food assistance will now receive about $29 less per...

How commercial 'vitamin C' supplements can adversely affect your health
(NaturalNews) With the onset of winter, and cold, damp weather, comes the misery of colds, influenza and other seasonal bugs. Many people will purchase vitamin C in the hope of keeping seasonal diseases at bay, but without realizing the true nature of...

Healthy probiotics show promise for replacing overused antibiotics in farm animals
(NaturalNews) It's well known that antibiotics are used heavily on factory farm animals. Their close quarters in CAFOs (concentrated animal feeding operations) are breeding farms for pathogenic bacteria and parasites. In order to curb infectious diseases...

Three bee products that make great health supplements
(NaturalNews) As ongoing soil erosion continues to deplete the nutritional value of many of our healthiest fruits and vegetables, more and more people are starting to seek out less conventional foods to meet their daily vitamin and mineral requirements...

Belgian doctors discover previously unknown body part, proving how little is truly known about the human body
(NaturalNews) Researchers from University Hospitals Leuven in Belgium have made a fascinating new discovery that could change the way people with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears are treated and rehabilitated. After hypothesizing that modern medicine...

Curcumin causes colon cancer cells to self-destruct
(NaturalNews) The second leading cause of cancer-related death in America, colon cancer, is projected to take over 50,000 lives in 2013, just in the US. The steep death toll can be prevented, however, because the causes of colon cancer are preventable...

Depression linked with higher incidence of Parkinson's disease - Research
(NaturalNews) According to a new study published in Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology, people who are depressed may have a significantly higher risk of developing Parkinson's disease. Researchers at the Veterans...

New research on buffaloberry reveals significant source of antioxidants and beneficial nutrients
(NaturalNews) A berry commonly found on Indian reservations in the Dakotas is gaining new attention. A study published in the Journal of Food Science by the Institute of Food Technologists provides new evidence showing that buffaloberries contain...

Beneficial effects of AFA on adult stem cells make it the anti-aging algae
(NaturalNews) Studies have revealed that the consumption of Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) has beneficial effects on adult stem cells. That's great news for those concerned about the effects of aging, because stem cells are incredibly important...

Video: Black college students complain how Obamacare has left them uninsured
(NaturalNews) "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan." Most Americans believed President Obama when he repeatedly made this promise over and over again over the course of two years, prior to the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. Now...

Antidepressant use explodes among developed nations as Big Pharma pushes pills as magical problem solvers
(NaturalNews) Many of the world's most unhappy and depressed people live in developed countries where rates of antidepressant use have skyrocketed over the past decade, says a new report issued by the U.S.-based Organization for Economic Co-operation...

Today from
- Massive, life-threatening medication errors in mental health facilities
- Top 5 supplements to supercharge fat burning
- GMO labeling: New state initiatives

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Give Thanks To The Troops This Thanksgiving

From All of US Happy Thanksgiving!
May God Bless You and Your Families Forever!
Thank You!

Saturday, November 23, 2013



I have compiled a listing of monies that are either missing or misappropriated.  I am sure there are many others that the taxpayers can come up with that I have forgotten.

1.       $32,500 misappropriated from the Economic Community Development Fund.

2.      The Town’s Revolving Loan Fund that does not revolve.

3.      The Town’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF).

4.      Two (2) million tax dollars gone from the Undesignated Fund account.

5.      The Police Vehicle scam.

6.      The “Unfavorable Expenditure” identified by this year’s Audit.

We all know that under no circumstances will we ever see any of the $32,500 again and no matter what happens; the cover-up of these funds will never be discovered.

It has been proved that once a loan is approved and the funds issued; no one monitors the repayment of these funds.  Currently there are nine (9) active loans listed as of July 1, 2013.  However, two (2) of the loans belong to businesses whom have been out of business for years and the collateral was never collected.  Three (3) businesses are far past their final payment date going back to 2008.  That leaves four (4) active; so how hard it is to keep track of four loans? 

 There are a couple of the loans that should have been written-off years ago but the town has NO leadership.

The TIF program is so screwed up that the current town manager signed the contracts with effective dates prior to him being the Town Manager.  Also, the town has been paying businesses not listed on the Credit Enhancement Agreement. 

 Lisbon Town Manager

What can I say about the two (2) MILLION tax dollars unaccounted FOR from the Undesignated Fund Account?  When our illustrious Town Manager, Stephen G. Eldridge, took office the Undesignated Fund had over three (3) MILLION tax dollars and as of the last Audit there is just over one (1) MILLION tax dollars left. 

