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Thursday, February 20, 2014

NaturalNews: Battle for humanity nearly lost: food is the new stealth weapon against us all‏ and more

Dear Lisbon Reporter and NaturalNews readers,
This is the most pressing urgent report I've published in at least a year.
The battle for humanity is nearly lost. Food is now deliberately engineered to promote death, not nourishment.
Food contamination is often not an accident, and even children's vitamins are designed to cause long-term neurological damage in children.
This is the conclusion from extensive laboratory testing and food investigations we have conducted here at Natural News. My article explains all this in considerable (shocking) detail:

As part of the overall campaign to poison children, the American Dental Association (which pushes mercury in the form of fillings) now recommends that infants be fed toxic fluoride chemicals:

The EPA, meanwhile, has declared that Bt toxin residue on GM soybeans is "safe" at any level!

On the good news side, check out the incredible skin-healing properties of oregano oil:

More news continues below...

Thursday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: Dr. Jerry Tennant joins RSB to discuss strategies for helping children recover from autism through biomodulation. Listen in at

Today on
- Portion control is the key to sustained weight loss
- 7 health benefits of quinoa
- Natural flavors = hidden poisons

Battle for humanity nearly lost: global food supply deliberately engineered to end life, not nourish it
(NaturalNews) After having now analyzed over 1,000 foods, superfoods, vitamins, junk foods and popular beverages for heavy metals and other substances at the Natural News Forensic Food Labs, I have arrived at...

ADA recommends using fluoride to poison infants as young as six months old
(NaturalNews) As millions of our readers know, we're not fans of dangerous fluoride here at Natural News. It's too bad that so many of our institutions are, however, especially because of the bad advice that they hand out to unsuspecting Americans...

EPA declares Bt residue on GM soybeans to be safe at all levels
(NaturalNews) In another victory for the chemical industry, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared that residue of Bt toxin from genetically modified (GM) Bt crops is permissible at all levels in soy foods for humans and soy...

Alzheimer's, cognitive decline and neurodegenerative disease linked to too much toxic 'free copper' in blood
(NaturalNews) Copper is an essential dietary mineral that must be maintained at levels that are in proper balance with other essential dietary minerals like zinc. But having too much "free copper," also known as bio-unavailable copper, circulating in...

Woman heals her psoriasis with infection-fighting properties of wild oregano oil
(NaturalNews) Dorothy Leibold had psoriasis for two years but ever since taking P73 wild oregano oil, she says she no longer has the skin condition. Her advice is to take it regularly and to make sure to take enough, which of course varies by an individual's...

'Boobies Rock' cancer scammer jailed after launching new phony campaign
(NaturalNews) A two-time con artist has been sentenced to a couple of weeks in jail after using the horrific disease of breast cancer to scam people out of some $2 million. Adam Cole Shyrock of Colorado sold breast-cancer-awareness merchandise under...

Tepco admits to misreporting radiation levels by 500%
(NaturalNews) The company that owns the now-shuttered Fukushima nuclear power facility in Japan, which sustained three reactor core meltdowns following a massive earthquake and tsunami back in 2011, is once again in hot water for fudging the numbers on...

Research reveals the latest weapon against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's: Green tea
(NaturalNews) Is it possible that the simple act of drinking green tea can help protect your brain against Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease? A multitude of studies have looked into the effects that the tea has on neurological health -- and the results...

Stop smoking and get in shape for spring and summer
(NaturalNews) Any smoker can tell you that it is awful to be sitting there smoking a cigarette at the beginning of spring and seeing people going outside and getting in shape, jogging by or playing sports, and you know that, if you don't quit smoking...

Allopathic doctors in America have dollar signs in their eyes over healthy elderly patients
(NaturalNews) What happens to you if you are fairly healthy, over 75 years of age and self-sufficient, and you go to the doctor or hospital because you have asthma, develop bronchitis, catch a virus or get pneumonia? Do doctors take advantage of the elderly...