 The Town Council just spent approximately $40,000 on wage increases.   

The Town Fathers and the Charter Commissions felt strongly about maintaining at least 12.5 percent in the Undesignated Fund Account to prevent the town from going into bankruptcy.  Because of the words “Strive to Maintain”, the Town Council does not feel compelled to maintain this balance.  At the current decent in our Undesignated Fund account, it will be no more than a year or two before the town is bankrupt.

I would like to tell you more about the Police Vehicle scam but I have not been able to compute all the tax dollars involved in this scam because the information the town has provide contradicts itself.  Also Mrs. Maloy has been double-talking trying to confuse the issue like at the last Town Council meeting.  I will provide more once I have the information.

During the yearly Audit presentation, there was an Observation on page 4 of the report that stated that in 2012-2013 there was an “Unfavorable Expenditure” that was related to the Undesignated Fund Account.   

 At the last Town Council meeting, I asked for an explanation.  As usual, Chairman LaRochelle, refused to answer any questions even under Audience Participation Response.  If you check it out, Chairman LaRochelle hardly ever answers any of our questions.  The council totally ignores the Public’s concerns. 

 However, on Friday I submitted another Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) requesting copies of the Purchase orders involved in this “Unfavorable Expenditure” and IF I receive it I will post it for all to see.

I believe that it is time this community demands a Forensic Audit.  I understand that it is costly but it cannot be as costly as all the money the town cannot account for.  Wouldn’t it be nice to know where our tax dollars are going and who is taking them?

Larry Fillmore

 Responsibility lies with the above faces. (left to right, Gregg Garrison, Roger Bickford, Dillon Pesce, Lisa Ward, Fern Larochelle, Stephen G. Eldridge, Gina Mason, Mark Lunt, and Town Clerk,Twila Lycette

Friday, November 22, 2013

Longtime Active Business Lady Responds To Fern Larochelle

 An open letter to Fern Larochelle
In his closing remarks at the November 19, 2013 town council meeting, departing Lisbon Town Council Chairman Fern Larochelle questioned my set of values.

 Lisbon Town Council Chairman Fern Larochelle
Well Fern, my values are well and strong.
I joined the workforce immediately after graduating from Lisbon High School in1949, and other than being a stay at home mom to my 5 children when they were young,  I am still working at 81 years of age. 
I have voted in every election since I was of legal age to vote.
My Dad introduced my to town politics and took me to the Topsham Town Meetings when I turned 18.
I began attending the Town of Lisbon town meetings when my children were old enough to be at home without supervision. That was when town meetings were held on Saturday mornings in March.
You probably were not even a gleam in your father's eye at that time.
I worked at Rosenberg's Department Store on Maine Street until Mr. Rosenberg retired, then was employed at Dunton's Department Store and Senter's Department Store in Brunswick.  
A few years after getting my license to practice Real Estate I opened my own real estate office. In the early 1980's a group of local business owners formed the Lisbon Area Chamber of Commerce. I was a charter and active member.
The Lisbon Chamber  of Commerce was responsible for the first and subsequent Moxie Festivals.

There had been no Christmas lights in the downtown area for several years, so the Lisbon Area C of C raised money and Main Street had Christmas lights and Christmas Tree lighting across from the high school complete with Santa Claus, aka, Pete Hunter. 
Sometime after the Lisbon Area C of C merged with the Androscoggin Chamber of Commerce, local merchants got together and formed the Lisbon Area Merchant's Association, of which I was also a charter member.
Street dances on Main Street in the summer, Oktoberfest in the fall were only a few of the events that we held. All were popular and well attended. We worked hard, had fun, and formed lifetime friendships.
In 1987 I became a Rotarian. I am proud to have been the first female member of Rotary International in the entire area after women were permitted as members.I am a Paul Harris Fellow.  
I attended town meetings until the Town Council form of Government was formed. It was only natural for me to begin attending council meetings.

So, as you can see, Mr. Larochelle, my set of values are still alive and strong.
My parents were hardworking and honest. Those same values was passed on to me, and I have passed that same set of values on to my children.
Please do NOT preach to me about values!!!!!
Dot Fitzgerald
A Founding Member of the Lisbon Concerned Citizens

AMERIKA HAS FALLEN TO HER KNEES! "Dallas Sheriff’s Deputies Assault Free Speech Activists, Punch Alex Jones"

Paul Joseph Watson
November 22, 2013
Dallas Sheriff’s deputies violently assaulted free speech activists during the JFK 50th anniversary event, punching peaceful protesters including radio host Alex Jones in shocking scenes caught on live streaming video.