Natural cures for depression and anxiety disorders
(NaturalNews) Bipolar disorder, depression and anxiety steal the life away from millions of people - every day. Conventional psychiatry offers no hope with their toxic drug protocols that pollute the liver; increase the risk of depression and premature...

44-year-old fetus discovered inside elderly Brazilian woman
(NaturalNews) Impregnated over 44 years ago, a Brazilian woman was shocked when doctors told her that there was a baby still inside her. The 84-year-old woman visited a doctor when she started feeling pains in her pelvic region. When the doctor told her...

Research: Eggs are a great source of protein, minerals and carotenoids
(NaturalNews) The second half of the 20th century was not kind to eggs. The 1950s in particular were a time when eggs were demonized due to their high fat content, which pioneering nutritionists -- notably Ancel Keys, developer of the notorious "lipid...

Health Basics: The label 'All Natural' means absolutely nothing
(NaturalNews) How many people don't read Natural News or research organic food and are falling for scams, right and left, thinking they are eating somewhat healthy food and avoiding cancer? We're not talking thousands or hundreds of thousands or...

Poor quality, disrupted sleep leads to more aggressive and faster growing tumors
(NaturalNews) When you lack sleep, you could feel tired, distracted, and irritable. Your ability to concentrate would be diminished and your immune system would not be functioning at an optimal level, leaving you more susceptible to infections and diseases...

More evidence that yearly mammograms don't cut mortality rates
(NaturalNews) Besides subjecting women unnecessarily to higher doses of radiation, a new study has found that yearly mammograms don't even cut death rates -- which was one of the primary reasons why the medical industry recommends getting one annually...

Join thousands who have already signed the petition for heavy metals limits in rice protein
(NaturalNews) Do you want clean protein products? Right now, many rice protein products sold across the USA and Canada contain significant concentrations of lead, cadmium and...

Some natural products companies now engaging in consumer fraud over heavy metals found in their products
(NaturalNews) Perhaps I shouldn't be so easily amused, but I can hardly stop laughing at the theatrical attempts by some people in the natural products industry to convince their customers that eating heavy metals is good for you. Granted, most companies...

The Maine Wire: “Revival of statewide property tax considered” plus 1 more‏

Revival of statewide property tax considered
Posted: 19 Feb 2014 11:01 AM PST
AUGUSTA – Lawmakers on the Taxation Committee heard testimony Wednesday on a proposal that may give state government the power to collect property taxes, but with only a hollow concept draft to consider, it’s unclear what the bill would do. Democrats say the concept bill, L.D. 369, would provide funding equality between schools in poor […]
Daily Catch: Minimum Wage Hike Threatens Jobs, GOP Eyes Lewiston, Democrats Oppose Religious Liberty (Bill)
Posted: 19 Feb 2014 08:36 AM PST
Minimum Hike Wage Kills Jobs: The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office is quickly becoming a thorn in the Obama administration’s side. First it dropped a bombshell report showing how the Affordable Car Act’s mandates would cause workers to work fewer hours – the equivalent of 2 million jobs lost by 2017. Now the CBO says President […]

FreePress: Breaking News from the Free Press 2 - 20‏

Three New Breaking Stories from the Columbus Free Press

This story isn't just hot...It's Radioactive!
Read about how radioactive waste is used in Hydraulic Fracking and secretly and illegally dump. Also read about how skewed science, government complicity and a silent corporate media cover it up:


Meanwhile, Ohio's Attorney General Mike DeWine Doesnt believe that voting is a right:

The United States Military has boots on the ground in Thailand to possibly intervene in post-election protests or a post-election coup. The Free Press has boots on the ground, our correspondent Richard Ehrlich keeping us informed as always:

Stay Engaged with more breaking news from the Free Press every day

2016 Bombs Away "Hillary Clinton Is The War On Woman"; GOPDD:Kathleen Willey Hillary Clinton Is The War On Woman Kathleen Willey The Kelly File


"Like" Conservative Lady on Facebook and bookmark Follow on Twitter @gopladyamy  Tell her where you saw her.

 By the time the 2016 Election gets here everyone will have forgotten about just how corrupt and awful  human-beings the Clinton's are, "What difference will it make anyways" . People are more interested in the Khardasians clothing or other intrinsic ideals and have an attention span shorter than that of the bladder control of a geriatric golf team!

GOPDD: Krauthammer: The only Hillary accomplishment as Secretary of State is 4 DEAD Americans‏

Charles Krauthammer Tells Hugh Hewitt: Ukraine is the latest of Hillary's accomplishments

Townhall: How Do We Fix A Broken Education System?‏ Plus More Reading

Welcome to Townhall Magazine’s March 2014 issue! Check out an exclusive sneak peek of some of our top stories, and order Townhall Magazine today for these can't-miss articles:
Order Townhall Magazine for these can't-miss articles:
Joel Gehrke: "How Government Broke Education”: Big Government broke America’s higher education system. Here’s how to fix it.
Kevin Glass: "College Isn’t for Everyone": By shoehorning more and more students into schools they aren’t prepared for, to obtain degrees they don’t need, the federal government is undermining higher education.

This month you can: Get Greg Gutfeld's new book!!

Daniel Doherty and Amanda Munoz: "Tomorrow’s Party Today": The future of the Republican Party depends on how well it can appeal to a growing and significant portion of the electorate: our nation’s youth.

David Freddoso: "Grievance Deficit Disorder": America is far more tolerant today than it ever has been. This is a disaster for the progressive movement which is forcing wannabe heroes to create their own alternative reality.

Leah Barkoukis: "The Dirty Jobs of the mikeroweWORKS Foundation": An in depth look at how Mike Rowe of the Discovery Channel’s “Dirty Jobs” fame is trying to change how America thinks about work..

*Cover Story*: "How Government Broke Education” by Joel Gehrke:*Scroll down for an exclusive excerpt of the article!*

Excerpted from Townhall Magazine's March's cover story, "How Government Broke Education" by Joel Gehrke:

The United States is suffering from a crisis in higher education. Our economy desperately needs highly skilled workers to stay competitive in today’s global economy. But while our existing system of four-year higher education institutions is working well for some highly talented and wealthy students, millions more are graduating without the skills employers want and saddled with tens of thousands in debt.

Collectively, Americans owe more than $1 trillion in student loan debt. That is far more than they owe in credit card or car loan debt. And the youngest Americans owe the most since tuitions have skyrocketed as the amount of federal financial aid for higher education has increased.

Higher debt at an early age means kids moving back in with their parents, cars not bought, marriages not joined, and new homes not built. It is a huge drag on the entire economy.

Something must change.

There are people trying to change higher education. Some of them are even backed by millions in venture capital funding. But, with help from the federal government, the current cartel of higher education providers are shutting them out.

Take Ivy Bridge College, for example, an institution created through a partnership between Tiffin University in Ohio and Altius Education, Inc. Founded in 2008, Ivy Bridge College expanded access to four-year higher ed institutions by first offering traditionally undeserving students a shot at an associate’s degree. By offering extensive support services, including not just tutoring but life-coaching as well, Ivy Bridge established a strong associate’s degree graduation track record, and then, depending on their grades, guaranteed them a transfer to a partnered traditional four-year institution, including household brand names like Arizona State.

Because of its relationship with Tiffin, Ivy Bridge students could pay their tuition with federal loans, which would generate revenue for the university and Altius Education, which financed the company.

Altius and Tiffin worked well together. The Higher Learning Commission, which accredits Tiffin, praised Ivy Bridge in 2010 for “deliver[ing] education to a relatively underserved population,” according to documents obtained by Townhall. By August of 2012, Ivy Bridge had almost 2,200 students. That same year, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation awarded the for-profit/non-profit college a Next Generation Learning grant. A year later, HLC told Tiffin that the university must cut ties with Ivy Bridge or risk the loss of its accreditation. Tiffin complied, which has effectively killed Ivy Bridge by cutting it off from federal funding.