Federal Agents Brutally Attack JFK Protesters


Protesters were peacefully assembled outside a barricade in downtown Dallas near the site of the official commemoration of JFK.
The barricades were opened and almost out of nowhere, Sheriff’s deputies marched through and forcefully pushed protesters back, with several being violently assaulted, including radio host Alex Jones who was punched in the stomach.
One of the victims of the violence was a father with his young daughter on his shoulders. The girl began crying, but was pulled to safety by her mother.
The police were working on behalf of the Sheriff’s department and also appeared to have been coordinated by the Department of Homeland Security.
Protesters chanted “shame on you” and began to push back against the police who then held their line.
The activists had been assured, under threat of lawsuit, that they would be given access to the area beyond the barricades after the official ceremony was over.
Regular Dallas police who appeared largely friendly before the incident began seemed surprised when the black-clad Sheriff’s cops arrived to instigate the violence.
Alex Jones immediately vowed to file lawsuits against both Dallas authorities and individual police officers who took part in the assault.
Protesters had gathered at the site to peacefully demonstrate against an order by Mayor Mike Rawlings to target individuals who handed out fliers or displayed signs in the area.

More videos and images will be added to this story soon.

Cops start a fight at JFK 50th memorial


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Great Falls TV: Lisbon Town Council Meeting November 19, 2013

Double Talking Lisbon Officials or Is It Just Plain Lieing?


At Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting, Mrs. Jessica Maloy, the Finance Director, made a feeble attempt to justify the method the town uses to acquire Police Vehicles.  Mrs. Maloy tried to explain that I put out erroneous information, and if I did, I received this information from the town.   Mrs. Maloy tried to explain how the town utilizes a Lease to Purchase to acquire these vehicles.

 Lisbon Finance Director Jessica Maloy

However, she left off the part about how the Lease to Purchase option costs the taxpayers more tax dollars in the long run. 

Leasing allows the payments to be strung over years and eliminates having to pay for the vehicle all at once.  This is just what this town needs is to spend more tax dollars than necessary.  If we do not have sufficient funds to purchase the vehicle outright when, why do it?

Mrs. Maloy tried to justify budgeting both the cost of the vehicle and all the lease payments in the same budget.  Now according to a councilor I talk to explained it to me as the council approves the total cost of the vehicle for purchase and then Lease to Purchase in order to pay for the additional lease payments for the other vehicles already on lease.  This process makes absolutely no sense to me because they have several line items in the budget doing the very same thing.   


 Lisbon Police Chief David T. Brooks

At budget time, I  asked how many vehicles are leased and how many have been purchased outright.  Chief Brooks, Mr. Eldridge and Mrs. Maloy have provided partial information and adverted coming right out and explaining the process.  All the vehicles were acquired under the Lease to Purchase program.

Now I am going to provide you documents, I received from Mrs. Maloy through the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) program.  If I do not have the right information, it is because I receive conflicting information from the town.  Below you will find an Invoice (Bill of Sale) for a 2013 Police Interceptor for $23,504.00 and a Purchase Order number 1992 paying this Invoice and then you will see the Schedule A for the Lease to Purchase on the same vehicle.  Check out the VIN number on the Invoice and the Lease to Purchase Schedule A.  Isn’t that funny, the VIN number is the same.  I know that there is no VIN number on the Purchase Order but the Police Department only has one 2013 Vehicle in the fleet and the amount is consistent with the Invoice.

(click on each document to enlarge or print)

Mrs. Maloy, please explain to the taxpayers how many times they have to pay for the same Police vehicle in this town?   

Larry Fillmore

Joe's interpretation of Police vehicle purchase.

  If I read the following post correctly on 9/10/12 Lisbon’s Purchase.Order said we paid  $ 23,504 cash, check nr.114609, for a Ford int.

Then on 10/17/12 we borrowed 23,504 dollars from Androscoggin Bank against this vehicle that we paid cash for on 9/10/12.  We then paid  Androscoggin Bank back $6.077.04 of the 23,504 for the first years loan payment.

This means we are paying over 800 dollars interest on a vehicle we already owned.  And Lisbon Residents going to Council Meetings think we already spent the  $23,504 for a new PD vehicle when in reality we actually only paid  $6,077.04 for the first years payment. Then the next three years the Council asks the public for another $6,077.04 more in the budget each year for yearly payments. Where did the $17,427 (23,504 minus first years 6,077.04) go?

This may or may not be ethical but at the very least it tricks Lisbon Residents into budgeting more for the Pd than is spent on this vehicle.