“The thing that changed was the political environment that the accreditors were in,” Altius CEO Paul Freedman told Town- hall. And that political environment changed when Higher Learning Commission President Sylvia Manning was hauled before the Senate Education Committee by Chairman Tom Harkin (D-IA) to explain the rise of for-profit colleges such as Kaplan University and the University of Phoenix.

Harkin and his colleagues based their criticism of Manning and HLC on the case of Ashford University, a for-profit institu- tion in Iowa once known as the Franciscan University of the Prairies. With the college on its last legs in 2005, HLC, under the leadership of its previous president, allowed a company called Bridgepoint Education, Inc., to purchase the accred- ited religious school without putting the new for-profit model through an accreditation review.

Six years later, Ashford enrolled 78,000 students receiving more than $600 million in federal subsidies annually. Sixty- three percent of the people seeking four-year bachelor’s degrees dropped out in the first year, according to Harkin, which looks good compared to the 84 percent dropout rate among students pursuing a two-year associate’s degree.

“I think this is a scam, an absolute scam,” Harkin said.

Manning left that hearing having promised that HLC would cut off the shortcut to accreditation (and thus federal dollars) that Bridgepoint had taken. “What happened in 2005 could not happen today,” she said.

When Ivy Bridge College’s for-profit parent company, Altius, tried to operate independently from Tiffin two years later as part of a joint venture, HLC blocked the change and reversed its earlier approval of Tiffin’s relationship with the for-profit institution.

“They’ve boxed the innovators out of higher education,” Freedman told Buzzfeed in an August report on the demise of Ivy Bridge.

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Lost the Ball

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wake To Hell Up Americans! Hillary's Benghazi Lies Are Covering Up A Dark Clinton Secret‏ and much more, if you care!

 Hillary famously said about Benghazi, “Was it because of a protest or was it because of guys out for a walk one night and decided they’d go kill some Americans.” “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”
Hillary is posing a false question.  It doesn’t make any difference whether it was protest or thugs out for a walk.  What matters is that she didn’t do her job and provide Stevens with proper protection.  If she had been vigilant, either the protest or the thugs would have been stopped.
It also matters that Hillary tried to minimize Al-Qaeda by emphasizing the silly video.  She and Obama had said that Al-Qaeda had been defeated and it was necessary for the prestige of their administration to maintain this myth.
Benghazi proved that our leaders were lying.  It was necessary for Hillary to pin it on the video rather than the supposedly defunct Al-Qaeda.
Oh there is much more to read here:

Rampant Democrat Corruption

Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.

Islam’s Shadow War Against the World
By Onan Coca

Islam is different from other religions because it is all consuming. Unlike Judaism, Islam demands the conversion of the unbeliever or punishment is meted out in this life, not just the next. Unlike Christianity, Islam demands non-Muslims to remain silent about their beliefs. Unlike Buddhism, violence is often prescribed to ensure the spread of Islam. All of these things have worked together to ensure Islam’s dominance of North Africa and a huge swath of Asia… but it’s not enough. Islam wants more. Islam demands more.
islam cancerAnd so over the last generation we have idly watched as Islam has spread to Europe and began infecting pockets of the West. So much so that even as some nations have begun to try to defend themselves, the reality is that they are too late. They never realized they were fighting a shadow war.
As Germany begins to succumb to Islam, just as much of the rest of the world has, some brave voices have stood up to fight back. One of those voices has become an internet sensation for her brave stand against Islam. Her name is Heidi Mund, and she has decided that her country is worth fighting for.


Islam's Shadow War Against the World

Islam is different from other religions because it is all consuming. Unlike Judaism, Islam demands the conversion of the unbeliever or punishment is meted out in this life, not just the next. Unlike Christianity, Islam demands non-Muslims to remain silent about their beliefs. Unlike Buddhism, violence is often prescribed to ensure the spread of Islam. All of these things have worked together to ensure Islam’s dominance of North Africa and a huge swath of Asia… but it’s not enough. Islam wants more. Islam demands more.
And so over the last generation we have idly watched as Islam has spread to Europe and began infecting pockets of the West. So much so that even as some nations have begun to try to defend   themselves, the reality is that they are too late. They never realized they were fighting a shadow war.
As Germany begins to succumb to Islam, just as much of the rest of the world has, some brave voices have stood up to fight back. One of those voices has become an internet sensation for her brave stand     against Islam. Her name is Heidi Mund, and she has decided that her country is worth fighting for.

Read more here:
Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.


Jon Stewart better be careful or he might begin seeing much higher ratings among Republicans.
Just last week he took Democrat House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi to task for the failure that is Obamacare. Now he is taking Democrat corruption head on with his unique perspective on government payoffs.


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NaturalNews: Heavy metals denialists, consumer fraud and real-life charlatans‏

Dear Lisbon Reporters and NaturalNews readers,
The response to Natural News publishing heavy metals laboratory results for natural products has been almost entirely positive among readers, but some smaller natural products companies have resorted to deceptions, denials and even consumer fraud over the issue.
Here's why you should never trust anyone who tries to blow off the issue of heavy metals:

The infamous "yoga mat chemical" found in Subway breads is also found in these 10 other fast foods:

High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer. So why won't oncologists use it?

The top four real reasons why people are getting sick these days:

More news continues below...

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Wednesday on The Robert Scott Bell Show 3-5PM EST: So much for blaming kids who do not get their shots! Ty Bollinger and RSB explain why the outbreaks of whooping cough are due to those who are actually getting pertussis vaccines! Listen in at

Today on
- Getting rid of joint disorders
- Health benefits of fermented foods
- Staying clean in a toxic world

Some natural products companies now engaging in consumer fraud over heavy metals found in their products
(NaturalNews) Perhaps I shouldn't be so easily amused, but I can hardly stop laughing at the theatrical attempts by some people in the natural products industry to convince their customers that eating heavy metals is good for you. Granted, most companies...

10 other companies that use the same Subway yoga mat chemical in their buns
(NaturalNews) As our editor-in-chief, Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, reported recently, consumer advocate Vani Hari -- better known to many Americans as the "Food Babe," won yet another victory in her...

Top 4 reasons you are sick
(NaturalNews) We live in an age where sickness is considered "normal". Allergies, migraines, digestive disorders, poor sleep, lack of energy, and muscle and joint pain are considered a part of life, and not indicative of any serious illness. How did we...

California's Safe Cosmetics Program database fails to deliver due to 'trade secrets' option
(NaturalNews) New cosmetic product regulations from the state of California are not working. Intended to give consumers more information about the chemicals that are packed into their cosmetics, the new California Safe Cosmetics Program Product Database...

Cat bites deemed more dangerous than dog bites
(NaturalNews) Getting bit by any domesticated animal is not something that most people want, but a new study has found that cat bites are far worse than dog bites. That said, the American Humane Society reports that about 4.7 million dog bites occur...

Shock: Children as young as two turning to coffee
(NaturalNews) More and more, kids in the United States are turning to caffeine-laced drinks, and in particular coffee drinks, including children as young as two years old, according to a newly released study. The research, published in the journal...

High-dose vitamin C injections shown to annihilate cancer
(NaturalNews) Groundbreaking new research on the cancer-fighting potential of vitamin C has made the pages of the peer-reviewed journal Science Translational Medicine. A team of researchers from the University of Kansas reportedly tested the effects...

The miracle perspective that puts problems in their place (validated by science)
(NaturalNews) For decades, NLP practitioners have been teaching a simple yet profound "miracle" technique that puts problems in perspective and leads to solid, healthy choices. This method is so simple and powerful that most people wonder how it ever...