Purchase Order and Androscoggin documents are located on the following post by Larry Fillmore.

  Joe Hill



At Tuesday night’s Town Council meeting, there was a Supplemental Appropriation agenda item to cover wage increases for town employees.  In the past, wage increases were determined by how much the taxpayers could afford and this applied to the non-union personnel.  Whatever the percentage, was the basis for negotiation with the Unions.  However, this year the town first negotiated with the Unions and then the percentage was applied to the non-union personnel.  According to one of our illustrious councilors, this was done to strengthen the town's bargaining position with the Unions.

This new policy caused the council to knowing and deliberately violate our Town Charter.   

Once the town negotiated with the Union the town was legally bound to the percentage agreed upon.  This means that once negotiated the town is locked into the percentage and since it would not be fair to have Union personnel receive more of a wage increase than non-union personnel the town is compelled to pay the non-union personnel the same increase. 

This brings me to the point.  When the town establishes what figure can be used for a wage increase for non-union personnel, having the Unions know this does not weaken the town's position going into negotiations as stated by this illustrious councilor.  Union personnel are not second-class citizens in this town and whatever wage increase is available should be the same percentage for all. 

The critical part of any negotiations is that both parties come to the table in “good faith”.  Once the town has agreed on the percentage the taxpayers can afford, it should be a moot point during negotiations.    However in Lisbon, the Town Manager has gone into negotiations trying to get the Unions to accept a lower percentage than what was approved for non-union personnel.  This does not reflect “good faith” by the town.  Once again, Stephen G. Eldridge is the problem not the process.

By locking the town into a legal binding agreement, this eliminates the town council from taking any other action but to approve what was negotiated by the Town Manager, Stephen G. Eldridge.   

This should, in every world, be unacceptable at any time and all the time.  Also, the last few years when the town presented a figure for wage increases it was included in the proposed budget and the people were allowed to voice their concerns in this area.  Now the people have absolutely no input at all in the process and it is left up to the town manager to negotiate terms after the approved budget. 

This also forces the wage increases to come out of the Undesignated Fund which is below the 12.5% recommended in the Charter.  However the very next paragraph (Sec86-1 (C)) states the town cannot utilize the Undesignated Fund unless there is an excess.  On a side note, the Town Manager's contract states he receives the same percentage as non-union personnel, so tell me again why he should be in the middle of these negotiations?

This is why negotiating with the Unions first is a blunder.  Locking the town into a position where it has to violate the town Charter is just plain dumb regardless of who does it.  This is exactly what happened this year and the council apparently cannot see this.

I beg the council to take another look at this process and please do not force the town into a position that it has to violate our town Charter.

Larry Fillmore

Rufe's Weather Outlook

Extended Outlook
Today:  quiet and dry. Highs 39-48 N/S.
Friday;  showers, flurries north. quiet. Lows 22-30 N/S. highs 33-46 N/S.
Saturday; breezy and dry. Mtn. flurries. Lows 23-32 N/S. highs 34-47 N/S.
Sunday; windy, flurries . Lows 13-21 N/S. highs 21-32 N/S.
Monday; breezy and dry. Lows 10-17 N/S. highs 25-39 N/S.
Tuesday; quiet. Isolated flurries. Lows 14-21 N/S. highs 30-40 N/S.
Wednesday; breezy and dry. Lows 19-28 N/S. highs 30-42 N/S.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Androscoggin County Budget Passed, Lisbon To See 3.11 Percent Increase

 Daniel Hartill, Staff Writer
AUBURN — In only nine minutes Wednesday night, the 13-member Androscoggin County Budget Committee conducted a public hearing and adopted a $10.3 million budget.

No one from the public spoke, and when it came time for prevote debate, committee members fell silent.
The vote to approve was almost unanimous. The only dissenter was Tizz Crowley of Auburn, who complained that the committee's work was rushed.
"I think our business is finished, ladies and gentlemen," Chairman Norman Beauparlant said.  (...)
Continue reading here.

The Abuse Of Power By Lisbon's Public Officials


As far back as February 17, 2009, when Chief Brooks verbally attacked Councilor Roger Cote has the abuse of power by Councilors been going on.  Then Chairman Michael Bowie allowed Chief Brooks to violate paragraph 7 (Decorum) of the Council Working Rules during a Town Council meeting.  It was apparently preplanned because Chief Brooks had his entire posse in attendance. 