Smog in Beijing makes life barely sustainable
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The many ways to use bentonite clay
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University apologizes for censoring First Amendment rights of students who oppose abortion
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Scientists bring energy-efficient nuclear fusion closer to reality
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FDA reevaluating safety of pain medications following multiple studies showing major harm
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Toxic heavy metals in lipsticks threaten health of women and unborn babies
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TMB: CBO: Minimum Wage Hike Could Leave 1 Million Unemployed‏

CBO: Minimum Wage Hike Could Leave 1 Million Unemployed By Bill McMorrisThe 40 percent minimum wage hike touted by President Obama and congressional Democrats would cut 500,000 jobs and could leave as many as 1 million people unemployed, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Split within Al Qaeda Over Syrian Rebels Grows   By Bill GertzSharp divisions among al Qaeda terrorists in the Middle East are continuing despite a recent appeal by the group’s top leader to heal the rift between two warring factions.

Subpar: Anti-Obama Street Art Covers Santa Monica By Elizabeth HarringtonAn unknown artist is covering the streets of Santa Monica, Calif., with posters declaring President Obama to be “subpar.”

German Company Denies Selling Death Cranes to Iran By Adam KredoThe chairman of a German company whose cranes are reportedly being used for public hangings in Iran lashed out at critics and dismissed calls for his company to end its relationship with Tehran on humanitarian grounds.

Owners of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Stock Unable to Access Future Earnings By Daniel WiserA recently revealed memo from the Treasury Department indicates that owners of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac common stock will not be able to access any future earnings from the mortgage giants, a previously undisclosed arrangement that experts say might violate securities laws and amount to a de facto nationalization of the companies.
Former Democratic Congressman Arrested in Zimbabwe By WFB StaffFormer Rep. Melvin Reynolds (D., Ill.) was arrested in Zimbabwe, the Associated Press reports.

Scalia Dissents: Chicago Deep Dish ‘Not Pizza’ By WFB StaffSupreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia issued a decision Monday that Chicago-style pizza is “not pizza,” the Washington Times reports.

Kate Upton Has The Right Stuff By Robert CharetteI respect Sports Illustrated‘s reasonable business decision to slap a troika of swimsmokes on its cover to triple the promotion potential of its 50th Swimsuit Issue. Three is better than one and six is better than two. But it was to my dismay that the mag appeared to be operating under the assumption that Kate Upton is yesterday’s news.

Shrinkage By David RutzThe labor force participation rate, a key indicator of economic strength, has undergone a sharp decline during the Obama administration, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The Maine Wire: “Daily Catch: Defending the Sweetser Speaker, Medicaid Keynesianism, Big Labor’s Big Loss” plus 2 more‏

Daily Catch: Defending the Sweetser Speaker, Medicaid Keynesianism, Big Labor’s Big Loss
Posted: 18 Feb 2014 09:20 AM PST
Liberals rush to protect the Sweetser Speaker: After 26 House Republicans signed a letter asking House Speaker Mark W. Eves (D-North Berwick) to recuse himself from the Medicaid expansion debate due to a potential conflict of interest, the main stream media has finally caught notice. (It might also help that the Speaker’s crude attempts at […]
Schaeffer: Human Capital and Maine’s Future
Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:33 AM PST
“There is no precedent in human history for economic growth on declining human capital – and that’s before anyone invented unsustainable welfare systems.” – Mark Steyn,  America Alone The Maine Heritage Policy Center has done considerable research and exposition on Maine’s ‘demographic winter’ in recent years.  To date however, we see precious little policy emphasis […]
Maine’s budget blow-out would be worse if not for LePage pension reform
Posted: 18 Feb 2014 07:07 AM PST
Once again, like a recurring nightmare, another gaping hole has been ripped in the state budget. And once again, it’s the same hungry beast ripping the biggest budgetary holes in the state’s checkbook: Medicaid, the profoundly broken and dysfunctional medical welfare program we call MaineCare. The estimated Medicaid fiscal gap is approximately $78 million, which […]