Editor's note: Click here for a refresher: Part 1
                                                                            Part 2

 Chairman Bowie did absolutely nothing to neither enforce the Council Working Rules nor protect a fellow Councilor from being attacked by a Department Head and his posse.

This outrageous behavior by Public Officials to belittle residents by name has become a normal occurrence by Councilors.  Councilor Pomelow did the exact same thing in her farewell speech without Chairman LaRochelle making any attempt to enforce the Council Working Rules.  Councilor Pomelow cannot say she was unaware of the Council Working Rules because she was instrumental in writing these rules

 It is clear that the Town Charter and the Council Working Rules mean absolutely nothing to Councilors because they violate them on continual bases.

Last night at the Town Council meeting the trend continued.  Chairman LaRochelle, during his farewell speech, attached three citizens by name.  Chairman LaRochelle had the audacity to challenge our values after he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar and refused to acknowledge the problem.  Because Dot Fitzgerald, Joe Hill and I would not let it go, Chairman LaRochelle finally acknowledged the problem and paid the back taxes but not the Interest and Penalty.

My parents raised me to accept my mistakes and accept the punishment but Chairman LaRochelle tried to ignore the problem and then used his position to get out of paying the Interest and Penalty on back taxes owed.   

So tell me Chairman LaRochelle, who has values and who does not?

(Editor's note:  Brooks how is your Credibility these days?)

Councilors have tried everything in their power to keep the Public from knowing what is really going on in this community.  The three of us who write for The Lisbon Reporter and the blog sites do this to bring the truth to the community.    Councilor Pomelow accused me of printing false information so I started posting documents I receive from the town through Freedom of Access Act (FOAA).  It has become necessary to utilize the Freedom of Access Act (FOAA) program because the council refuses to answer questions by the Public.   

 Can you imagine what life would be like if when a citizen had a question and asked the council; the council would provide a truthful response?  It is common knowledge that if you ask the Town Manager for any information he will provide either false information or half-truths.

There is absolutely no transparency of local government in Lisbon.  This town council has restricted free speech from its citizens.  Requiring the citizens to confine their comments to agenda items and ONLY during Audience Participation, is a clear violation of our 1st Amendment rights to free speech.  Also, these restrictions are clear violations of the Mission Statement of the town.  The town council continues to ignore fair practice law and the established policies of the community.

Dot, Joe and I are only trying to make this community better.  We spend the time to attend meetings and ask questions which the council refuses to answer with the truth.  It is easy to double talk some of the people but it is hard to double talk all the people.   

Why is it, if the town council is doing everything right, the town council refuses to answer questionable actions by the council?  Let’s start with a simple question.  What is the “Unfavorable Expenditure” identified in the annual Audit and how much did it cost the town?

Larry Fillmore

Recap Town Council Meeting 11/19/13


At last night’s Town Council meeting, it was business as usual.  It was a short meeting and therefore there is little to report.

During Audience Participation there was a questions asked.  “What was the “Unfavorable Expenditure” and how much did it cost the town as mentioned by the Auditors in the annual audit?  But as usual the council did not provide an answer to the question.  As a matter of fact, Chairman LaRochelle NEVER answers any of my questions under Audience Participation Response.

All of the items under COUNCIL ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS & ORDINANCES were voted 7-0 on each. 

2013-173          E911 Road Name Change

2013-174          Route 196 Master Plan

2013-175          Finance Committee Ordinances (1st Reading)

2013-176          Supplemental Appropriation (2nd Reading)

The Finance Director, Mrs. Maloy, gave the monthly finance report.  Once she completed her report she moved to the situation on acquiring the Police Vehicles.  Mrs. Maloy tried to justify how the town is requiring taxpayers to pay more money by doing Lease to Purchase instead of paying outright for the vehicles.  Chief Brooks budgets for the current lease payment and the acquisition of new cars in the same budget.

Councilor Mason gave her farewell to the town after  7 years of service.  She has been a great asset to the Moxie Festival.

Council Chairman LaRochelle gave his farewell to the town.  His speech was filled with accusations of slander, and accusing me, Dottie Fitzgerald and Joe Hill of being bad influences on the town.  The three members mentioned have challenged the action of the Town Council and Town Manager on numerous occasions.  I thought that in a democracy, citizens had a right to their opinion. 

Larry Fillmore

WND: Crowd declares '2nd Revolution' outside White House

You've been waiting for this ever since you-know-who was elected, and now it has finally been declared outside the White House: The Second American Revolution ...
Read the latest now on


In the wake of Barack Obama's purge of top military officials, a U.S. general is now calling for this very serious action taken for the president ...
Click here for details