Governor LePage, Maine Legislature: Curb the rising tide of drug overdose deaths, support LD 1686‏

Over the last decade Maine has seen overdose deaths rise
 over 85%. With an average of 170 drug overdose deaths per
 year we lose roughly one person every other day. With the
 recent surge in heroin use, these figures are only expected
 to increase. Naloxone is an opioid antagonist that has no 
effect other than to counteract a drug overdose. By expanding
 access to Naloxone we will better ensure that it is in the 
right place at the right time to reverse an opioid overdose.
Maine cannot afford NOT to do something about this public 
health emergency. Support LD 1686 would help curb the rising 
tide of drug overdose deaths afflicting Maine citizens. 
That's why I signed a petition to The Maine State House, The
 Maine State Senate, and Governor Paul LePage.
Will you sign this petition? Click here:
Dwight Hines

Have You Been Scammed By Your Lending Institution? Who Owns My Mortgage? Judge Dismisses Foreclosure

Submitted by: 'Roger T'

Monday, February 17, 2014

Awesome video: Arlington flyover by civilian pilots

For those of you who think Big Government has all the answers, just take a few minutes to watch this video. Two Air Force Pilots, Major Howard V. Andre Jr. and Major James E. Sizemore, were buried in 2013 at Arlington National Cemetery and were honored with a flyover by civilian pilots — the US Air Force claimed budget cuts prevented an Arlington flyover. But the civilian pilots stepped in make it happen.

                         Flight of Honor


 The Air Force pilots were killed in action over Laos during the Vietnam War and their remains were discovered in 2012 and returned for proper burial at Arlington. This Flight of Honor was truly awesome for the other pilots to plan and conduct.
It is and always shall be the indomitable American individual spirit that will sustain the greatness of America. Last Fall when the federal government placed barriers and obstacles in the way of World War II Veterans during an Honor Flight visit, those veterans said heck no, and breached the obstacles.
When government fails we find a way to care for our fellow Americans. We find a way to honor our veterans. We find a way to honor our Fallen. God bless America!

Compliments of Allen B. West

Submitted by: 'Friends of Flight'
For those of you who think Big Government has all the answers, just take a few minutes to watch this video. Two Air Force Pilots, Major Howard V. Andre Jr. and Major James E. Sizemore, were buried in 2013 at Arlington National Cemetery and were honored with a flyover by civilian pilots — the US Air Force claimed budget cuts prevented an Arlington flyover. But the civilian pilots stepped in make it happen.

Photo of Those Who Work in D.C. During a Snow Day

Changing of the Guard Ritual

The guard is changed every hour on the hour Oct. 1 to March 31 in an elaborate ritual. From April 1 through September 30, there are more than double the opportunities to view the change because another change is added on the half hour and the cemetery closing time moves from 5 to 7 p.m.

An impeccably uniformed relief commander appears on the plaza to announce the Changing of the Guard. Soon the new sentinel leaves the Quarters and unlocks the bolt of his or her M-14 rifle to signal to the relief commander to start the ceremony. The relief commander walks out to the Tomb and salutes, then faces the spectators and asks them to stand and stay silent during the ceremony. 

The relief commander conducts a detailed white-glove inspection of the weapon, checking each part of the rifle once. Then, the relief commander and the relieving sentinel meet the retiring sentinel at the center of the matted path in front of the Tomb. All three salute the Unknowns who have been symbolically given the Medal of Honor. Then the relief commander orders the relieved sentinel, "Pass on your orders." The current sentinel commands, "Post and orders, remain as directed." The newly posted sentinel replies, "Orders acknowledged," and steps into position on the black mat. When the relief commander passes by, the new sentinel begins walking at a cadence of 90 steps per minute.
The Tomb Guard marches 21 steps down the black mat behind the Tomb, turns, faces east for 21 seconds, turns and faces north for 21 seconds, then takes 21 steps down the mat and repeats the process. After the turn, the sentinel executes a sharp "shoulder-arms" movement to place the weapon on the shoulder closest to the visitors to signify that the sentinel stands between the Tomb and any possible threat. Twenty-one was chosen because it symbolizes the highest military honor that can be bestowed -- the 21-gun salute.
Duty time when not "walking" is spent in the Tomb Guard Quarters below the Memorial Display Room of the Memorial Amphitheater where they study Cemetery "knowledge," clean their weapons and help the rest of their relief prepare for the Changing of the Guard. The guards also train on their days off. 

The Guards of Honor at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are highly motivated and are proud to honor all American service members who are "Known But to God." 

Submitted by: "Curt B."

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Lisbon's Money Game: 2014-2015 Fiscal Year Budget Process‏


The upcoming 2014-2015 budget process will begin shortly.  This will be the hardest and most costly for the residents of Lisbon and especially difficult for our Town Council.  After suffering approximately six years of mismanagement and excessive spending, this council will be asked to come up with a budget the people can live with.  No one has to remind citizens that for the past several years we have been forced to live with our taxes going up yearly.  So what can we do to reduce the impact on our citizens this year?

I believe a great start would be to eliminate any pay increase this year for management.   Our managers are at least 30% over paid.  There needs to be a ceiling cap for all managerial positions.  Tenure should continue to be paid every five years.  If the town can afford a pay raise, it should go to the workers and not management.  However, I do not believe the town can afford to give anyone a pay raise this year thanks to the previous management.

Next according to Chief Brooks, the Police Department has one full-time Administrative Assistant who is paid $10,000.00 more than any other Administrative Assistant.  According to the last job description, half if not more of this Administrative Assistant duties, was dealing with the Communications Center.  But during the last Conflict of Interest hearing, Chief Brooks stated she no longer was performing these duties and yet her salary was never reduced.  The town is paying for duties this Administrative Assistant is no longer performing.  Also, during his last presentation, Chief Brooks mentioned there are two part-time secretaries each performing 20 hour weekly.  So tell me again, why is there a need for a full-time Administrative Assistant and two part-time secretaries in the Police Department? 

 Now, let’s look at the Police Department vehicle situation.  If I remember correctly, Chief Brooks stated in a Sun Journal article that Lisbon is a small community and only one or two officers are on duty at any given time.  Well, if we have 14 officers, why do we need 9 vehicles?  Of these 9 vehicles, according to Chief Brooks, he wants to replace 3 or 4 this coming year.  Exactly where are the taxpayers going to come up with the money to pay for these vehicles and why do we need all these vehicles in the first place?

The Communication Center (Dispatch) is a heavy burden on the taxpayers.  Each year, the taxpayers pay over $500,000.00 in County Tax.  It costs the taxpayers over $275,000.00 in operations cost yearly and this does not include the cost to upgrade or replace the equipment.  This equipment is extremely costly.  Dispatch of Police, Medical, and Fire is a County function because the County is the Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) for all 911 calls.  Lisbon is not and will never be a PSAP!  This council should look into the possibility of consolidating the Dispatch Center (Communication Center) with the County Dispatch Center.  If the County Commissioners approved this move it would relieve the taxpayers of close to $500,000.00 tax dollars.  If the County consolidated these two centers in Lisbon, the town could charge the County rent for the space since it has to remain under the control of the County Commissioners because they are the individuals responsible for the PSAP.   This means the taxpayers would save approximately $500,000.00 in tax dollars and gain additional revenue for rent. 

If this council does not cut the excessive spending, the community will experience another year with an unfavorable expenditure budget variance.  This means the town will spend more than the approved budget and will have to take it from the Undesignated Fund which is already below the recommended balance to keep the town from going bankrupt.  Last year, the town used $223,541.00 of our Undesignated Fund without telling anyone.

Can you imagine what will happen to our taxes this year, if this council does not make some serious decisions?

Larry Fillmore